dominated by transportation that generates 70 percent
of total nitrogen oxide contamination (NOx)
There have been many attempts by the
government to reduce environmental problems.
According to Smart City Jakarta (2016), several
things have been done by the government to
overcome the flood disaster such as shallow river
normalization, cleaning of integrated waste treatment
plant (TPST), and hygiene campaign. Also, the
government has made a pay-plastic policy, where one
plastic is priced at Rp 200 in supermarkets to reduce
the amount of plastic waste, but the program does not
last long because the plastic waste in Jakarta is
increasing (UNAIR News, 2016). However, the
Jakarta government's efforts to address
environmental issues are not enough to reduce
environmental problems.
From some of the above explanations, it appears
that the people of Jakarta still throw garbage out of
place, choose to drive private vehicles rather than
public transportation, and it shows that people do not
yet have pro-environment behaviour. Pro-
environmental behaviour is a concern, awareness, and
understanding of personal consequences for
environmental protection (Bronfman, Cisternas,
López-Vázquez, la Maza, and Oyanedel, 2015).
Besides, Sawitri, Hadiyanti, and Hari (2015) define
pro-environment behaviour as a conscious act done
by individuals to reduce the adverse impacts of
human activities on the environment and to improve
environmental quality.
Nevertheless, there are still people who conduct
activities that show that they have pro-environmental
behaviour. According to Homburg and Stolberg (in
Sawitri et al., 2015), individual characteristics with
high pro-environmental behaviour are active in the
environment (such as participating actively in
environmental organizations). Non-activist action in
the public sphere (such as petitions on issues)
ecological issues), environmentalism in personal life
(energy savings, purchasing recyclables), and
behaviour within the organization (such as product
design). Actual activities are undertaken by the
community in pro-environmental behaviour one of
them is to follow the events organized by the
government such as Clean Up Jakarta Day where the
people of Jakarta annually participate clean the streets
of the garbage (Clean-Up Jakarta Day, 2018).
Also, a handful of Jakarta residents are also
recycling reusable waste to be a creation or item that
can be useful to the surrounding community (Tunas
Nusa, 2014). Another thing that some Jakarta people
do is cycling to work or elsewhere to reduce and
prevent the increase of air pollution in Jakarta (Bike
to Work, 2018). Individuals with high pro-
environment behaviour may also be affected by their
age, socioeconomic or income status, and sex
(Gifford & Nilsson, 2014; Bronfman et al., 2015).
Six factors can shape pro-environment behaviour,
that is a personal norm, new ecological paradigm,
awareness of consequence, an ascription of
responsibility, personal value, and willingness to
sacrifice (Willuweit, 2009). Willingness to Sacrifice
(WtS) is one factor that can play a role in pro-
environment, it is because WtS is the determining
factor whether the society will behave pro-
environment or not (Davis, Le & Coy, 2011; Chen &
Zheng, 2016 ).
WtS represents the extent to which decisions
made by individuals will improve welfare despite
sacrificing self-interest, cost, or effort (Davis et al.,
2011). With WtS encouragement on the individual, he
will be more active in activities related to welfare and
environmental protection (Han & Hyun, 2016). Pro-
environment behavior that can be grouped as a form
of WtS is the willingness of individuals to buy
environmentally friendly products, although slightly
expensive (replacing plastic with their own shopping
bags and buying organic food), willing to lower the
standard of living (replace the air conditioner with
fan), and accept environment-related government
policies (Chen & Zheng, 2016). In WtS, a handful of
Jakarta people have a willingness to accept a policy
of increasing the price of plastics to shop for the
protection of the environment from plastic waste
(Suryani, 2016). Besides, the people of Jakarta are
also willing to pay more for waste processing (Emalia
and Huntari, 2016).
Results of research conducted by Davis et al.
(2011) found that WtS has a significant and positive
relationship with pro-environment behaviour, where
the number of relations is 0.52. Also, Willuweit
(2009) found that WtS can predict pro-environment
behaviour significantly so that WtS has a very
significant role in the formation of pro-environment
behaviour. Another study conducted by Iwata (in
Davis et al., 2011) found that individuals who had
higher WtS to the environment would have a higher
responsibility to the environment. Han and Hyun
(2016) found that the role of WtS against a person's
intent to conduct pro-environment behaviour was
0.740 or 74%.
The purpose of this research is to see the role of
Willingness to Sacrifice toward pro-environment
behaviour in Jakarta citizens. Benefits that can be
expected from this research that can be a reference in
designing programs that encourage people to increase