Table 1 shows that the highest increase occurred
in the role of science indicators that is equal to 28%,
while the lowest increase occurred in science and
community indicators that are equal to 14%.
Overall, the improvement of students' scientific
literacy abilities through the application of
cooperative learning models is in the "medium"
category. Although the results of this study add to
the list of ways to improve scientific literacy, this
effort must continue to be developed. Many factors
can inhibit the increase in scientific literacy for
students, namely the existence of different learning
demands from PISA demands. So, there are many
recommended ways to improve science literacy such
as Guided Discovery and Problem Based Learning
(Ardianto & Rubini, 2016), Levels of Inquiry (Arief,
2015), Guided Inquiry (Putra, Widodo, & Jatmiko,
2016), Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) (Khaeroningtyas,
Permanasari, & Hamidah, 2016), and Cooperative
Learning (Hariadi, 2009).
The CLM that are applied to the basic concepts of
science can improve teacher students scientific
literacy abilities in the "medium" category. The
indicators of scientific literacy used in this study
include thinking and working scientifically,
mathematics and science, the role of science, and
science and society.
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