Coaching Support by Collecting and Analyzing Data (CoCoAnDa)
Friedemann Schwenkreis
Team handball is a popular, traditional team sport in Europe. However, it is just at the beginning of the digital transformation. The project CoCoAnDa focuses on the discovery of IT-based methods to support team handball coaches in four major areas: automated and manual collection of player and team information, automated detection of group tactics and game events, development of a player and a team performance index, and the longterm prediction of player’s potential. CoCoAnDa has decided to use team handball as the focus area for its research. However, the concepts and findings can be applied in other team sport areas as well. Overall, CoCoAnDa investigates how digital technology and data science can be used to improve the performance in sports.
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in Harvard Style
Schwenkreis F. (2017). Coaching Support by Collecting and Analyzing Data (CoCoAnDa).In OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES for European Projects - Volume 1: EPS Portugal 2017/2018, ISBN 978-989-758-361-2, pages 220-225. DOI: 10.5220/0008862902200225
in Bibtex Style
@conference{eps portugal 2017/201817,
author={Friedemann Schwenkreis},
title={Coaching Support by Collecting and Analyzing Data (CoCoAnDa)},
booktitle={OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES for European Projects - Volume 1: EPS Portugal 2017/2018,},
in EndNote Style
JO - OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES for European Projects - Volume 1: EPS Portugal 2017/2018,
TI - Coaching Support by Collecting and Analyzing Data (CoCoAnDa)
SN - 978-989-758-361-2
AU - Schwenkreis F.
PY - 2017
SP - 220
EP - 225
DO - 10.5220/0008862902200225