developing, supporting, and maintaining the expected
According to Suma'mur (2009), employment can
be the cause of an accident on a job because the new
workforce usually does not know in depth about the
job and its safety. Meanwhile, long service life
coupled with continuous practice will be able to
increase knowledge and improve one's skills, work
will also be more qualified and quickly completed.
Work experience of a workforce can affect the
occurrence of work accidents. Research related to the
work experience of 383 cases of work accidents in
Hongkong proves that accidents on the hands due to
exposure to the engine occurs in the workforce who
work less than 1 year. The new workforce does not
usually know in depth the ins and outs of work and
safety. They also often attach importance to the
completion of certain jobs given to them, so that
safety does not get enough attention. In addition,
many new workers who do not know clearly the way
the machine works and safety. There is a new
workforce who had an accident when first working
using the machine, because not yet know clearly how
to use and how to work that is safe and not yet
accustomed to using the machine.
The longer a person works the more experience
and the higher the knowledge and skills, so that it can
mengirangi risk of work accidents. The results of this
study show that there is a tendency of oil palm factory
workers with a working period of less than 2 years
experienced more burns incidents than palm oil mill
workers who have worked for more than 2 years. The
period of work can affect both positive and negative
performance. Giving a positive influence on
performance if with increasing length of personal
work experience more and more in carrying out its
duty. Conversely, will give a negative influence if
with increasing length of service will arise habits on
the workforce. This is usually associated with work
that is monotonous or repetitive.
5.2 Determinant Measures against
Burns Events on Palm Oil Millers
at PT X
Human behavior in work can create the risks
associated with occupational safety. Unsafe behavior
is considered to be the result of errors committed by
either the worker involved directly. Based on the
result of the research, the correlation between the
action and the burn incidence on the workers showed
that from 32 people whose actions were good there
were 31 people (96,9%) who were not burned and
burned by 1 person (3.1%), while from 41 people
whose actions were less than 32 people (78.1%) who
were not burned and who burned 9 people (21.9%).
Chi-Square test results showed that the value of p =
0.001 <0.05 which means there is a significant
relationship between the action with the incidence of
burns. Multivariate analysis showed that there was an
effect of action on burn incidence with p value =
0,023. The action has the value Exp (B) = 11.586
means workers who are less secure measures have the
chance of burn incidence 12 times greater than
workers with safe measures.
Insecure actions of palm oil mill workers are,
among other things, working in a hurry, not checking
conveyor funnels, not using PPE, not cleaning spills
and dirt quickly, not obeying work instructions, and
while working, workers are joking. This unsafe
behavior causes burns to workers. Unsafe behavior
can be controlled by the supervision of the company,
so it is necessary strong support from the company in
creating a safe behavior on workers.
Organizational factors in companies have
different defense systems in them. Inadequate direct
organizational conditions can also damage the
defense system resulting in system failures, such as in
oil palm factories, ie, lack of strict application of OHS
regulations and procedures and supervision of poor
safety systems eg the absence of a Work Permit ),
SOPs only on the part of machinery, and supervision
of workers' safety lack of safety training, as well as
working environment conditions are a form of the
absence of a safety culture within the plant.
The results of this study in accordance with
research conducted by Affidah (2011) states there is
the influence of unsafe acts against accidents. In
Suraji's (2001) study found that the actions of workers
who directly cause workplace injuries amounted to
29.8% of which were the use of faulty or defective
protective equipment, failure to comply with
instructions or regulations that were inadequate, less
cautious, overconfident.
Unsafe action is the cause of most of the work
accident rate. Based on the theories of Frank E. Bird
and Heinrich, each has a different theory but the goal
remains the same is to prevent and reduce the
incidence of accidents. Based on the theory of Bird
who want to break the chain of work accidents by
improving the management of a company, while the
Heinrich theory who want to break the chain accident
work by improving human behavior (Ramli, 2010).
Behavior of mansuia is reflected in the actions
they perform at work. In PKS workers are still many
who work with haste. Working in a hurry can increase
the risk of workplace accidents because of certain
workers are less alert when working. There are still