6.2.2 Technology Turbulence
When technology turbulence is introduced as
moderator factor the R² increases from .091 to .118 or
R² changes .0027 and is significant at 10 percent level
or significant F changes by .074. Partial regression
shows .233 and the coefficient is significant at 10
percent level or significant-t show .074 (see table 3).
When order of entry and technology turbulence
interact, R² increases from .118 to .177 or R² changes
.059 and significant at 5 percent level or significant F
changes to .007. Partial regression coefficient is 0.105
and significant-t of .007 or significant at 5 percent
level (see table 3). Conversely, from the regression
analysis above, it could be stated that technology
turbulence has a strong contribution toward the
interaction role, and hypothesis is accepted(see table
6.2.3 Market Growth Rate
By proposing market growth rate as a moderating
factor, the R² increases significant from .091 to .373
or R² changes .281 and significant at 1 percent level
or significant F changes of .000. Partial regression
shows .475. The coefficient is significant at 1 percent
level or significant-t .000 (see table 4). In addition,
after introducing the interaction between order of
entry and market growth rate , R² increases from .373
to .414 or R² changes .042 and is significant at 5
percent level or significant F changes .008. Partial
regression coefficient is 0.0892 and significant-t of
.008 or is significant at 5 percent level,
thushypothesis is accepted(see table 4).
6.2.4 Competitive Intensity
When competitive intensity was tested as moderator
factor R² increases from .091 to .114 or R² changes
.023 and significant F changes =.103 or significant at
10 percent level. Partial regression coefficient shows
.290 and significant-t .103 or not significant at 10
percent level (see 5). It can be concluded that there is
no moderator role for competitive intensity.
By testing the interaction between order of entry
and competitive intensity, the interaction effect is
found significant as R² increases from .114 to .154 or
R² changes .040 and significant F changes = .029 or
is significant at 5 percent level. Partial regression
coefficient is .00991 and significant-t .029 or is
significant at 5 percent level (see table 5). This
regression means that interaction between order of
entry and competitive intensity can contribute
forward a interaction role, hypothesis is acceptedsee
table 5.
The evidence shows that there are differences
between pioneer and early follower. Pioneer performs
better in achieving market share than early follower.
Furthermore, the evidence reveals that there is a
positive relationship between order of entry and
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byMiller, et.all, 1989 and Urban and Star, 1991,
where they stated that first movers company have
higher market share than early followers.
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dimensions of market place factors positively
moderate the relationship between order of entry and
market share.The findings also supported by Kohli
and Jaworski,1993, Narver and Slater,1994,Adu, A.
&Kwaku 1997, Hoffman and Geiger, 1998, where
they found thatthe greater extent of technology
turbulence, market growth rate, and government
regulation could made more highest the relationship
of order of entry and business performance (market
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