Application of Decision Tree of Classification
English Premier League
Syaiful Bahri
, Maya Silvi Lydia
, Rahmat Widia Sembiring
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan-Indonesia
Politeknik Negeri Medan, Medan-Indonesia
Keyword: Football, Decision Tree, C4.5 Algorithm
Abstract: Football today has become a hobby for most people. For people who are very hobby will always be waiting
for the results of the final standings of the league's favorite club and hopes to become champion. Results
standings each season can be analyzed based on the attributes of the table standings. With a set of results of
the standings, each season can be classified how big the club is able to become a champion by most dominant.
Penelitian attributes using classification method C4.5 decision tree algorithm using software RapidMiner 8.1.
The dataset used is club Manchester United's season from 1992 through 2016, the number of goals that are
created, the number of goals conceded, the number of points and the status of champions or not at the end of
the season. The results of the study with the algorithm C4. 5 show that the club will be able to become a
champion at season's end goal number above 65 and points earned over 89 points. If the number of points at
the end of the season under 65, then the club has never been champions at the end of the season.
Football cannot be avoided by technology. Football
nowadays always grow with the support of
technology. The development of technology in
predicting the fitness of players until the end of the
match result is always using technology. The result of
the match will be stored in the league table as a
determinant champion late in the season for that
position number 1. In the case of prediction with a
track record of a club can be classified results of the
standings every year. The classification results
predictions or conclusions can be drawn in various
ways, one of which is to classify what are the chances
that a club can win in the league with the final results
of the standings in the league a few years ago.
Decision tree whose methods are C.45 will make
the classification of the results of English premier
league standings from 1992 to 2016. The processed
data will classify the number of goals per season, the
number of goals conceded per season, the endpoints
of the season and the status of champions or not at the
end season will be tested with a sample club
Manchester United. With the existence of the
classification, it can be concluded in a number of
attributes which most determine the chances of the
club is able to champions in every season. To simplify
the classification of data, this study uses RapidMiner
8.1 applications.
2.1 Data Mining
Data mining is the process of discovering interesting
knowledge, such as associations, patterns, changes,
significant structures, and anomalies, from large
amounts of the data stored in databases or data
warehouses or other information repositories (Han,
2006). Some techniques that are often mentioned in
the literature of DM include clustering, classification,
association rule mining, neural networks and genetic
algorithms (Lindawati, 2008). Stages of Data Mining
by (Budanis 2014), Data Mining has phases - phases
1. Cleaning the data (data cleaning) Data cleansing is
the process of eliminating noise and inconsistent
data or data irrelevant.
Bahri, S., Lydia, M. and Sembiring, R.
Application of Decision Tree of Classification English Premier League.
DOI: 10.5220/0010044704520456
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and Technology (ICEST 2018), pages 452-456
ISBN: 978-989-758-496-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2. Integration of data (data integration) Data
integration is the combination of data from
different databases into the new database.
3. Selection of Data (Data Selection) Data contained
in the database is often not all used, therefore only
the appropriate data to be analyzed to be retrieved
from the database.
4. The data transformation (Data Transformation
Services) Data amended or merged into a format
suitable for processing in Data Mining.
5. The process of mining, It is a major process when
the method is applied to find valuable and hidden
knowledge from data.
6. Evaluation of the pattern (pattern evaluation) To
identify interesting patterns into knowledge-based
7. Presentation of knowledge (knowledge
presentation) A visualization and presentation of
knowledge about the methods used to obtain the
knowledge acquired.
2.1.1 Classification
Classification is a data mining technique that maps
the data into predefined groups or classes. It is a
supervised learning method labeled roommates
training requires the data to generate rules for
classifying the data into predetermined test groups or
classes (Dunham, 2003). The method of classification
refers to the formation of groups of data by applying
known algorithms to the data warehouse under
examination. This method is useful for business
processes that require categorical information such as
marketing or sales. It can use various algorithms such
as nearest neighbor, decision tree learning, and
others.Decision Trees are also used to explore the
data, find hidden relationships among a number of
candidates for the input variables with a target
variable.The decision tree combines data exploration
and modeling, so it is great as a first step in the
modeling process even when used as the final models
of several other techniques.
2.2 Decision Tree
The decision tree is a prediction model technique that
can be used for classification and prediction of tasks.
The Decision Tree uses the technique of "divide and
conquers" to divide the problem-finding space into a
set of problems (Dunham, 2003). The process on the
decision tree is to change the shape of the data table
into a model tree. The model tree will generate rule
and simplified (Basuki & Syarif, 2003).
The advantages of the decision tree method are:
1. The area of decision making that was previously
complex and very global, can be changed to be
more simple and specific.
2. Elimination calculations are not necessary
because when using decision tree method the
samples tested was based criteria or a particular
3. Flexible to choose features from the different
internal nodes, feature selected will distinguish
criteria other than the criteria in the same node.
The flexibility of this decision tree method
increases the quality of the resulting decisions
than when using the method of calculating the
phase of a more conventional
Figure 1. Decision Tree Concept
2.3 C4.5 Algorithm
There are several steps in making a decision tree
algorithm C4.5, Larose, namely:
1. Prepare the training data. The training data are
typically taken from historical data that never
happened before or referred to the past data and is
already classified in a particular class.
2. Calculate the root of the tree. The roots will be
taken of the attributes to be elected, by calculating
the value of the gain of each attribute, the highest
gain value which will be the first roots. Before
calculating the gain of attribute values, first,
calculate the value of entropy. To calculate the
value of entropy used the formula:
...................... .................. (1)
S: The set Case
A: Features
n: number of partitions S
pi: The proportion of Si to S
4. Calculate the value of Gain using the
Application of Decision Tree of Classification English Premier League
.............................. (2)
S = The set of cases
A = Features
n = number of partitions attribute A
| Si | = The proportion of Si to S
| S | = Number of cases in S
4. Repeat step 2 and step 3 until all the records
5. The process decision tree partition will stop when:
a. All records in the node N gets the same class.
b. No attribute in the record is partitioned again.
There are no records in the empty branch.
2.4 RapidMiner 8.1
RapidMiner is a neighborhood machine learning data
mining, Text mining and predictive analytics (Han,
2006). Work performed by text mining RapidMiner
is ranged with text analysis, extract patterns from
large data sets and combine with statistical methods,
artificial intelligence, and database. The purpose of
the analysis of this text is to obtain the highest quality
information from text that is processed.
RapidMiner provides procedures for data mining
and machine learning, it includes ETL (extraction,
transformation, loading), the data preprocessing,
visualization, modeling, and evaluation. The data
mining process is composed of operators nestable,
described by XML, and is made with a GUI. The
presentation is written in the Java programming
2.5 Data Preprocessing
Data cleaning is applied to add the attribute is missing
or empty, and change the data inconsistent.
1. Data Transformation In this process, data is
transformed into a form suitable for data mining
2. Data Reduction Data reduction is done by
eliminating unnecessary attributes so that the size
of the database to be small, and only include the
required attributes in the data mining process, as
it will be more efficient on smaller data. Here is
a table of data sets to be used.
Table 1. The dataset of results Preprocessing
Data preprocessing is important in the process of data
mining. From these data still to be done preprocessing
so that the data is processed in accordance with that
required in the process.
3.1 Determining the Value Attribute
In the first set of sample data node elected, by
calculating the gain value of each attribute to
determine the selected node, use the value of the
greatest gain information. By using the equation -P
(+) log2P (+) - P (-) log2P (-).
At this stage of the study will be performed using
software RapidMiner 8.1 with decision tree method.
Data were processed using M.excel 2010, so in
RapidMiner 8.1 application using excel read operator
function to read the file to be processed. Then enter
operator Decision Tree to create processed data
generates decision trees.
Figure 2. First Process RapidMiner
3.2 Determining Parameters
The criterion used was gain_ratio based Opera-
obtained against intrinsic information which serves to
ICEST 2018 - 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and
reduce the bias towards Multi-value attributes to take
into account the number and size of branches when
selecting attributes. On the choice of maximal depth
indicates the maximum number of long branching
from treetop branches.
Figure 3. Setting Parameters
3.3 Example Set
The example set is a data set that has been uploaded
to the application RapidMiner 8.1. Here is the data set
that is ready to be processed by the application
RapidMiner 8.1.
Figure 4. Example Set
3.4 Description
The description describes the results of the
classification of the data sets in though. Results of the
description can be seen in the following figure.
Figure 5. Example set read excel
3.5 Graph View
Graph view shows the results of classification by
branching can be produced conclusions. Here is the
result of a decision tree.
Figure 6. Decision Tree Results
1. Decision tree method can be used to classify the
results of the final standings of the league to see
what are the chances of a club can win the final
table results of the previous season's standings.
Application of Decision Tree of Classification English Premier League
2. The results of the data that has been processed
to show that the club Manchester United will be
champions if the acquisition point each season
89 or> 89. If the pointy end of the season under
65 it is ascertained that the club will not be
3. It turned out that the club was also able to get
the title 7 times apart from the number of points
above 89, but through a number of points below
89 and averaged 86 goals per season below.
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ICEST 2018 - 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and