cannot increase credit. The results of this study are
inconsistent with previous research such as
Mashharawi and Al-Zu'bi (2009), Alexiou and
Sofoklis (2009), Sufian (2010), Davydenko (2010),
Sufian and Majid (2010), Barry et al. (2011), Javaid
et al. (2011), Ramadan (2011), Riewsathirathorn et al.
(2011), Sufian and Habibullah (2012) and Si Luh and
I Gusti (2014) found that the ratio of equity have a
positive influence on ROA.
In this study, we examine the Rural Banks in
Pekanbaru City performance of community
development banks in Indonesia from 2012 to 2015.
Our study uncovers interesting results. We find that
the the result of study that Based on the results if
statistical data can be seen that the credit risk proxied
through NPL has a positive but not significant effect
on profitability of BR. Operational risks proxied
through OEOI variables have a negative and
significant impact on Return On Assets (ROA), is due
to high operational costs of BR is still not working
efficiently, thus lowering ROA. liquidity risk proxied
through LDR variable has a positive and significant
impact on profitability BR. This indicates that any
increase in LDR will be followed by increased
profitability, where as the amount of credit disbursed
increases, the income from such credit will increase
so that the bank's ability to earn profit is also
increasing. CAR has negative and insignificant effect
on Return On Assets (ROA). This is caused by the
increase in own capital cannot increase credit.
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