2.2 Data Collection and Analysis
Data collection for primary data was done through a
field survey the primary data and secondary data were
digitally encoded. Field observation was conducted to
gather stands and geographic data. Stands features
referred to diameter, height, merchantable volume,
age, species, spacing, site index, basal area, and
density of E. Grandis. Geographical features referred
to slope, elevation, rain fall and soil of the study area
The data in this study used 49 observation of PsP
(permanent sample plots) and 52 inventory plots.
The total area of the plots in this study site is 3.11 ha.
Sample plot was located in an area where the stand
was of even age, uniformly spaced, and disease free.
Multiple Regression analysis was used for the
modeling and analysis of numerical data consisting of
values of a dependent variable (response variable)
and independent variables (explanatory variables).
The dependent variable in the regression equation is
modeled as a function of the independent variables,
corresponding parameters, and an error term
Regression analyses were done to derive the yield
equation of Eucalyptus at stand level using SAS.
Generally, yield (V) is considered to be a function
of basal area, height, age, site index, stand density,
spacing, top soil, rain fall, slope, elevation, , and type
of soil. These can be expressed as :
Vi = f ( BA, TH, Age, SI, SD, SP, TS, R, SL, E,N,
DA, DB, DC, DD) (1)
where :
Vi= merchantable volume of stand for i group
species in cubic meter per hectare
BAi= basal area of i group species in square
meters per hectare
TH = total height in meter
Age= stand age in years from the year of stand
establishment to the year of data
SI = site index in meter
SD = stand density in tree/ha
SP = original spacing in square meters; their
values are the products of original
spacing ( e.g., for a stand of original
spacing 3 x 2 m., SP has value of 6 )
TS = depth of top soil in centimeter (cm)
R = rain fall monthly (mm)
SL = slope in percent (%)
E = elevation in msal
N = density of upper canopy trees in trees/ha
DA=dummy variable for group of soil
dystrandepts, hydrandepts, 1 if type of
soil DA, 0 otherwise
DB=dummy variable for group of soil
dystropepts, dystrandepts, 1 if type of soil
DB, 0 otherwise
DC=dummy variable for group of soil
dystropepts, hapludults, 1 if type of soil
DC, 0 otherwise
DD= dummy variable for group of soil
dystropepts, humitropepts, 1 if type of
soil DC, 0 otherwise
bij = regression coefficients
ei= error terms
The volume models were assessed with the view of
recommending those with good fit for further uses.
The following statistical criteria were used:
a. The largest coefficients of determination
) and coefficients of correlation (r),
smallest mean square error (MSE) and
values of Mallow’s C(p) and Variance
Inflation Factor (VIF). VIF (βi) < 4
indicates no multicollinerity, if VIF (βi) > 4
indicates a problem of multicollinearity.
There is a possible problem of
multicollinearity if VIF (βi) > 15 and there
is a serious problem of multicollinearity if
VIF (βi) > 30. (Catahan, 2008)
b. Significant F–values as computed in the
analysis of variance (ANOVA) that test the
overall regression given the intercept term;
he critical value of F (i.e., F-tabulated) at
p<0.05 level of significance will be
compared with the F-ratio (F-calculated).
Where the variance ratio (F-calculated) is
greater than the critical values (F-tabulated)
such equation is therefore significant and
can be accepted for prediction
c. Consider the significance of each the
independent variables;
d. Randomness of the residual as shown in the
graph of the residual error values versus
fitted merchantable volume values;
3.1 Descriptive Statistic of Stand and
Geographic Variables
The summary descriptive statistics of the actual stand
variables to develop the models are shown in Table 1,