2.3 Company Size (Size Effect)
It is one tool to measure the size of a company.
Employees, assets, sales, market value and value
added are some common measurement in order to
determine the size of a company (Hart and Oulton in
Juliana, 2003). There are some fundamental
differences between large and small companies. Elton
and Gruber in Juliana (2003) say that larger companies
will have easier access to the capital market. Small
companies shares of the trading frequency level that is
not as fast and as easy as a large company's stock.
Besides, Scherer in Juliana (2003) finds the evidence
that larger companies are more stable and growth
patterns that can change rapidly than small companies.
Therefore, the ability of large companies is to create
various product lines and operations easier. In
addition, Damayanti in Juliana (2003) considers the
size of the company can be seen from the total assets.
The result shows firm assets have not effect on the
ability to predict financial ratios to future earnings
growth in manufacturing companies.
2.4 Related Studies
Some of the previous research that have been done.
They are as follows:
Firstly, Safitri (2016) finds that Debt to Asset
Ratio, Variable Inventory, Debt to Asset Ratio, Net
Profit Margin, Inventory Turnover and Return on
equity have significant influence to profit growth,
meanwhile, Variable Current Ratio and Variable
Return on have not significant effect on profit growth.
Furthermore, Susanti (2014) shows (1) Total
Assets Turnover, Net Profit Margin, and Return on
Assets simultaneously have a significant effect on
profit growth; (2) Total Assets Turnover, Net Profit
Margin, and Return on Assets partially significant
effect to profit growth; (3) Return on Assets have
dominant influence to earnings growth because have
coefficient value of partial.
Besides, Gunawan and Wahyunu (2013) conducts
the research with the aim to: (1) test partially the
influence of financial ratios on profit growth in
trading companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. (2)
test simultaneously the influence of financial ratios on
profit growth in trading companies in Indonesia Stock
Exchange (3) to know the most dominant financial
ratios that influence to profit growth in trading
company in Indonesian Stock Exchange (4) know the
aspect of asset, income management, aspect debt, and
equity to profit growth in trading companies in
Indonesia Stock Exchange. From t test result show
Total Assets Turn Over, Fixed Assets Turn Over,
Inventory Turn Over partially influence to profit
growth, while Curret Ratio, Debt To Assets Ratio,
Debt To Equity Ratio partially no significant effect to
profit growth. From the F test shows Total Assets
Turn Over, Fixed Assets Turn Over, Inventory Turn
Over, Curret Ratio, Debt To Assets Ratio, Debt To
Equity Ratio simultaneously have a significant effect
on profit growth.
Adisetiawan (2012) shows that variable of
Operating Income to Total Assets (OITL) and Current
Ratio (NPM) partially have significant effect to profit
growth. Meanwhile, the variable Working Capital to
Total Asset (WCTA), Current Liabilities To
Inventory (CLI), Total Asset Turnover (TAT), and
Gross Profit Margin (GPM) have no significant effect
on profit growth. The six variables used in this study
simultaneously have no significant effect on profit
growth, with predictive ability of the six variables of
The last one is Mahaputra (2012) that finds that
the current ratio, debt to equity, total asset turnover,
and profit margin have a significant influence on
profit growth.
2.5 Hypothesis
The changes in Curret Ratio, Debt Assets Ratio, Total
Assets Turnover, Return On Assets and Price Earning
Ratio simultaneously have a significant effect on the
profit growth of companies incorporated in the LQ45
Index of 2013 -2016 with firm size as control
This research is descriptive quantitative which
explains the relationship between variables by
analyzing numerical data (numbers) and using
statistical methods through hypothesis testing. This
research is a case study research company that is
incorporated in the index LQ45 in Indonesia Stock
Exchange in 2013-2016. The source data is taken
from this study consists of Annual Reports published
by the company that becomes the object of research.
The population that is used is all companies that are
incorporated in LQ45 period 2013-2016 that are listed
on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Furthermore,
the technique is by applying purposive sampling. It
means criteria of companies that are incorporated in
the LQ45 period 2013-2016 that are listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). There are the
samples like companies that are incorporated in LQ45