Analysis of Combination RSA Algorithm using EM2B Keys Genertor
Algorithm in Data Encription
Elwin Yunith Purba
, Syahril Efendi
, Pahala Sirait
, Rahmad W. Sembiring
Department of Informatics Engineering, “Universitas Sumatera Utara”
Jl. Universitas Kampus USU, Medan, 20155, Sumatera Utara
Politeknik Negeri Medan, Medan-Indonesia
Keywords: Cryptography, Encryption, Decryption, RSA Algorithm, EM2B Key Generator.
Abstract: In this increasingly sophisticated era almost all circles of government, industry, business to individual
companies do computer work. In addition to the advantages that can be obtained from the use of computers,
the most important thing to note is part of the security, if information / data stored on the computer
damaged due to interference from hackers it can lead to huge losses as well. There are many cryptographic
algorithms such as One Time Pad, RC4, RSA, and so on that are considered really capable of maintaining
the security and confidentiality of the data. Therefore cryptographers are trying to create complex
algorithms to better ensure their safety. Of the many public key cryptography algorithms ever made, the
most popular algorithm is the RSA algorithm. RSA algorithm is a modern cryptographic algorithm that is
often used for data security, until now still no one can solve it. RSA algorithm security lies in the difficulty
of factoring large numbers into prime factors. The factoring is done to obtain private key. During the
factoring of large numbers into prime factors has not found the right algorithm, so long as it is also RSA
algorithm security is guaranteed. The combination of RSA algorithm with EM2B Key Generator can secure
data more difficult to solve, and able to overcome the problem of execution time of encryption and
Information Technology has caused a change and a
way of looking at human life as well as an
organization. Such rapid development brought the
world into a new era faster than ever imagined. Such
a computer that not only serves as a data processing
tool, but has become a major weapon in competing.
This is because with the computer can simplify and
accelerate a job in accessing information (Pahrizal,
David Pratama, 2016). Of the many advantages
derived from the use of technology, not least the
opportunity losses contained in it either a small loss
or a big loss can even lead to someone lose
everything. Some examples of hacking cases in 2016
include Ransomware emerges as a top cyber threat
to business, UK second only to US in DDoS attacks,
412 million user accounts exposed in FriendFinder
Networks hack, Financial Conduct Authority
concerned about cyber security of banks and other
cases caused by the weakness of the security system.
For that required a computer security system.
Security of data in a computer is very important to
protect the data from other parties that do not have
the authority to determine the content of the data
(Zaeniah, Bambang Eka Purnama, 2015). Security
concerns relate to risk areas such as external data
storage, dependency on the public internet, lack of
control, multi-tenancy and integration with internal
security (K Hashizume et al, 2013).
Cryptography from Greek , "hidden, secret"
respectively is the practice and study of techniques
for secure communication in the presence of third
parties (called adversaries). More generally, it is
about constructing and analyzing protocols that
overcome the influence of adversaries and which are
related to various aspects in information security
such as data confidentiality, data integrity,
authentication, and non-repudiation. Modern
cryptography intersects the disciplines of
Purba, E., Efendi, S., Sirait, P. and Sembir ing, R.
Analysis of Combination RSA Algorithm using EM2B Keys Genertor Algorithm in Data Encription.
DOI: 10.5220/0010039401220128
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and Technology (ICEST 2018), pages 122-128
ISBN: 978-989-758-496-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mathematics, computer science, and electrical
engineering. Applications of cryptography include
ATM cards, computer passwords, and electronic
commerce (M. Preetha, M. Nihiya, 2013).
Cryptography is one field of science that studies
about information security / data to avoid the adverse
effects of misuse of information by irresponsible
parties. Cryptography has an important role in
maintaining the confidentiality of information both in
the computer and at the time of transaction data.
Cryptography also uses techniques applied for
encryption and decryption (William Stallings, 2011).
In the field of cryptography there are several
techniques available for encryption / decryption.
This technique can generally be grouped into two
major groups, namely conventional and public key
cryptography (Sundram Prabhadevi, Rahul De,
Pratik Shah, 2013). To determine the Cryptographic
algorithm that will be used in data security system in
addition to consideration of strength against
Cryptanalis and Bruteforce attacks is no less
important is the consideration of speed. At present
there are various algorithms of cryptography as well
as symmetry and asymmetry. If a cryptographic
algorithm is believed to be robust, but it is known to
be slow in its encoding process it will not be user
choice. This consideration of speed will be more
important, if the use of Cryptographic algorithms
concerning computer networks, especially on clien-
server architecture (K Hashizume et al, 2013).
RSA is one of the modern cryptographic
algorithms that until now is still widely developed
by researchers. The RSA algorithm was made by
three researchers from MIT (Massachusetts Institute
of Technology) in 1976. The name RSA is an
abbreviation of the name of the three inventors,
namely Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman. RSA
algorithms do factoring of very large numbers into
prime factors. Factoring is done to obtain private key
(Muhammad Arief, Fitriyani, Nurul Ikhsan, 2015).
2.1 Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)
The RSA is an algorithm used by modern computers
to encrypt and decrypt. It is a type of an asymmetric
cryptographic algorithm. RSA algorithm includes
two keys a public key and a private key. The public
key is distributed to all so will be known to
everyone, it is used to encrypt datas. Datas
encrypted with public key only decrypted with
private key (S. Kamara, and K. Lauter, 2010). RSA
can be used for digital signatures, key exchange, or
encryption of small block data. The size of the key
that is used by RSA algorithm is variable not fixed
and also the size of the encryption block. RSA has
been widely used for establishing a secure
communications channel and for authentication and
the identity of the service provider over insecure
communication medium (K., Dr Ch., and S. Yogesh,
2013). In proposed scheme RSA algorithm is used to
find out the key pair for both mobile user and third
party auditor. These keys are used to encrypt and
decrypt the file (W. , C. , et al. 2010). The figure
below illustrates the work of the RSA Algorithm:
Figure 2.1: Working of RSA
RSA algorithm has the following scale:
1. p and q are primes Secret
2. n = p q Not a secret
3. (n) = (p – 1)(q – 1) Secret
4. e (Encryption key) Not a secret
Stipulation: PBB (e, (n)) = 1
5. d (Decryption key) Secret
d Calculated from d e - 1
mod ( (n) )
6. m (Plaintext) Secret
7. c (Ciphertext) Not a secret
The following procedures describe the encryption
and decryption of RSA (D.Welsh, 1998):
1. Choose two prime numbers, a and b Secret
2. Calculate the product n = a b.
Magnitudes of n no need to be kept secret.
3. Calculate (n) = (a – 1)(b – 1).
4. Select an integer for the public key, say its name
e, which is relatively prime against (n).
5. Calculate the decryption key, d, through
ed ≡ 1 (mod m) or d e - 1
mod (φ (n))
Results from the above algorithm:
1. The public key is a couple of (e, n)
2. Private key is couple of (d, n)
2.2 EM2B Key Generator Algorithm
EM2B key algorithm is an algorithm that functions to
change the primary key into a new key that is
Analysis of Combination RSA Algorithm using EM2B Keys Genertor Algorithm in Data Encription
converted into ASCII characters. The EM2B
algorithm also has an increment key algorithm that
works if the key length is less than the length of the
plaintext. Increment key is a method to add key cha-
racter length by summing two previous key characters
and is modulated with 256 ASCII-based letters. The
EM2B algorithm has the following equation:
i [new]
= [ K
+ (K
mod 26) ] mod 256 (2.1)
a. K
= The Main Key,
b. K
= The Main Key do mod with 26 (K
mod 26),
c. K
i [new]
= New Key Generated.
Figure 2.2: The Process of EM2B Key Generator
As for icreament key algorithm:
= K
i [max]
+ K
i[max] - 1
mod 256 (2.2)
a. K
= The last Key index in ASCII,
b. IncK
= Icreament Key,
P1 P2 P3 P4
P5 P6
K1 K2 K3 K4 K5
Figure 2.3: The Process of Increament Key
To help convert decimal numbers to ASCII code or
vice versa, ASCII table is required as shown below:
Figure 2.4: ASCII Code Table (Source: www.alhakim. )
Another supporting algorithm is Vigenere
Cipher. This type of encryption algorithm is well
known for being easy to understand and implement.
mod 26
+ K
) mod 256
(K5 + K4)
(K4 + K3)
E M 2
E M 2 B t
69 77 50
ICEST 2018 - 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and
Techniques to produce ciphertext can be done using
the substitution of numbers and square vigènere
(Ahmad Rosyadi, 2015). Character letters used in
vigenere cipher are A, B, C, ..., Z and equated with
the numbers 0, 1, 2, ..., 25. The encryption process is
done by writing the key repeatedly. Repeated key
writing is performed until each character in the Data
has a pair of characters from the key. The characters
in the Data are then encrypted using the caesar
cipher method with the key value that has been
paired with the number (Katz, J. and Y. Lindell,
2015). The encryption process can be calculated by
the following equation (Stallings, W, 2011).
= (P
+ K
) mod 26 (2.3)
where 𝐸
, 𝑃
and 𝐾
are encrypted characters, Data
characters and key characters. While the decryption
process can use the following equation:
= (C
) mod 26 (2.4)
with 𝐷
is a decrypted character, 𝐶
is a ciphertext or
password character, 𝐾
is a key character.
In designing a cryptographic algorithm, a maximum
accuracy is required. The level of security is the key
to the success of the cryptographic algorithm itself.
Time efficiency also needs to be considered because
if the encryption and decryption process takes a long
time, it will be bad for encrypting Datas on a large
scale. Broadly speaking the process of encryption
and decryption on RSA algorithm implementation
and EM2B Keys Generator Algorithm in encrypting
data can be observed through the following diagram
Figure 3.1: Encryption and Decryption Process
In this research used RSA Cryptography
Algorithm and EM2B Key Generator to improve the
security of encrypted data. It is expected that EM2B
Key Generator can be a key algorithm for encrypting
plaintext as well as RSA algorithm capability in
encrypting keys will make the data very difficult to
solve. Therefore it is necessary to analyze each
algorithm both RSA and EM2B key generator used
in encrypting the data. RSA Algorithm Analysis can
be seen as follows:
A. Take randomly two large and different p and q
primes, but the size of both or the number of
digits in the base of numbers used should be the
B. Calculate the n modulus and Euler's Totient
function φ (n) by the formula: n = p q
φ (n) = (p – 1) [q - 1]
with :
n = modulus (public key)
p and q = Two primes generated randomly.
C. Select an integer e such that I < e < φ (n) and
gcd(e, φ(n)) = 1 where:
I = Integer number,
E = Public Key (Encryption Key),
gcd = Greatest common divisor.
D. Calculate the integer value d where I < d < φ
such that:
d = e – 1 mod φ (n) or I(mod φ (n)),
d = Private Key (Decryption Key).
E. Create a table to present each character.
F. The plaintext (encrypted text) is encrypted with
numbers corresponding to the table formed by
process E and an M will be obtained which is a
collection of numbers from the plaintext, then the
set of numbers is blocked every 4 numbers into
, m
, ..., m
. The encryption process is done
per block and each block of the encryption
formula is:
= m
(mod n), c
= m
(mod n), ... etc, so
resulting in a value of C where C is a collection
of numbers from c
, c
, ..., c
G. The decryption process is done by using logic
like step F by performing an inverse calculation,
ie: m
= c
(mod n)
, m
= c
(mod n), ...,etc, so resulting in the
value of M where M = m
, m
, m
the final value
of M is re-presented with the constructed table as
in process E above.
Analysis of Combination RSA Algorithm using EM2B Keys Genertor Algorithm in Data Encription
To improve the security of RSA algorithm, then
specified security key in the form of private key
password, public key and modulo generated from
two prime numbers. This key will continue to be
used by the sender and recipient of the data in
encrypting and decrypting the data. If the security
key password by the system owner is deemed to be
insecure, then both parties immediately inform it to
be changed altogether. This security key view
consists of:
Analysis of EM2B algorithm as follows:
A. Specify some words used as the primary key for
encrypting datas. Key is given a symbol with K
where K
= K
, K
, ..., K
B. The key is converted into decimal ASCII
C. Determine the modulus value of 26 of each key
character that has been converted into decimal
= K
Mod 26.
D. Add K
with K
+ K
) then modulated with
256 and generate a new key (K
) which is
converted in decimal ASCII characters.
In the EM2B algorithm, the key we choose does
not have to have the same character length as
plaintext. Plaintext may consist of several sentences
and even paragraphs. The key will adjust the length
of its character with plaintext by using the
increament key algorithm already stored in it. The
performance analysis of the increment key algorithm
can be noted below.
A. The maximum character index is summed with
the previous character index (K
and generate a new key character index (K
B. New key index (K
i[new]) becomes the maximum
key index, then added again to the previous key
C. This looping step will stop if the maximum index
of the key is equal to the plaintext maximum
index. K
= P
The implementation process of RSA and EM2B
algorithms in encrypting the data can be explained
by the following steps.
A. A data or plaintext is encrypted using a key.
B. First the key is converted into EM2B and then
generates a new ASCII character.
i [new]
= [ K
+ (K
mod 26) ] mod 256
C. If the key length is still smaller than the length of
the plaintext, then the key in the process with
increament key IncK
= K
i [max]
+ K
i[max] - 1
D. Next do the encryption where, every plaintext is
added with the key and modulated with 256 to
generate a ciphertext. C
i = Pi + Ki mod 256.
Ciphertext in the process is a data that will be
sent to the recipient.
E. Then the primary key value is put together into
one block and then split into several blocks. The
value of each block is not greater than the value
of n on the RSA generator.
F. After the block process is done then it is
decrypted using RSA. E
k = Me mod n. Ek is the
encrypted result of Ki.
G. The information sent to the recipient is ciphertext
), and key encryption results (E
Furthermore the following process to decrypt the
A. The first stage by decrypting the key using the
formula K
= D
= M
mod n.
B. The decryption results are separated into each
two-digit number, which will generate the main
key character.
C. The primary key is reprocessed into the EM2B
algorithm to generate a new key in the decimal
ASCII number.
D. Re-used the increament key algorithm to obtain
the same key length as plaintext.
After that the ciphertext is decrypted by
using the new key, using the equation
P = C -
K mod 256.
The results offered in this study are methods to
improve data security from irresponsible parties.
This study provides an example of a process of
encryption and decryption. Plaintext used are
“HERLINAWATI” with the main key "PURBA" as
in the following figure:
ICEST 2018 - 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and
Figure 4.1: EM2B Key Generator Encryption Process
Plaintext is converted into decimal. Then the key
is processed with EM2B into characters (R, \, V, P,
N), and the key length increases by using increament
key. The key generated is ASCII characters. The
Generate new keys consist of: (R\VPNžìŠvNULv).
The next step is to encrypt the plaintext with a new
key that has been generated previously. Cipherteks
generated include: (š¡¨œ—ì-áꞏT¿).
Next the RSA key creation process by following the
steps below:
* Find the value of p and q: p & q primes,
* Find p x q to generate the value of n,
* Determine the value of φ(n) = (p-1)*(q-1),
* Determine the value of e as the encryption key,
e relative prime 1 < e < φ(n),
* Calculate the value of d as the decryption key.
          
p q n
e d
7  17  119  96  13  37
          
Figure 4.2: Key Making In the determination of the key
Figure 4.3: Calculation of Value (e)
Figure 3.5: Calculation of Value (d)
From this process we find the key value for
encrypting data on RSA is e = 13 and the decryption
key is d = 37.
Figure 4.4: EM2B Generator Key Encryption With RSA
Cipherteks above is an information or data
obtained from a combination of several algorithms
and their implementation in the information. To
decrypt the data obtained test results as follows.
Figure 4.5: Key Decryption Process using RSA algorithm
Figure 4.6: Decryption of EM2B Key Generator
Analysis of Combination RSA Algorithm using EM2B Keys Genertor Algorithm in Data Encription
Figure 4.7: Ciphertext Decryption with EM2B Key
Generator Algorithm
Based on the results of the above discussion, it can
be concluded that: The application of data security
using RSA algorithm has two readings technique
that is encryption technique (convert original file
into unreadable file) and decryption technique
(convert unreadable file into original file). Security
applications have passphare / password passphrases
that must be remembered and are sensitive, ie capital
and small letters are distinguished, so that passphare
is difficult to guess by anyone.
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ICEST 2018 - 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and