117X2 + 0.006 X3 + 0.011 X4 + 0.117 X5. That is,
every dimension of faith (X1), Dimension of worship
(X2), Dimension of practice (X3), Dimension of
knowledge (X4) and Dimension of appreciation (X5)
rise then social change also rise
Social and religious behavior has a very close
relationship and can not be separated from each other.
Because, when doing research on religion, it is almost
inseparable from the use of approaches or framework
methodological social sciences. In this context,
sociologically for example, religion is regarded as
part of the construction of social reality. Thus, social
research if associated with religious research can all
be said to be an empirical research paradigm.
Religion is a guideline of moral behavior, then
religion is the influence of human moral behavior
because it goes into the construction of personality.
The extent to which the effectiveness of the influence
of course depends on which between influence
pengampai influence with the recipient of influence.
Each religion must have rules or commands each
religion that must be obeyed by all followers. And
those rules will affect the behavior or behavior of
followers. However, if in carrying out orders or rules
given by the religion is run only because muddle
obligations then it could be the behavior is not in
accordance with what is desired by religion. Today
there are also many behavior of the followers of
religion that has deviated away from the essence of
the teachings of religion itself. As a result, religion is
transformed into a scary and frightening figure. In
fact, the essence of religious teachings is love and
affection. Currently we do not live in wartime with
weapons as the main tool. We now stand in the era of
openness and democracy. It should be seen that the
attitude of mutual help and spread peace. Can be seen
the difference between a believer with an unbelieving
ornag living his religious life, with a person who does
not practice religion or practice religion in a
nonchalant way to his religion. On the face of a
religious person, inward tranquility, his attitude and
his actions will not be miserable or troublesome to
others, as is the case with a person whose life is
detached from religious or religious beliefs, his life
will be easily disturbed by the shock of the soul and
the atmosphere. If we want to think deeply religion is
actually as the unifying of the most powerful human
aspirations, some large amount of morality of the
source of society and peace of mind and the
individual as a dignified and that makes human
civilized. There is a lot of accusations that very
menykitkan our ears , they argue that religion is the
source of mpeghambat human progress and
mempepinggi high fanaticism and intolerance,
pegacuan, ignorance, superstition, and wasted, but
such views are very wrong view.
The Culture scholars who have made observations
on various cultures of various nations come to the
conclusion that religion is the most fundamental core
element of human culture, both in terms of positive
and negative. Society is a social phenomenon that is
exposed to a continuous stream of change that can be
divided into two categories: inner (spiritual) and birth
(physical) powers. An example of change caused by
birth powers is the development of technology made
by humans. While examples of changes caused by
inner strength are democracy, reform, and religion.
From comparative analysis it turns out that religion
and religious values are the strongest converting
forces of all cultures, religions can be initiators or
promoters, but also as a persistent opponent in
accordance with the position of religion.
Sociologically, the influence of religion can be seen
from two sides, namely the influence of a positive or
an integrative influence and the influence of a
negative or influence that is destructive and divisive
(desintegrative factor). The social role of religion as
an integrative factor for society means the role of
religion in creating a common bond, both among
members of some societies as well as in social
obligations that help unite them. This is because the
values underlying the social obligation systems are
supported by religious groups so that religion
guarantees consensus in society. Some things that
happen in society due to Religiusity are people
increasingly aware of the importance of attending
worship activities, Willingness to do volunteer work
shows that people want to do things that are not really
his responsibility. Be more aware of the importance
of society, perform other social activities.
Partially (t-test) Confidence dimension Dimension of
worship, Dimension of practice, Dimension of
knowledge and Dimension of appreciation have
significant effect to Social Change at α <0.05. The
correlation of independent variables is Confidence
dimension, Dimension of worship, Dimension of
practice, Dimension of knowledge and Dimension of