Reformasi, the tap of democracy was so profusely
flowing. This then becomes one of the factors of the
movement Tarbiyah transformed into a political
party, the Justice Party (PK).
In reality, the study of the Tarbiyah movement in
Indonesia has been widely written in various books
and research journals. Among these works include,
dissertations from Machmudi (2008); Damanik's
book (2002); Muthohirin's book (2014); And Journal
of Latif (2005). The works generally discuss the entry
of the Tarbiyah movement to Indonesia until its
transformation into Justice Party (PK). From these
studies, this research will raise something different
and more specific, the birth of a new culture of
Islamic students at the University of Indonesia as a
result of the influence of the Tarbiyah movement in
the period 1989-1998.
This study uses historical method. Historical research
begins with the process of finding sources related to
the discussion. Then the authors conducted interviews
with the student activists contemporaneous with the
period of discussion to produce a valid and
comprehensive research. The activists are those who
work in the field of student senate and campus
dakwah institutions, such as Kamarudin, Selamat
Nurdin, Rama Pratama, Andi Aziz, and others. To
enrich the primary data, studies of literature from
various sources such as scientific journals, books,
newspapers, magazines and archives were also
conducted. Source obtained then processed with
qualitative approach. Analysis of the source produces
valid data after the reduction. Valid data is then
interpreted by associating with understanding the
contexts of the discussion period. After that, the
writing uses a historical approach.
The Tarbiyah movement entered Indonesia in the
1980s and grew rapidly in the 1990s. The movement
grew after many Middle Eastern graduate students
returned to Indonesia. They become new dai and
spread their influence into society. On the one hand,
the repressive attitude of the New Order regime made
the Tarbiyah movement subsequently become an
activity which many students were interested in after
its previous movement received repression. Students
are considered to disrupt the political stability of the
country because of the many protests to the New
Order government.
In the UI, Tarbiyah movement as a propagation
movement entered and developed due to two factors,
internal and external factors. The internal factor is the
emptiness that occurs in the student movement and
the marginalized Islamic atmosphere within the
campus. Meanwhile, external factors are the policies
of the New Order government, DDII da'wah agenda,
and the presence of alumni from the Middle East.
The emptiness in the UI student movement was
due to the policy of P & K minister, Daoed Jusuf who
forbade political students, one of them by abolishing
the Student Council (Dema). Following the issuance
of the Student Council freeze decree, the Minister of
Education and Culture (P & K) Daoed Jusuf issued
Decree No.0156 / U / 1978 on Normalization of
Campus Life (NKK). In SK NKK, the university
rectors are assigned as the highest responsible persons
in their respective campuses to implement the
concept. It can be interpreted also that the government
gives power to the rector and the vice rector to
determine student activities. In the concept of NKK,
students are not allowed to form student organizations
as a means of raising solidarity and publications of
students in conducting protests against government
authorities (Hariyadhie, 1995: 132). The NKK policy
is considered to have killed student political activity.
Student Council was banned, while the government
only allows the establishment of Faculty Student
Senate (SMF) and the Faculty Student Representative
Body (BPMF) (Hariyadhie, 1995: 40).
On the other hand, Islam, which is widely
embraced by many UI students, feels marginalized.
This can be seen from the lack of proper means of
worship at that time as well as the lack of time
allocated to perform the prayers during student
activities such as orientation and others so that they
must hide or pray in the shadow of fear. The situation
then raises the spirit among Muslim students to
awaken Islamic values on campus. Moreover, after
the student movement experienced a vacuum, Islamic
activity becomes an option other than study groups
and NGOs for students.
The rapid growth of Islamic activity on UI
campus is inseparable from the new path taken by
DDII after the New Order bans the political Islam
groups. The new path develops da'wah in some
objects, such as groups of students who become
special objects. Da'wah was conducted by building a
mosque and providing dai(s) after being educated and
equipped by DDII. Among the dai there are groups
that are graduates of the Middle East. According
Sholihin (2016), among students who returned to
Indonesia at that time, among others, Hidayat
Nurwahid and Salim Assegaf.