“Rumah Buah All Fresh”, water, NaOH 0.1 N, DPPH
(2,2 diphenyl pycrilhydrazyl), ethanol, Na
(w/v), FeCl 5%, Folin Ciocalteu, and galac acids.
Equipment required during pineapple skin cider
making were knife, blender, filter fabric, waterbath,
picnometer, Bunsen, oven, micropipette, desiccator,
crucible, volumetric flask, soxhlet, kjeldhal, bulp
pump, spectrophotometer, cuvette, and thimble.
2.2 Research Method
The research were divided into two stages, the first
stage and the second stage . The preliminary stage
made of pineapple skin cider with variation of
pineapple types and sugar added towards alcohol,
pH, total titrated acids and total dissolved solids of
ciders. The main stage analyzed the best pineapple
skin cider from preliminary with parameter of
antioxidant activity, total phenolic test, fiber test,
scoring and hedonic test.
2.2.1 The Making of Pineapple Skin Cider
The making of pineapple skin cider were done based
on and research. Pineapple skin has been sorted from
other foreign things and then washed with clean
running water. Added water to the skin that has been
washed with a ratio 1:2, blended it using blender for
1 minute and filtered it, so the extracts were obtained.
The pineapple skin extracts were pasteurized at 72
for 20 minutes. The next step was the addition of three
different sugar concentrations 15%, 20%, and 30%,
after being cooled to 38
C. Instant yeast or
“Fermipan” of 1 g/L were mixed into the juice. The
juice were putted into a sterile bottle, gave a hose and
closed it for 3 days. The observation for cider was
done after 3 days based on predefined parameters.
3.1 Carbohydrate Content
From the statistical analysis, the result showed
significant difference (p<0.05) of carbohydrate
content on pineapple skin from Pemalang
14.51±0.01%, Subang 11.93±0.01%, and Sunpride
5.00±0.01%. Pineapple skin commonly has a high
carbohydrate content which can be used as a nutrion
for microbs to grow during fermentation process.
3.2 Alcohol Intensity
From the statistical analysis, the result showed there
was no interation between % sugar and pineapple
types, but it had significant effect (p<0.05) on %
alcohol produced. The 15% sugar added that
produced cider 5%-8% alcohol. The function of sugar
were as substrate that will be used by microbes (yeast)
as a nutrients to be converted to alcohol. The range
for sugar to be added into cider was 15%-25%.
Figure 1. The Effect of Pineapple Types and % Sugar on
Alcohol Produced
3.3 pH and Total Titrated Acid
Cider from pineapple skin sunpride has the lowest pH
of 3.3-3.4 at 15% and 20% sugar concentrations, thus
significantly different from Subang, Pemalang and
Palembang. pH could decrease drastically on day 3,
because it was part of the new yeast phase actively
converting glucose into alcohol and acid. The more
acid that was formed, the more lower pH value. Total
titrated acids represented the total of all types of acids
present in pineapple fruit and skin which were the
most dominant was 78% citric acid, 13% malic acid,
and oxalic acid. Acetaldehyde derived from the
decarboxylation of pyruvic acid due to glycolytic
sugar changes, under anaerobic conditions will
undergo a fermentation process that produces ethanol
and acids.
3.4 Total Soluble Solids
The result showed that types of pineapple have
significant effect and sugar concentration (p<0.05) to
total soluble solids on pineapple skin cider. Ending of
cider fermentation with 15% sugar didn’t have
significantly different with 20% sugar on Sunpride
and Palembang. The total dissolved solids in cider
could be from precipitate of juice or microbe that has
been dead or no longer active and also sugars
(sucrose) was added in the beginning. However, there
was still possibility of sugar content colud be used to
mask the sour taste that arises.
15% 20% 25%
Sugar Concentrations