experiences with peers than youth without abilities, due to the special requirements for
their access and transportation.
In this context, video games, and in particular exergames, represent a very promis-
ing way to enable youths with CP to perform the exercise they need to break the cycle of
deconditioning, while allowing them to socialize with others in fun ways from the com-
fort of their homes [1, 2]. Exergames are a combination of exercise and video games.
In particular, we refer to digital games that require actions of large body parts (like
trunk or upper or lower extremity, as compared with finger or hand movements in non-
exergames) or the whole body to control gameplay. Reviews of exergames indicate that
they have positive effects both on motivation for active participation in rehabilitation
and on impaired functions. However, the design of these games can be challenging, if
our goal is to help them socialize with others. First of all, limitations in physical abili-
ties of youth with CP make it difficult for them to play many of the existing exergames.
Second of all, there are challenges to social play such as establishing player groups and
playing with players with different abilities that need special consideration. Looking at
these problems, and taking into account the extensive expertise of the project consor-
tium, we believe we can help.
GABLE project aims to create the first online video games service for youths with
CP, which will be the hosting platform of games (exergames and non-exergames) fo-
cused on improving motor skills and visual-motor coordination for youths with CP.
These games will leverage the latest advances in order to improve accessibility. The
platform will be constructed with social networking in mind, which will allow parents,
care givers and patients to socialize in a common environment, to share experiences
and advice, in an effort to provide the best care for CP patients. Caregivers would also
be able to share best practices and lessons learned among themselves, which will help
them provide a better service across Europe and beyond. The focus of the games in
this platform is on social inclusion, by means of improving the physical activity of CP
patients, through the use of multiplayer technologies [3, 4].
2 System Overview
There is no universal games for motor or cognitive rehabilitation that can cater to all
ages and all levels of disability. Thus, a set of games must be designed and customized
according to specific needs required by the patients. The games built within the GABLE
project are being developed in a co-creative environment in order to develop useful
games for the patients. It is important to guarantee that the developed games keep mo-
tivated the users through simple but interactive game scenarios also that can be adapted
to the individual patient’s progress.
Specifically, instead of single player games, this project creates several multi-player
games in which many patients play the same game. Depending on the scenario of the
game, the playing could be done at the same time or different times. Using these multi-
player games, patients will collaborate and compete in the same game scenario. This
increases the social engagement of the patients.
Furthermore, not only the statistical information will be shown by the GABLE
project, it will also provide a tool for predicting the behavior of patients while they
GABLE - GAmification for a Better LifE