POMP - Designing and Implementation of Power Optimization and Mobility Prediction Algorithms for Cellular Green Networks
Anwar Al-Khateeb
In this paper, we use mobility prediction in green cellular network to save the power consumption by controlling the status of station (on or off). Random way point, Random walk and Levy methods are used to model the individual movement of user and geographical dependence method to model the relative movement (depending on the cell). In prediction side Polynomial, Lagrange interpolation and Maximum Likelihood Estimator give accurate predictions with acceptable time computation. Predicted velocity, direction and location of the user will help the basestation to make the decision for next time slot and take chance to stay in sleep mode to save more energy. Geographical information is added to show the user if there are constraints and correcting the direction of user motion in different areas. The optimized power models are implemented using Genetic optimized methods. We used four Genetic multi-objective optimized algorithms: Weighted Sum approach (Scalarization approach), -constraint, Elastic Constraints and Goal programming. The optimized power consumption models will help the designer to make accurate decision in advance to get optimized power, traffic, handover rate and cell coverage.
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in Harvard Style
Al-Khateeb A. (2017). POMP - Designing and Implementation of Power Optimization and Mobility Prediction Algorithms for Cellular Green Networks.In European Space Projects: Developments, Implementations and Impacts in a Changing World - Volume 1: EPS Porto 2017, ISBN 978-989-758-311-7, pages 109-155. DOI: 10.5220/0007902001090155
in Bibtex Style
@conference{eps porto 201717,
author={Anwar Al-Khateeb},
title={POMP - Designing and Implementation of Power Optimization and Mobility Prediction Algorithms for Cellular Green Networks},
booktitle={European Space Projects: Developments, Implementations and Impacts in a Changing World - Volume 1: EPS Porto 2017,},
in EndNote Style
JO - European Space Projects: Developments, Implementations and Impacts in a Changing World - Volume 1: EPS Porto 2017,
TI - POMP - Designing and Implementation of Power Optimization and Mobility Prediction Algorithms for Cellular Green Networks
SN - 978-989-758-311-7
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DO - 10.5220/0007902001090155