system commerce in besides value . Increasingly high
margin system commerce something product or
commodity means accepted part.
Farmers increasingly low . Based on table 5 shows
that rice commodity has the smallest value of farmer
share of 44.30%, while the largest farmer share in red
chilli commodity is 89%, it means the marketing
channel of red pepper commodity is more operational
efficient compared to rice commodity.
Table 6. Efficiency of Food Coverage Marketing
(Rp / Kg)
g Cost
(Rp / Kg)
y (%)
Rice 32160 1334,26 4.34
Corn 110050 10636,58 9.67
6486.80 5.21
24875 395.41 1.56
Beef 108333 4075 4
Source : Premary data
Marketing efficiency can be deduced from the
smallest marketing cost, lowest channel and product
cost / value ratio. From the results of the above
research, the most efficient marketing channel is the
red chili commodity 1.56 because the marketing
channel is done by the auction market with the other
word the lower the efficiency level, the smaller the
marketing costs incurred.
3.5 Strategic Food Commodity Policy
Policy in North Sumatra
To organize a strategic food commodity trading
system in North Sumatra, various policy efforts are
needed: 1) fostering and assisting farmers to empower
farmer groups; 2) development of production and
market information systems and legislation on
strategic food commodity trading to maintain price
stability; 3) improve coordination and synergy and
form cooperative farmers and enterprises to handle
production, post-harvest, marketing and lending
business efforts in strategic food commodities.
According to Sandyatma (2016), In this case,
Perum BULOG has a central role as a price stabilizer
institution and as a fair referee in the procurement of
food. Breakthrough (1) expanding the scope of its
business as an "aggregator business" in dealing with
all strategic food commodities, (2) acting as food
buffers, and (3) stabilizing food prices.
From the new food supply formulation and policy
support, if supported by the synergy of relevant
ministries / agencies and stakeholders, it is not
impossible that the President's direction can be
realized: cutting the supply chain into 3-4 supply
chain players, stable food prices and BULOG stock
adequate, the producer price disparity shrinks, the
producer enjoys the fair profit, the trader still exists,
the consumer gets the low price and controlled
inflation, the creation of new struc- ture food market
structure , and the most important is the creation of a
just food trade order for farmers, traders and
To anticipate the increase in public demand ahead
of the holiday, surely the increase in production
would be a source of momentum, of course this will
only happen if accompanied by anticipatory steps
especially to encourage the availability of various
commodities. In addition to the availability aspect,
the important and urgent thing to note is to improve
the healthy and competitive market structure.
Especially if the problem is a basic commodity that in
fact has a very inelastic demand properties .
Anything price then consumer no have alternative
other besides must permanent buy it . According to
Hartati (2016) minimum three step absolute presence
Government for solve the fundamental problem of
turmoil price seasonal this . First and The main thing
to be do is ensure data upgrades production or supply
. Certainly needs every year experience enhancement
along with growth residents . Second , prevent and
close slit room occurrence behavior competition is
not healthy . The key , the government must have
enough reserves to avoid give room for holder
domination supply for toying with price . Third ,
keep up kel ancaran current distribution goods . If p
that could done , undoubtedly every Ramadan and
Lebaran come , no turmoil price faced however
precisely become the momentum for exciting
lethargy economy .
To anticipate the decrease of production of Red
Chili agriculture due to decreasing harvest time, new
planting, weather factor and high rainfall causing the
quality of chilli decreased then the simultaneous
harvest of paddy rice so that the chilli farmer no time
to harvest the chili and deliver to the auction market
then the role extension workers (PPL) in the field
must be aggressively socialize to the farmers,
otherwise the farmer will directly sell his agricultural
production (red pepper) to an agent or a wholesaler
outside the auction market mechanism resulting in
reduced supply to the auction market
Field Officer (PPL) should be technically
equipped to provide counseling and socializing to
farmers and record the time of planting and harvest
time red chili region of their respective duties that can