LVQ method itself is not much different from the
SOM method is a neural network based learning
model that requires early weighting vector in the
learning process..
Self Organizing Map (SOM) is a grouping method in
the form of two-dimensional topography like a map
so as to facilitate the observation of the distribution of
grouping results. SOM requires the determination of
the learning rate, the function of the learning, the
number of iterations desired in the grouping process
to provide grouping results (Li Jian & Yang
Ruicheng, 2016).
Self Organizing Map method does not require
objective function such as KMeans and Fuzzy C-
Means so that for optimal condition on an iteration,
SOM will not stop its iteration as long as the specified
number of iterations has not been reached (Larose,
Daniel T, 2005).
Kohonen Network is one of the network used to
divide pattern input into several clusters (clusters),
where all the patterns are located in one group is a
pattern similar to each other (Teuvo Kohonen, 2013).
In the SOM algorithm, the weight vector for each
cluster unit serves as an example of the pattern input
associated with the cluster . During the self-
organizing process , cluster the unit of weight
corresponding to the pattern of the closest input
vector (usually, the square of the minimum Euclidean
distance) is selected as the winner. The winning unit
and its neighboring unit (in terms of the topology of
the cluster unit ) continue to update the brand weight
(Fausett, 1993). While in weighting methods,
Entropy can be applied to weighting attributes, this is
done by (Hwang and Yoon, 1981).
In SOM networks, target neurons are not placed
in a line like any other ANN model. Target neurons
are placed in two dimensions whose form / topology
can be adjusted. Different topologies will produce
neurons around neurons a different winner so that the
weighed weights will also be different. In SOM, the
weight change is not only done on the weight of the
line connected to the winning neuron only, but also
on the line weight to the neurons around it. neurons
around the winning neuron are determined by their
distance from the winning neuron
Here are the steps that need to be done in
applying SOM method in data processing (Teuvo
Kohonen, 2013) :
1. Initialize Weight of Wij weights at random,
determine the adjacent topology parameters,
determine the learning rate parameter, determine
the number of training iterations
2. As long as the maximum number of iterations has
not been reached, perform steps 3 -7.
3. For each input data X (matrix M x N), do step 4
– 6
4. For each j neuron, calculate
, i = 1,. . ., N, N (1)
5. Search Index of a number of neurons, 𝐷
, which
has the smallest value
6. For
neurons j and all neurons that become J
within the radius R, calculate the weight change
wij (old) + ή (𝑋
7. Update the rate of learning
Entropy is one of thermodynamic quantities that
measure energy in a system per unit of temperature
that can not be used for business. The general
explanation of entropy is (according to the laws of
thermodynamics), the entropy of a closed system
always rises and under conditions of heat transfer,
heat energy moves from higher temperature
components to lower temperature components. On a
system that is heat insulated (Sun Yan, 2013).
Entropy only goes one way (not reversible / back
and forth). At present entropy is not limited to its use
only in the science of thermodynamics alone, but it
can also be applied in other fields. (Jun Yan et
al.,2008). In statistical thermodynamics, for example,
entropy is declared as the degree of irregularity. The
more irregular the greater the entropy . The more
organized the entropy becomes smaller. In the
system, the degree of irregularity is usually associated
with its temperature. The higher the temperature, the
more random the motion of the molecule. The cold,
the randomness of molecules / atoms decreases
(Xiangxin LI et al, 2011).
The entropy method can be used to determine a
weight. The entropy method can produce criteria with
the highest value variation will get the highest weight
(Rugui Yao et al, 2016). The steps used in the entropy
method are as follows (Xiangxin LI et al, 2011) :
a. Create a performance rating matrix
The performance rating matrix is an alternative
value for each criterion in which each criterion is
independent of each other.