submit a bankruptcy statement request to the
Commercial Court within the legal position of the
debtor domiciled. Basically, the procedure that must
be taken by the OJK through the board of
commissioners of the OJK is the common procedures
which based on the new Indonesian Bankruptcy and
Suspension of Payment Law (UUK-PKPU).
However, before undergoing the procedure at UUK-
PKPU, there are other provisions governing the
procedure for the bankruptcy petition for the
insurance company as in the Law concerning of
insurance No.40 of 2004 article 51:
(1.) Creditors submitted a request to the Financial
Services Authority (OJK) to file the
bankruptcy petition to the commercial court.
(2.) OJK approves or rejects the application
submitted by the creditors, as referred to the
paragraph (1) no later than 30 days after the
application is completed.
(3.) In the event that the OJK rejects the
application submitted by the creditors as
referred to the paragraph (2), the refusal must
be made in the writing along with the reasons.
(4.) Further provisions regarding the procedures
and requirements for applications from
creditors as referred to the paragraph (1),
paragraph (2), paragraph (3) is regulated in the
OJK’s regulations.
Based on the procedure above, it can be seen that
there are several mechanisms for submitting a
bankruptcy petition application to an insurance
company, such as:
1. The creditor of the insurance company submits
an application to the OJK and then the OJK
conducts a study or a review whether it is
possible to submit the bankruptcy petition to
the relevant insurance company or not;
2. OJK through its Board of Commissioners can
directly apply for a bankruptcy petition against
the insurance company in case there are
considerations related to the stability and the
financial condition of the insurance company.
In the case of PT AJBAJ which bankrupt by the
OJK, as in the supreme court rulings with the case
register number 408 K/Pdt.Sus-Pailit/2015, was
unable to fulfill the level of solvency at least 120% of
the losses which may arise as a result of the deviation
in management of assets and liabilities, equity -Rp.
931,56 billion, and it also had two (or more) creditors
who did not pay at least one debt that was due date,
and it could be collected by fulfilling the obligations
to the customers or policyholders. The result of the
decision of the commercial court stated that PT
AJBAJ (insurance company) was in bankruptcy bv
with all of its legal consequences had been proven
having more than two creditors and having more than
one debt which were due date. After all of the
bankruptcy elements had been proven, then based on
the new Indonesia bankruptcy and suspension
payment law (UUK-PKPU) article 8 paragraph (4)
the request of petition should be granted by the judges
of supreme court who adjudicated.
Then, based on the new Indonesia bankruptcy and
suspension payment law (UUK-PKPU) article 16
paragraph (1) all of the debtor’s assets were
confiscated, and the task of regulating and / or settling
the bankrupt assets is within the authority of the
curator (Hartini Rahayu:2007). Since this shifting
regulation determined, the debt payment from the
creditors will automatically be carried out by the
curator. In this case, the role of OJK through the board
of commissioners in filling the bankruptcy petition
for the insurance company is important, because the
OJK has the responsibility to maintain the public trust
especially customers who are the policyholders, and
it also has responsibility to protect the private right of
the customers of the policyholders.
After the decision from the court stated, based on
the new Indonesia bankruptcy and suspension
payment law (UUK-PKPU) article 16 paragraph (1),
all of that the debtor’s assets were confiscated, and
the task of regulating and / or settling the bankrupt
assets is within the authority of the curator. Since this
shifting regulation determined, the debt payment
from the creditors will automatically be carried out by
the curator.
From the research, it is concluded that; The legal
consideration of the OJK in submitting the
bankruptcy petition for PT Asuransi Jiwa Bumi Asih
Jaya (PT AJBAJ) was in accordance with the duties
and authority of the OJK in protecting creditor’s
interest (policyholders). Based on the law concerning
about insurance number 40 of 2014 article 19 that PT
Asuransi Jiwa Bumi Asih Jaya (PT AJBAJ) did not
have enough fund to fulfill the claims or other liability
based on policy and it was bankrupt. The legal
position of OJK as the bankruptcy petitioner has been
given a legal protection in the form of regulations and
law of insurance, and it is based on the legal position
of its debtors. the Financial Services Authority has
authority in filing for bankruptcy against PT AJBAJ
because PT AJBAJ can’t meet financial health and
can’t fulfill it’s obligations to policyholders.