3.1 Regional Expansion in the Context
of Republic of Indonesia as Unitary
Unitary state has different diametrical basic
assumption with federal state. The formation of
unitary state was declared on Independence Day by
Indonesia’s founding father by claiming that the
entire territory as part of this country. There is no
approval from local authorities or states, because it
was assumed that all of region at its territory are not
independent region. Thus, State form regions which
afterwards were given authority by central
government to manage society needs and interest. It
can be assumed that state is the source of it’s authority
(Al Chaidar, 2000).
Pursuant to Article 1(1) The 1945 Constitution of
The Republic of Indonesia, it is mentioned clearly
that Indonesia is a unitary state in the form of
Republic. Consequently, Central Government is the
holder of supreme power over entire state affairs
without any delegation of authority to the Local
Government (Lubis, 1983). In unitary state,
theoretically speaking, there is principle that prohibits
the distribution of power related to the management
of state affairs between Central and Regional
Government, thus state affairs in the concept of
unitary state remain eenheid and the holder of
supreme power in state is The Central Government.
In unitary state, also, Central Government is still
responsible for the governmental affairs. However,
following Indonesia use the principle of decentralized
unitary state model, there are several matters which
can be managed by regional government. This
decision will create reciprocal relation which causes
legal relation between authority and supervision
Moreover, Unitary state concept becomes the
limitation ground of autonomy fundamental
understanding. Based upon that limitation, a ruling
mechanism in which resembles a balance level
between unitary and autonomous region demands.
Both demands, thus, may be able causing a situation
from which “tugging” be created (Manan, 1993).
Despite the situation of tugging create a new stage, it
is common to face this stage, however. Further
observing, this stage is naturally experienced in
countries’ administration matters. In other words,
constitutional and administrative cycle of a state are
connected automatically with its people, either its
citizens or residents.
Every unitary state (eenheidsstaat) can be
arranged based on centralization principle, it can be
conducted wholly-by and from single centralized
government or by central altogether with its organ
which are distributed in regions. Centralization which
is accompanied with distributed who carry out central
government authority partially is called as de-
concentration (centralisatie men deconsentmtie).
Decentralization can be obtained if the authority to
manage state affairs are not solely conducted by
central government, but it is also conducted by lower
independent government entities (zelftanding), which
is autonomous both territorial or functional (Manan,
On the other hand, the relationship model between
Central Government and regional government is not
only limited on autonomy and federation model.
According to Ismail Suny, there are 5 levels of
relation between Central and Regional Government.
First, unitary state with limited autonomy. Through
Law Number 5 Year 1974 concerning Principle
Government in Region (hereinafter referred as Law
5/1974), Indonesia is one of the example of a state
that use limited autonomy concept. In other words,
theoretically speaking, during the process of regional
autonomy delegating stage, only specific authorities
will be distributed (Hoessein, 1993). Consequently,
itremains giving huge authority for central
government in numerous aspects of state
Second, Unitary state with broad autonomy.
Based on economic point of view, this autonomy
should be supported by wealth and good finance
condition. Also, financial balance between Central
and Regional Government is needed. Financial
balance is not conducted solely to give Central
Government authority to manage regional wealth and
financial matter.
Third, Quasi Federal State that equipped with
province which based on central government
“Kindness”. The characteristic of this state is the
authority of central government to decide whether
regional decision is valid or not. This kind of state is
called as quasi federal.
Fourth, Federal State with federal government,
such as the USA, Australia Canada, Switzerland, are
states that
Fifth, Confederation State. At the most extreme
stage, a country can be classified as a Confederation
State model if Central Government has fully trusted
over members of confederation state or
commonwealth member state’s goodwill.
According to that complexity, there are several
criteria that must be applied to measure the