basic capital construction undertaken by the
government and society. Empowerment of schools as
a vehicle of socialization should be done through
empowerment of the school management to develop
effective leadership and directed by professional
teachers with high performance. So schoolsshould be
able to be channeling all of the information and
technology, knowledge, resources, and learning
methodology. Schools also be a place and a center of
learning, work and maintenance center (Syafaruddin,
2005: 49).
Teachers as one of the main components in
school, plays a very strategic to the achievement of
the objectives of the programs that have been set by
the school and national education goals. As
professionals, teachers are required not only limited
to competencies relevant to their expertise but
teachers are also required to be able explored all its
capabilities and competencies are and be able to
transform, develop, disseminate science and
technology through education as a concrete
manifestation of his performance.
Exceptional achievements defined as
improvement of quality in a job or a game, can also
an increase in intelligence or in terms Purwanto
(1998: 102) a process that led to the occurrence of a
change or reform in behavior or skill. Gibson (1996:
214), defines performance as the result desired work
of the actors. Furthermore Timpe (1993: 208), defines
performance as an assessment of the person's
employment rate achieved.
Transformational leadership is not just affecting
his followers to achieve the desired goals, but more
than that intends to change the attitudes and basic
values of his followers through empowerment and
improve self-confidence and determination to
continue to make changes though perhaps he himself
would be affected by the change , Innovation always
refers to a qualitatively new changes in contrast to the
original state that is based on the consideration that
examined with a view to improve the ability to
achieve better results, as a form of achievement in
Gibson, et al (1996: 218) states transformational
leadership as the leadership to inspire and motivate
followers to achieve results greater than the original
planned and for internal rewards. Transformational
leadershipnot just affect their followers to achieve the
desired goals, but more than that intends to change the
attitudes and basic values of his followers through
According to Law No. 14 of 2005 on teachers and
lecturers,stated that professionalism is a job or
activity carried out by someone and become a source
of income life requires skill, expertise or skills that
meet certain quality standards or norms and require
professional education.
Sanusi (1991: 110) refers to the characteristics of
the profession, including the function and
significance of the social professions, the skills of the
members of the profession gained through education
and or training accountable, their disciplines robust,
code of ethics, and the rewards of financial and
material worth it. Then, the technique according to
Walisman (2007: 10) strengthening the
professionalism associated with the importance of
attention to the qualifications, competence, and
certification. Thus it can be argued that one effort to
improve the image of the teacher is to improve
teachers' teaching accomplishment. Teachers who
have taught that good performance will be able to
carry out their duties and functions efficientlyand
effective. However, so far the achievement of
learning outcomes in schools in general they can be
expressed not in line with expectations.
From the empirical data obtained from the survey
on school SMA Negeri Tebing Tinggi, was still poor
performance of teachers in performing the task. From
preliminary studies conducted in SMA Tebing Tinggi
known approximately 75% of the teachers have been
taught in accordance with his or her educational
qualifications and around 25% of teachers have not
taught according to the field of educational
qualifications. More resultsThis study is known that
the ability of teachers is still low in the use of media,
less creative and less innovative.
Lower and Porter (1989) states that the job
performance of teachers is a combination of teaching
motivation and ability in completing the work. Low
motivation of teachers will have an impact on the
performance of teachers in teaching.
Circumstances indicate that the low work
performance of teachers showed lower managerial
leadership principals. Therefore, this study refers to
the relationship of transformational leadership and
innovative attitude to the job performance of teachers.
Interesting to observe the role of the principal and
related innovative teacher performance. This study
will focus on transformational leadership, especially
in the management of school programs and teacher
From the above description, it can be affirmed that
through transformational leadership (by the principal)
and high innovative attitude of a teacher will be able
to produce high teacher job performance anyway. To
that end, bullet conducted scientific research to
explain transformational leadership and innovative