This study is a true experimental design study with
the aim to compare the effectiveness of honey and
beepollen in the repair of burns based on burn
Based on the statistical test value in Table 2, it can
be seen that the mean of wound diameter in honey
group is smaller than the mean of beepollen group
(0,311 <0,333). This is in accordance with previous
research, Noori S. Al-Waili et al, where it is said that
honey can accelerate the healing time of superficial
burns and burns in .25
This may be due to previous studies, honey has
been shown to be significant (p <0.001) in
prospective, randomized, clinical trials, faster in
curing superficial burns. In a previous study
conducted on 52 burn patients treated with honey,
91% wound healed with steril within 7 days. Molan
P.C found that healthy tissue granulation was faster
in patients treated with honey (mean 7.4 days).
Within 7 days, 84% of wound treated with honey
showed a satisfactory epithelialization process, and
recovered 100% within 21 days.14
The improvement of wound diameter in the honey
group in Table 2 can also be due to the fact that Honey
has a high sugar content and also high osmolarity,
which can inhibit microbial growth.26 Honey can
also reduce inflammation, swelling and pain in burns
quickly, accelerate the release of necrotic tissue,
accelerate granulation and reepithelization with
minimal scarring.27 without causing resistance.25
In the group of beepollen based on Table 2 the
mean diameter of 0.333 was found, which was larger
than the honey group, but not so different from the
honey group. This can be due to beepollen is also a
bee product whose composition is not much different
or almost the same as the composition of honey.
Researchers did not find previous studies that
specifically looked for a comparison of the
effectiveness between honey and beepollen in repair
of burn wound diameter.
However, previous research by Vassev et al.,
Stated that beepollen also has a high anti-
inflammatory effect that can prevent the activity of
cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase, an enzyme
responsible for converting arachidonic acid into
prostaglandins so as to minimize or eliminate pain
after animals try to get burned. Beepollen also has a
high antibiotic effect present in flavonoids and
phenolic acids, which can shorten the wound healing
It is said by Harbone, J.B, flavonoids are phenol
compounds known to have potential as antioxidants
and anti-inflammatory. In addition, flavonoids can
also cause damage to the arrangement and changes in
the permeability mechanism of the bacterial cell wall
thus accelerating the wound healing process29.
From the results of the study it was found that
there was no significant difference in effectiveness in
honey and beepollen in the repair of burns, so this is
not in accordance with the initial hypothesis. So it can
be concluded that honey and beepollen have the same
effectiveness in the repair of burns. However, further
research on honey and beepollen related to the repair
of burn diameter is required.
Based on the results of research conducted on the
comparison of effectiveness of Honey and Beepollen
in the repair of burns in mice based on the diameter
of burns, can be drawn some conclusions as follows:
1. The mean of burn repair diameter in honey
group is 0,311 centimeter.
2. Average diameter of burn repair in Bee Pollen
group is 0,333 centimeter.
3. There was no significant difference between
the mean time of repair of burn diameter in
both groups because the obtained value p =
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