there has been a change of orientation of values and
thoughts about efforts to solve health problems. The
process of change of orientation and thought is
always evolving in line with technological and socio-
cultural developments.
Health problems are a crucial issue, but not all
communities have their right to health care. Although
there has been a program of Public Health Insurance,
Regional Health Insurance, and so on, but not yet able
to serve all levels of society of Surabaya.
Therefore, the main goal of health efforts is to
improve the distribution and quality of health efforts
that are effective and efficient and affordable by all
people. For the implementation of health efforts,
effective and efficient policies and management are
needed so that equitable and quality health services
can be achieved. As regulated in Law Number 36
Year 2009 on Health (hereinafter referred to as the
Health Act) that every person has the right to health
and have equal rights in obtaining safe, quality and
affordable health services.
Indonesian Traditional Health Urgency.
Indonesian traditional health practices have been
known for a long time. The demand for traditional
health services begins with the consumption of herbal
medicine in Indonesia. Based on the data from the
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the
consumption of herbal medicine managed to reach
59.12% of the total population of Indonesia in 2010.
(WHO, 2014) Biodiversity also provides wealth for
Indonesia because it managed to become a source of
traditional health ingredients that have the potential to
cure diseases. Traditional health already has a special
place in the lives of Indonesian people.
Traditional medicine in many countries is rooted
in the culture and history of each region. Some of the
most widely known is traditional medical techniques
and practices of Ayurveda, traditional Chinese
medicine. In addition, the development of alternative
medicine (complementary medicine) is growing
rapidly such as anthroposophical medicine,
chiropractic, homeopathy, naturopathy, and
osteopathy. Alternative medicine is currently in the
popular and used by the community.
Healthcare systems around the world have
experience in dealing with chronic disease endemics
and swelling of health insurance bills all over the
country. The community (patient) and health-care
providers have demanded a change or revitalization
in the provision of health services, on the provision of
individual-centered care guarantees. The concept of
providing health services based on individual needs
(person-centered care) is expected to provide equal
access and opportunity for actors or providers of
traditional health services or traditional health
workers to provide services and competencies in
improving national health quality. The variety of
types and forms of regulations and policies which
regulates traditional health personnel and all forms of
services complicate the development of healthcare
services and products internationally. Based on data
released by WHO (World Health Organization)
shows an increase in demand for traditional health
products and services in several countries, for
example, in China in 2012 demand reached US $ 83.1
billion, there was an increase of more than 20% over
the previous year. The increase in demand for
traditional health services also occurred in South
Korea in 2004 of US $ 4.4 billion to US $ 7.4 billion
in 2009.
1.1 Reason for using Traditional
There are many reasons for people to demand
traditional medicine services. The factors that
influence are culture, historical significance and
regulations. On the other hand, there is no uniform
standard to examine patterns of use traditional
medicine. There are there general patterns for people
using traditional medicine (WHO,2014):
1. Traditional medicine becomes primary source
of health care. This pattern becomes a primary
option because the availability and/or
accessibility of conventional medicine-based
health services is, on the whole, limited. The
example, traditional medicine in Africa and
some developing countries.
2. Traditional medicine applied due to cultural
and historical influences. Some countries such
as Singapore and The Republic of Korea
where the conventional health-care system is
quite well established. There is approximately
76%-86% of population at both countries
using traditional medicine.
3. Traditional medicine as complementary
therapy. This pattern is common at developed
countries. The health system structure is well
built and developed, traditional medicine
becomes secondary option to increase the
health level for people in developed countries.
The other motivation for people to use traditional
medicine is the unsatisfactory of existing health-care
services. The increasing demand of traditional
medicine services because of the awareness of people
about disease treatment. Some people see other
treatments are failed to cure a disease and initiate for