Another possible influence of the NaCl salt
solution is suspected to be poisoning by Na
and Cl
ions. The ions generally can achieve sufficient
concentration of solution to cause osmotic problems
in plants without first having specific toxicities that
cause death are chloride and sulphate. Sodium will
affect soil properties if present in excessive state.
This resulted in the seeds difficult to absorb water so
that the germination process will be inhibited.
The presence of salt in the growing medium also
shows an adverse effect on germination, because of
its concentration on germination media, resulting in
changes in enzyme activity either directly or
reducing the potential for water. Bad influence of
salts for plants is generally indirectly through
increased osmotic pressure in groundwater making it
difficult for plants to absorb water, especially for
plant sprouts and roots. So the effect is the same as
dry land (Harnowo, 2002).
Sipayung (2003) stated that the level of stress
experienced by plants varies in different species with
unequal tolerance to different salt concentrations.
According to Yuniati (2004), the growth response to
salinity is considered the basis of evaluation for
tolerance. Different individuals will respond
differently to the salinity stress provided. Karajol
and Naik (2011) say that salinity-tolerant varieties
that germinate quickly under normal conditions like
as germinate under saline conditions. Varieties that
have higher germination rates have more salinity
tolerance opportunities. Inhibition of canopy and
root growth is a common response to salinity stress
and is an important indicator for assessing crop
tolerance. Root is the first organ exposed to salinity
stress so its role in tolerance is very important
especially in the process of water absorption.
Inhibition of canopy and root growth is a common
response to salinity stress and is an important
indicator for assessing crop tolerance. This
phenomenon can be a simulation of a condition of
water deprivation or drought that affects plant
compensation prolonging the rooting part.
Talam 2 and Kelinci showed more tolerance to
salinity stress compared with Kancil and Local Aceh
varieties based on all parameters of viability and
vigor of peanut seed. Increasing salinity at simulated
conditions above 3 g L
or equivalent to 3.99 dSm
resulted in a significantly decreased germination
value of four varieties.
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