mathematics, computer science, and electrical
engineering. Applications of cryptography include
ATM cards, computer passwords, and electronic
commerce (M. Preetha, M. Nihiya, 2013).
Cryptography is one field of science that studies
about information security / data to avoid the adverse
effects of misuse of information by irresponsible
parties. Cryptography has an important role in
maintaining the confidentiality of information both in
the computer and at the time of transaction data.
Cryptography also uses techniques applied for
encryption and decryption (William Stallings, 2011).
In the field of cryptography there are several
techniques available for encryption / decryption.
This technique can generally be grouped into two
major groups, namely conventional and public key
cryptography (Sundram Prabhadevi, Rahul De,
Pratik Shah, 2013). To determine the Cryptographic
algorithm that will be used in data security system in
addition to consideration of strength against
Cryptanalis and Bruteforce attacks is no less
important is the consideration of speed. At present
there are various algorithms of cryptography as well
as symmetry and asymmetry. If a cryptographic
algorithm is believed to be robust, but it is known to
be slow in its encoding process it will not be user
choice. This consideration of speed will be more
important, if the use of Cryptographic algorithms
concerning computer networks, especially on clien-
server architecture (K Hashizume et al, 2013).
RSA is one of the modern cryptographic
algorithms that until now is still widely developed
by researchers. The RSA algorithm was made by
three researchers from MIT (Massachusetts Institute
of Technology) in 1976. The name RSA is an
abbreviation of the name of the three inventors,
namely Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman. RSA
algorithms do factoring of very large numbers into
prime factors. Factoring is done to obtain private key
(Muhammad Arief, Fitriyani, Nurul Ikhsan, 2015).
2.1 Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)
The RSA is an algorithm used by modern computers
to encrypt and decrypt. It is a type of an asymmetric
cryptographic algorithm. RSA algorithm includes
two keys a public key and a private key. The public
key is distributed to all so will be known to
everyone, it is used to encrypt datas. Datas
encrypted with public key only decrypted with
private key (S. Kamara, and K. Lauter, 2010). RSA
can be used for digital signatures, key exchange, or
encryption of small block data. The size of the key
that is used by RSA algorithm is variable not fixed
and also the size of the encryption block. RSA has
been widely used for establishing a secure
communications channel and for authentication and
the identity of the service provider over insecure
communication medium (K., Dr Ch., and S. Yogesh,
2013). In proposed scheme RSA algorithm is used to
find out the key pair for both mobile user and third
party auditor. These keys are used to encrypt and
decrypt the file (W. , C. , et al. 2010). The figure
below illustrates the work of the RSA Algorithm:
Figure 2.1: Working of RSA
RSA algorithm has the following scale:
1. p and q are primes Secret
2. n = p q Not a secret
3. (n) = (p – 1)(q – 1) Secret
4. e (Encryption key) Not a secret
Stipulation: PBB (e, (n)) = 1
5. d (Decryption key) Secret
d Calculated from d ≡ e - 1
mod ( (n) )
6. m (Plaintext) Secret
7. c (Ciphertext) Not a secret
The following procedures describe the encryption
and decryption of RSA (D.Welsh, 1998):
1. Choose two prime numbers, a and b Secret
2. Calculate the product n = a b.
Magnitudes of n no need to be kept secret.
3. Calculate (n) = (a – 1)(b – 1).
4. Select an integer for the public key, say its name
e, which is relatively prime against (n).
5. Calculate the decryption key, d, through
ed ≡ 1 (mod m) or d ≡ e - 1
mod (φ (n))
Results from the above algorithm:
1. The public key is a couple of (e, n)
2. Private key is couple of (d, n)
2.2 EM2B Key Generator Algorithm
EM2B key algorithm is an algorithm that functions to
change the primary key into a new key that is