social (responsive smile , eating independently,
drinking using a cup, using a spoon, controlling
bowel movements, dressing themselves)
(Selikowitz, 2001), but in children with mental
retardation will experience delays compared to
normal children of the same age. This is
demonstrated by the inadequacy of caring and caring
behavior, socializing with peers, communicating and
other adaptive skills (Shea, 2006)
A child with mental retardation is a child who
has substantial limitations in present functioning
characterized by the phenomenon of below-average
intellectual functions that simultaneously relate to 2
or more areas of adaptive ability such as
communication, attention self-care, home life, social
skills, community use, self-help, health and safety,
academic, recreational and work functions.
Aggression is a physical or verbal behavior that is
intended to injure the object of aggression. A
behavior can be categorized as an aggression
behavior if there is intent and hope to harm or
damage the object of aggression and the desire of the
object of aggression to avoid aggression directed to
it. Aggression is often closely related to anger.
When someone is angry, there is usually a feeling of
wanting to attack, punching, destroying or throwing
things and usually arises a cruel thought. When
things are channeled then there is aggression
The most visible forms of aggressive behavior
are hitting, fighting, screaming, shouting, refusing to
follow orders or requests, crying or destroying.
Children who show this behavior usually we think of
as a troublemaker or troublemaker. In fact, children
who do not experience emotional or behavioral
problems also display the behaviors as mentioned
above, but not as often or as conclusively as children
who have emotional or behavioral problems.
Children with aggressive behavior usually get
additional problems such as not received by friends
(hostile, shunned, not invited to play) and considered
a problem maker by the teacher. Such aggressive
behavior is usually reinforced by strengthening of
the status environment, considered great by peers, or
obtaining something to be desired, including seeing
a friend cry when hit by him or her. Goleman (1996)
states that from some research results in dealing with
students' aggressive behavior in school, social and
emotional skills learning programs show positive
results. Students who are involved in the program
are getting less aggressive. Goleman (1996: 274)
states: "... and the longer they have been in the
program, the less aggressive they were as
Based on some of the above opinions, students'
aggressive behavior can be reduced through social
and emotional skills learning programs. It is difficult
to compile a comprehensive list of what social skills
a child should have in order to always succeed in his
social interactions, because as social life itself,
opportunities for social success can also change over
time, context, and culture.
The student's aggressive behavior at school has
become a universal problem (Neto, 2005), and lately
has tended to increase. News about the involvement
of students in various forms of riot, fighting,
fighting, and other acts of violence is increasingly
heard. Aggressive behavior of students in schools is
very diverse and complex. The problem of
aggressive behavior of students is increasingly
complex when aggressive behavior recently also
shown by teachers, there are teachers who beat
students, some even to torture / kill their students.
Aggressive behavior that occurs in the educational
environment if not immediately addressed, in
addition to disrupt the learning process, will also
cause students tend to adapt to these bad habits.
Such situations will shape the students to imitate and
behave aggressively too, so that the students'
aggressive behavior in school is considered normal
and will be widespread.
School, it should be a fun place, a safe and
healthy place, where students can develop their full
potentials completely. However, entering into a
school environment for a student is not always fun,
it may actually make them stressful, anxious and
fearful. The shadow of violence when entering the
school environment often haunts students.
According to Todd, Joana, et al. (in Nataliani, 2006),
physical and verbal violence among students has
become a serious problem in many countries around
the world. The students' aggressive behavior has had
a negative impact, both for the students themselves
and for others. Children who experience violence
will experience problems later in life both in terms
of health and life.
One of the factors that can affect the students'
mental retardation is counseling guidance (BK).
Guidance and counseling is a process of providing
assistance to develops itself optimally, so that it can
be self-sufficient and or take decisions are gradually
being answered. So what you want to achieve with
guidance is optimal level of development for each
individual according to his ability. Another factor
that affects the aggressive behavior of students is the
social competence of teachers. According to Buchari
Alma (2008: 142), social competence is the ability
of teachers to communicate and interact effectively