the mother. Anak boru is all families of the sons and
daughters in law.
The three elements of the indigenous community
Dalihan na tolu constitute a specific pattern in the
land tenure system in North Sumatra. Therefore, to
create land tenure model based on Dalihan na tolu in
Bataknesse society can be the basis for solving land
tenure conflict of agricultural land particularly in
North Sumatra through the formulation of the rights
of both individual and communal lands.
The conflicts of
land tenure should be
resolved; otherwise, they will adversely affect
agricultural development in Indonesia. Farmers,
businessmen, and governments are those who always
get involved in the conflicts. However, the farmers
become the party which is always harmed in the
conflict. Conflict triggered by the land requirement
for individual farmers will continue to rise due to
population growth from year to year, while the rights
to the land are not precisely clear.
Land tenure
ownership, utilization, and
control of the land is more than just ownership.
Therefore, regarding who owns the land, exploited by
whom and for what, how to control the status of the
land is the thing that can be arranged in the overall
system of land tenure.
This study tried to put the society as a subject in
land tenure model that forms the basis of land tenure
conflict resolution itself. With the clarity of the rights
of local communities to land, the difference between
the interests of individuals or groups can be placed in
accordance with their respective rights. The basic
rights of the land tenure explain not only the problem
of ownership but also the problem of the use and
control of land.
a clear model of the land tenure, the
doubt of the rights can be overcome so that conflicts
can be avoided, and aquaculture activities on land will
be secure. With customary basis, Dalihan na tolu of
Bataknesse in North Sumatra, land tenure model is
developed for the purpose and can be a reference for
similar cases in other regions, especially in Indonesia.
simplest form, land tenure systems
determine who exploit what resources for, how long,
and under what conditions. The system of land tenure
is important in rural development to emphasize the
use of assets that support sustainable livelihoods. In
connection with development in the rural, the base
rights should be clear, and the benefits obtained
should be too. Therefore it is important that the
institutional arrangement of the system can determine
the rights on the land, how long, for what purpose and
under what conditions (FAO, 2002).
The land
system is part of property rights
that rest on the land. As tenure rights to land, land
tenure systems, especially regarding the relationship
that is built on the basis of legal or custom between
individuals, or groups in relation to land. Tenure rules
explain how the rights of land allocated in the
community. How access is obtained as a right
utilization, control and transfer land, which is
associated with the responsibilities and restrictions
(FAO, 2002). According to Goh (1998), what is
important is the actual access by land managers who
can be controlled, either with or without ownership of
According to La Croix (2002) land tenure
systems can be categorized into three dimensions, (1)
the presence or absence of formal ownership status as
property rights recognized by state law, (2) the level
of ownership by contract to use the land, and (3)
spectrum of private-property rights on communal
land. In the case of the individual, the freedom of
tenure with a clear status can be inherited
continuously, and the self-reliance of land has often
been registered by the state, accompanied by certain
obligations. On the other hand, the land is temporarily
utilized in the communal land.
of this research are categorized in
two ways, first in the development of science and
second in the policy. The benefit in the development
of science is to get the concept of land ownership
which is determined by the specific structure of the
natural habits of the local community; in this case, it
is based on Dalihan Na Tolu. As it is known that land
tenure systems are a distinctive outline which is
determined by the local community. This applies to
the existing pattern in the community. On the basis of
the local concept, it can be developed a strategy to
resolve the land utilization conflicts.
Studies relating to land tenure that have been
carried out by the authors are research in Bahorok,
Langkat, North Sumatra (Martial, 2010) and research
development area (Asaad, 2010; and Asaad, 2009)
with various land use patterns which become the basis
for empowering communities to reduce conflicts over
land. Besides, research in West Sumatra, known as
Tungku Tigo Sajarangan which shows the existence
of the institutional arrangements by customary tenure
and tree (Martial, 2011). Therefore, the land tenure
model in Bataknesse society needs to be developed as
the basis for resolving conflicts of interests over
public agricultural lands, particularly in North
Sumatra. It can also be the beginning for the handling
of similar cases in other areas.