Singh3, July 2014). Before doing data processing this
research will perform the process of normalization of
data by using Min-Max method with the aim of
avoiding the occurrence of various anomalies of data
and not consistency of data, the data in this study has
2 data types namely integer and real data so that the
researcher normalize the data. "Min Max
Normalization Based Data Perturbation Method for
Privacy Protection" (Yogendra kumar Jain, santosh
Kumar Bhandre, 2011).
The genetic algorithm is a computational algorithm
that inspired Darwin's theory of evolution which
states that the survival of a creature is influenced by
the rule that high fitness-worthy individuals will
survive while low-fitness individuals will die
(Goldberg D. E. 1989). Genetic algorithms are
especially applied as computer simulations where a
population of abstract representation (called
chromosomes) of candidate solutions (called
individual) on an optimization problem will develop
into a better solution. Traditionally, solutions are
represented in binaries as string '0' and '1', although it
is also possible to use different encodings
Genetic algorithms use the mechanisms of
natural selection and genetic science so that the terms
in the Genetic Algorithm will be in line with the terms
of natural selection and genetic science in general. A
solution developed in a genetic algorithm is called a
chromosome, whereas the chromosome is called a
population. A chromosome is formed from the
constituent components called a gene and its value
can be a numeric, binary, symbol or character. It is
seen from the problems to be solved. These
chromosomes will evolve continuously which will
later be called a generation. In each generation the
chromosome evaluated the success rate the value of
the solution to the problem to be solved using a
measure called fitness.
2.1 General Structure of Genetic
In general the structure of a genetic algorithm can
define with the following steps: (John Holland, 1975).
a) Determining the initial population, the genes
that fill each chromosome are generated
randomly with the N chromosome where the
population size depends on the problem and
corresponds to the solution domain.
b) The value of fitness, is the value that states
whether or not a solution (individual). This
fitness value is used as a reference in
achieving the optimal value in Genetic
Algorithm. Genetic Algorithm aims to find
individuals with the highest fitness value. In
general, the fitness function is derived from an
objective function with a non-negative value.
If the objective function has a negative value,
it is necessary to add a constant of C so that
the fitness value is not negative.
c) Selection, Selection is used to select which
individuals will be selected for cross breeding
and mutation. Selection is used to get a good
parent candidate. The higher the fitness value
of an individual the more likely to be elected.
d) Crossover Operator This function aims to
cross two chromosomes, resulting in new
chromosomes that carry different characters
(genes). This process is done many times in
the population. The chromosome to be omitted
is determined randomly. The procedure of
crossing one point as follows 1). Determine
the number of populations that will experience
a cross, based on pc.
2). Select two chromosomes as the parent, ie
p1 and p2.
3). Determine the crossover position by
generating random numbers with the range 1
to (length of chromosome-1).
e) Mutations, which play a role in replacing the
missing genes of the population due to a
selection process that allows the re-emergence
of genes that do not appear in the initial
population. Mutations can be made of all the
genes present with a given mutation
probability. If the random number generated is
less than the probability of the specified
mutation then change the gene to its inverse
value. In simple Genetic Algorithms, mutation
probability values are fixed during evolution.
The mutation (Pm) opportunity is defined as
the percentage of the total number of new
genes that will be raised for evaluation. If the
mutation chance is too small, many possible
useful genes are never evaluated. But if the
chance of this mutation is too great, it will be
too much random noise, so it will lose the
resemblance of the parent. Other mutation
processes can be mutated in genes as much as
the probability of a mutation * the number of
genes, in which the gene position to be carried
out by mutation is randomly selected (John