2.3 Diabetes Induction in Experimental
Diabetic Rats
STZ (55 mg/kg, prepared in a 0.9% NaCl solution)
was injected intra-peritoneally to 16-hrs-fasted rats. ,
administered at single dose of 120 mg/kg body weight
intraperitoneally. Diabetes was confirmed by
determining the blood glucose concentration using
glucometer (Accu Check), after 72 hours of STZ
injection. The rats that had BGL above 200 mg/dl
were included for the study (Yusoff et al, 2017).
2.4 Experimental Set up
Diabetic rats were divided randomly into three groups
(n=5). The first group (Sq) was administered Sq (160
mg/kg). The second group (M) was given metformin
(500 mg/kg) to serve as the positive control. The third
group (DC) was treated with normal saline (10 ml/kg)
and served as the negative control. Normal control
(NC) rats were included to the study that received
normal saline (10 ml/kg). All treatments were
dissolved in NaCL 0.9% and tween 80 5% before
2.5 Preparation Pancreatic for
Histopathological Analysis
The 14-days treated diabetic rats were sacrified with
the carbogen gas (95% O2 and 5% O2) and the
pancreas was excised for histological studies. The
pancreas was fixed in 10% buffered formaldehyde for
24 hours, followed by dehydration using 70% alcohol
(60 min), 96% alcohol (45 min), and absolute alcohol
(2 h). The clearing phase of the samples was made by
repeated xylene immersions, followed by paraffin
wax infiltrations.
The samples were automatically processed with
tissue processor Thermo Scientific STP 120-3 and
paraffin embedding was prepared using modular
tissue embedding center Thermo Scientific Microm
EC 350-1. The parafffin-embedded tissues were
sectioned into 5 μm using the Leica RM 125RTS
microtome and mounted on a microscope slides. The
mounted slides were stained with hematoxylline (H)
and eosin (E) according to H&E staining technique.
The stained sections were then mounted in DPX
mounting medium with cover slide.
2.6 Photomicrography and Image
Records of the histopathological results were obtained
by photomicrography using digital photomicrographic
microscope (Olympus BX 41 and Olympus DP25
video camera) at the Anatomic Pathology Laboratory,
Department of Anatomic Pathology, Universitas
Sumatera Utara.
2.7 Statistical Analysis
Data was expressed as mean ± standard error of the
mean (S.E.M). The results were analysed using
Kruskall Wallis
followed by Mann-Whitney. p <0.5 was
considered significant.
3.1 Blood Gucose Level (BGL)
The effect of once daily oral administration of Sq on
the BGL is presented in Table 1. Administration of Sq
(160 mg/kg) showed significant blood glucose
reduction at day6 to day14 (p<0.05-0.01) compared
to DC-treated group. Metformin as the positive
control decreased the BGL significantly at day6 to
day14 as well (p<0.01). However, only NC-treated
groups showed significant different from day3-day14
Table 1. Effect of 14 days daily oral administration of
Squalene on the blood glucose level of SDR
67.2 1.4* 75 2* 80 4.8 80.8 2.2
327 9** 354.8 24** 79 5.1** 249.6 14.6
280.4 10.8 271.8 15.9 81.2 3.7** 284.4 8.5
241.4 16.8* 181.8 24.7** 81.4 3.9** 293.6 17.6
184 11.7* 144.2 14.2** 79.4 3.4** 300.2 10.9
136.2 9.2* 108.4 8.2** 81 4.1** 307 20
85.2 1.6** 80.4 5.7** 78.4 4** 318.4 26
Data is expressed as mean S.E.M, n=5.*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001versus DC.
Sq has been reported in several studies as one of
compounds found in the plants that have
antihyperglycemic activity (Baskar et al, 2011;
Jananie et al, 2011; Widyawati, 2015b; Ragasa et al,
2014). The present study support the previous study
that showed dose-dependently antihyperglycemic
activity of Sq (Widyawati, 2015b). However, the
present study evaluate the effect after 14 days
treatment that longer than the previous study.
3.2 Evaluation of the islets of
Langerhans (iL)
Figure 1 shows a digital visualization of H & E
staining of normal pancreas rat. The islet of
Langerhans (IL) was clearly distinguished from the
surrounding exocrine tissue by a continuous