Determinants of Willingness-to-Pay for Tuition Fee of a Private
Technical Higher Education Institution in Indonesia
Sri Nadapdap
and Yosef Manik
Engineering Management Study Program, Institut Teknologi Del, Laguboti, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Keywords: Willingness-to-Pay, Tuition Fee, Technical Higher Education
Abstract: Tuition fee is a critical decision variable for families who plan to send their children for college. For any
purchase decision, there is a difference between the ability to pay (ATP) and the willingness to pay (WTP).
While ATP depends on income, families’ assets, and other information related to families’ wealth, WTP is
determined by how families’ perceived the value proposition provided. In Indonesia, no studies has been
published in identifying factors that affect the WTP for tuition of higher education institution. Such
information, however, is essential for higher institution, particularly private institutions, to pursue a pricing
strategy that is tailored to the target students. This study is aimed to measure the WTP and to identify factors
affecting the WTP of prospective students’ parents for tuition fee of a private technical higher education
institution in Indonesia (PT X). This study was conducted between January and March 2018. Using
questionnaire that was distributed in several districts and cities that became target area of PT X, 215
respondents who have the potential to send their children to PT X have been queried about their WTP and
factors that affect the WTP. The median of WTP found in this study is Rp 5.000.000,-. Over seven
hypothetical variables, this study found that family income is the only significant variable that affects the
WTP. The outcome of this study will be used for better formulate both pricing strategy and financial planning
for governing bodies of PT X.
Education is one of the important things for the
society. One of the education that can be taken is
higher education. Based on Law No. 12 of 2012 about
higher education, higher education is the level of
education after secondary education that includes
diploma and programs, undergraduate programs,
master programs, and professional programs, as well
as specialist programs, organized by universities
based on Indonesian culture.
For students who are still in third grade of Senior
High School in Indonesia, universities become a
dilemma because the will be dealing with various
considerations that must be considered. One of the
things to consider is the tuition fee of higher
education in college. The tuition fee is important for
the continuity of the education cycle in universities.
Talking about the tuition fee for higher education
in college, there are two things that cannot be
separated and have an impact on tuition fee in
institution, namely ability to pay (ATP) and
willingness to pay (WTP). Ability to pay is defined as
the actual allocation or distribution of its revenue to
purchase services that limit the ability to purchase,
such as services (Joewono, 2009).
Willingness to pay is the highest price of a product
where a person is willing to pay for goods or services
(Breidert, et al., 2006). According to Pantari and
Saptutyningsih (2014), the willingness to pay is
closely related to income level, a person with high
income is likely to have a higher willingness to pay
than a person who have a lower income.
ATP is the ability of a person to pay for a product
(good or service) based on income earned. From
various studies (Kurz, et al., 2008), ATP is affected
by income, assets, family size, tuition fee of college
and other important information obtained from the
Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
Within the geographical context of Indonesia,
there are still few studies conducted in measuring the
willingness to pay of universities and their
determinants. Therefore, this study is important for
PT X to understand the WTP of its prospective
students so that its governing body can set appropriate
strategies in determining the operational policies. The