of alternative work steps or the best solution strategy
for efforts to achieve educational goals. The benefits
of educational planning are also to prepare
alternatives to the plan of a series of activities if
there are unintended errors that can be resolved
quickly and appropriately by using prepared
alternatives, can be useful in the preparation of the
institutional priority scale both in terms of the
targets to be achieved and the process of service
activities education, can streamline and streamline
the utilization of diverse resources of organizations
or educational institutions. From the utilization of
educational planning resources also analyze the
utilization of resources needed as efficiently and
effectively as possible to avoid excessive use of
resources, can help school leaders adapt to the
development or dynamics of socio-cultural change.
With the planning of education of all related
parties in it such as school residents are expected to
participate in supporting the implementation of
educational planning in accordance with their
respective positions, can be used as media or a tool
to facilitate in coordinating with various parties or
educational institutions concerned, in order to
improve the quality educational services. Through
educational planning that has become a common
goal of educational planning can be used as a tool to
coordinate in carrying out the tasks of each section,
can serve as a medium to minimize inefficient or
uncertain jobs. One of the risks of the
implementation of inefficient planning for inefficient
work, through education planning can be anticipated
in inefficient work, and even good planning can
even serve as a tool in evaluating the achievement of
educational service process objectives. A description
of the goals to be achieved in which there is how the
process is done.
Educational mapping is also an important issue
for one of the information suppliers useful for
decision making. The real picture of a condition in a
particular region, becomes the point of our education
development. In the long run, the resulting policy is
aimed at increasing availability, affordability,
quality, relevance, equity, and certainty in obtaining
education services in Indonesia. Educational
mapping can be the basis of educational planning.
The role of school mapping as a basis for improving
educational services is also proposed by the
Philippine Department of Education (2012) "School
mapping is a set of techniques and procedures used
to plan the demand for schools at the local level and
to support decision-making on the planning, policy
formulation, resource allocation and prioritization of
future school development. "It is clear that this
educational mapping can be used by policy holders,
especially local governments, to support decision-
making in planning, policy formulation, resource
allocation, and prioritization of school development
for the future. As part of educational planning,
school mapping can be viewed as a method of
micro-educational planning in the form of a process
of structuring or rearranging existing school
networks so as to obtain new networks with greater
capacity. Existing resources can be optimally
utilized. Furthermore, it is endeavored that the
quality of education is more weighty and has
relevance to development. (Sutiman, et al., 2012)
Implementation of social engineering needs to be
done as soon as possible, because it relates to the
effort to realize the vision, mission and objectives of
the affirmation of Indonesian character based on
Pancasila.Suatu young people who are expected this
nation is a young generation who are intelligent,
independent, knowledgeable, technologically,
skilled, honest, hard work , and berakhlakul
karimah, in accordance with the meaning of national
education goals. The educational process that is
capable of producing a good young generation can
bring about a positive social change for a nation.
Many under-developed countries, in the not-too-
distant future, have developed countries from the
spectacular government policies accompanied by a
high commitment to investing in human resources
investment, not just rely on natural resources. The
existence of education can affect social change, in
which social change will have a function that is:
doing cultural reproduction, developing cultural
analysis of traditional institutions, making changes
or modifications of traditional social economic level,
and making more fundamental changes to traditional
institutions that have been left behind. In the process
of social change the modifications are often irregular
and incomplete, although the changed joints are
closely interrelated, resulting in cultural inequality.
He also said that the rapid change of technology will
obviously bring widespread impact to all public
institutions so that the emergence of poverty, crime,
criminality and so on is a negative impact that can
not be prevented. For that education should be able
to analyze the needs of value, knowledge and
technology most urgently can anticipate people's
readiness in facing change. After obtaining a picture
of management in general, the understanding of
management education will be easier, because in
terms of principles and functions are not much
different, the difference will be seen in the substance
of the object of study that is all things related to
education problems.