and it allow the user to use it both privately and
publicly (Mondry, 2008). “Social Media has become
an integrated part of modern living. It is predicted,
that in the near future, a trend called 3S will appear:
Social, Shared, and Speed”. Social is how one is
connected with others people and undergo the habits
of sharing with people online. Shared is how one is
sharing their experience to other people through text,
photograph, video, and other means of
communicating the experience through media social.
According to the result of a study on how much
do the teenagers are spending their time using the
computers: Parents in the Annenberg survey report
that children (between 2 and 17 years) in homes with
computers spend approximately 1 h and 37 min a day
on computers, including video games (Stanger &
Gridina, 1999). In the HomeNet study, machine
records of weekly usage averaged across
approximately 2 years of data between 1995 and
1998 show that among the teens who had access to
the Internet at home, usage averaged about 3 h/week
during weeks when they used it, and over 10% used it
more than 16 h/week. Teens in the study were much
heavier users of the Internet and all its services than
were their parents.
The teens used the Internet for schoolwork, for
communication with both local and distant friends,
and to have fun, especially by finding information
related to their interests and hobbies. Teenagers were
more likely than adults to report using the Internet for
social purposes. For example, teens were more likely
to report using the Internet to communicate with
friends, meet new people, get personal help, and join
They were also more likely to use the Internet
to listen to music, play games, and download
software. In contrast, adults were more likely to use
the Internet for instrumental purposes such as getting
product information, purchasing products, or
supporting their employment. Teens also used the
Internet for instrumental purposes, such as doing
schoolwork and finding educational material.
(Subrahmanyam, Greenfield, Kraut, & Gross, 2001).
This particular study also remarks the mix
motives by the teenagers in using the computers: self-
entertaining, doing assignments, gathering
information about educational programs,
communicating with social circle, joining online
communities, as well as reading the news. The variety
of things that the teenagers could do with a computer
often causes them to ignore other activities that do not
require the use of computers.
Moreover, this study is figured out that the
teenagers who regularly use the computers at home
are receiving affects on their academic achievements,
as it explains on the following citations: One
program of note is that of Cole (Cole, 1996)
(Subrahmanyam, Greenfield, Kraut, & Gross, 2001),
who has been experimenting with the use of electronic
communication and games with children in both
classroom and after-school settings for nearly 15
years. The after-school programs are called ``The
Fifth Dimension,'' and include the typical uses of
home computers, such as educational software,
computer games, searching the Internet, and
multiuser dungeons (MUD) activities. Subject matter
includes social development, geography,
communications, reading, writing, math, social
studies, health, technology, language, and problem
solving (Blanton, Moorman, Hayes, & Warner,
1997). The electronic games and Internet activities
are based in a total social and cognitive environment
that includes a ladder of challenges. Program effects
include advances in reading and mathematics,
computer knowledge, following directions, grammar
and school achievement tests (Summary of cognitive
evaluation studies, n.d.). Although Cole's programs
are set in after-school settings, his results indicate
that well designed games and Internet activities for
home use can have a lasting impact on children's
academic performance.
The remaining result of the study highlights that
the teenagers who are using the computers or those
who are going online would eventually improve a
better quality of friendships and better relationships
with the family.
According to the annual report called 'we are
social' in 2017, the numbers of Internet users in
Indonesia reaching up to 132.7 million, with more
than 106 million users are active in social media
( In
addition to this data, a collaborative survey conducted
by the Association of Internet Service Providers
Indonesia (APJII) together with the Center for Study
and Communication University of Indonesia
(Puskakom UI) in Indonesia pointed out that the
majority of Internet users in Indonesia is 49%
dominated by people in the age group between 18-25
years old. Hence, the largest age groups of the
Internet users in Indonesia are people who included
in the category of digital natives
. (,
The Internet becomes a preference channel for
communities to promote themselves or even to assault
other parties by purpose. Media and radicalism
constitute two central issues that attract public
attention because they share similar characteristic in