Decreased Triglyceride and Protein Levels in Diabetic Rat Muscle Following Physical Exercise

Susi Anggawati, Bambang Purwanto, Sutji Kuswarini



Diabetes mellitus has many complications, including decreased muscle mass. To date, triglyceride and protein levels have not been analyzed in detail. Some studies have reported excessive triglyceride and protein catabolism. The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of physical exercise on triglyceride and protein levels in model diabetic rat muscle. Therefore, appropriate therapy is necessary to prevent decreased muscle mass. This study used 27 male rats (Mus musculus), that were divided into normal group (G1), diabetic group without physical exercise (G2) and diabetic group with 21-day physical exercise (G3). We examined triglyceride and protein levels after 21 days of treatment. The data analysis used one-way ANOVA and post hoc tests (Games-Howell and least significance difference (LSD) tests). The Games-Howell test showed a significant triglyceride level difference between G1 and G2 group, while we found no triglyceride level difference between G1 and G3 group as well as G2 and G3 (p > 0.05). On the other hand, the LSD test showed protein level differences between each group (p < 0.05). Further studies on longer exercise periods are needed to determine the ideal physical exercise for diabetes mellitus. This exercise could be used as an appropriate therapy to prevent complications and improve diabetes mellitus patients’ quality of life


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Anggawati S., Purwanto B. and Kuswarini S. (2017). Decreased Triglyceride and Protein Levels in Diabetic Rat Muscle Following Physical Exercise.In Proceedings of Surabaya International Physiology Seminar - Volume 1: SIPS, ISBN 978-989-758-340-7, pages 487-490. DOI: 10.5220/0007341004870490

in Bibtex Style

author={Susi Anggawati and Bambang Purwanto and Sutji Kuswarini},
title={Decreased Triglyceride and Protein Levels in Diabetic Rat Muscle Following Physical Exercise},
booktitle={Proceedings of Surabaya International Physiology Seminar - Volume 1: SIPS,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of Surabaya International Physiology Seminar - Volume 1: SIPS,
TI - Decreased Triglyceride and Protein Levels in Diabetic Rat Muscle Following Physical Exercise
SN - 978-989-758-340-7
AU - Anggawati S.
AU - Purwanto B.
AU - Kuswarini S.
PY - 2017
SP - 487
EP - 490
DO - 10.5220/0007341004870490