nitrogen.Intensitas of light affects the activity of
photosynthesis. To form chlorophyll, a high enough
ATP (energy) is needed and for the assimilation of
CO2 is also required enzyme which is largely protein
(Liferdi et al, 2005).
Carbohydrate Ratio, Nitrogen flowering periode June-
September 2016 is 29.203 while in the flowering periode
January-April 2017 is 44.809. Based on the results of t
test analysis, the ratio of carbohydrate and nitrogen
flowering period of January to April 2017 was
significantly different with the ratio of carbohydrate and
nitrogen perode flowering June to September 2016
The highest carbohydrate and nitrogen ratio is
obtained in the flowering periode of January-April 2017,
which is 44,809 where the highest value is at D III
(Leaves of the armpits there were fruits) 52,563 and the
lowest in D II (Leaves of there were flowers) that is
Based on the results of observations in this study The
average production of salak flowering period of January-
April 2017 is higher than the average production of salak
in the period of flowering from June to September 2016.
This research is part of dissertation research with
topics of application of off season production
technique on salak Sidimpuan plant to be fruitful
throughout the year. We said thank you very much to
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