they consider most profitable, including choosing to
convert land as it is considered more economically
profitable. In general, respondents have narrow land
(0,1 - 0,5 Ha) owned by 55,55% and 33, 33% have
land 0,6 -1,0 Ha. Based on the ownership of this land
can be concluded that the farming business can not be
used as the main income in living the family because
the results obtained are not able to meet the needs of
the family.
The area of land owned by the farmers of the
respondents is closely related to the level of
production produced. Based on the research results, it
is found that most farmers own their own land
(55.77%) and 33, 77% are rent. But on the other hand
the land owned by farmers is so narrow that it is
unable to meet the needs of the family. According to
research (Irnawati, 2006) that the income of paddy
farmers in meeting the needs of life is very dependent
on the success of rice crops in the effort. Land area as
one of production factor which is agricultural factory
which have big contribution to farming business, the
size of production from farming is influenced by the
narrow area of land used (Winarti, 2012).
According to Yayuk Yuliati, (2003: 32), that in an
agrarian society where his life is still dependent on
the production of land as a means of basic production
and has a homogeneous style in the livelihood of
farmers (Basrowi & Juariyah, 2010). To improve the
welfare of the community will not be achieved if the
peasant community does not have the keiginan to
increase agricultural production (Yardi et al., 2012).
This is in accordance with the essence of agricultural
development, the Indonesian government seeks to
change the application of technology in farming in the
hope of increasing productivity, business efficiency
and increasing farmer income (Welson et al., 2011).
In Mardikanto's opinion (2009) the educational
level of a person will greatly affect the ability or
mastery of the given material, the skills of choosing
an extension method and effective communication
techniques with (the community).
4.2 Factors Supporting Rice Land
Conversion and Function in
Padangsidimpuan City
Broadly speaking, the factors causing land transfers
in Kota Padangsidempuan are grouped into three
external, internal and regulatory factors (policies), in
which each grouping will be discussed in detail as
a. External Factors
Land conversion is closely related to increasing
population density. Rusli (1995) discloses that with
increasing population, the ratio of human-land
becomes larger, even though the utilization of every
inch of land is strongly influenced by the level of
cultural development of a society. Population growth
causes a shrinking average of land stock per person.
As the population grows, the unrestrained are
expected to grow. In this situation the heavy
population pressure provides an opportunity for the
development of land tenure forms that are less
favorable to the cultivators. Competition among
fellow farmers increasingly fierce in getting job
With the increase of population every year will
cause the activity of the population also increased
which require land for settlement while the
availability of land is more limited. Rapid population
growth will require increasing land, not only for
residential use but also as an extension of economic
activities to meet family needs. Therefore the
problem that will arise is the occurrence of land
conversion in the areas of rice
Farming. Many productive farms are switching to
the need to continue family life.
Poverty is closely related to employment
opportunities. Denser populations and with relatively
fast growth rates require rapid rates of growth and
employment growth as well. In the unemployment of
non-agricultural employment opportunities, and the
average supply of agricultural land per person has
been limited, not only some of the labour force has
been increasingly difficult to find employment, but
also many who are engaged in underemployment seen
from the number of hours worked as well as from the
very low income levels received. It is this kind of
situation that causes widespread poverty in certain
areas. Not surprisingly, looking at this condition,
people who own the smallest land are very likely to
be converted or sold in order to survive (Rusli 1995).
Economic growth is marked by a shift in the role
of inter-sectoral demands for the conversion of
agricultural land that number is not small. The case of
land transfers in Kota Padangsidempuan occurred in
areas that are directly adjacent to the city, such as in
Padangsidempuan Batunadua subdistrict, where 43%
of the landfill occurred within 5 years (2012 - 2016),
where the land area of 1,665 Ha in 2012 to 610 Ha in
2016 then followed by sub-district Padangsidempuan
Angkola Julu also experienced a fairly high land
conversion (42%) during the period of 5 years. This
can be seen in 2012 the total land area of 885 Ha and
in 2016 to 371%. Based on the facts in the field that