- we must insist that no one, man or woman
may claim a right to a monopoly of interpretation
of God to human beings or right to force others
to accept a particular ruling about any religion.
The upshot of this position is that women ought
not to be forced to choose between freedom and
God. The same applies to claims on behalf
- we must insist that international
governmental and non-governmental
organizations, national-states, civil society
organizations, as well as national and
multinational corporations, decide their policies
about international, national and local issues in
coqnizance of the universal rights of women.
- we must educate the decision-makers at all
levels about the plight of women and the reason
why they should try to shape their decisions to
help women achieve their internationally
recognized rights.
- we must hold governments and
organizations responsible for the effect on
women of political, social, economic and cultural
choices they make nationally or internationally.
From this survey, mothers , mid wives obey the
habit conduct female circumcision for the baby
girls depend on tradition and based on their
religion. The religious leader that sharing the
urgency of female circumcision based on Hadist
Rasul. The community leaders got assumption
that female must conduct circumcision based on
tradition and their religion. For most of the
societies, tradition often mixed with religious
beliefs and vice versa.
2.2 Female Circumcision as Tradition
in Some Community in Gender
Gender is the division of the roles and duties between
male and female defined by the community based on
the nature of female and male needs appropriate
according to the norms, customs, beliefs or customs
of the people. In certain societies this division of roles
is so rigid and it could not be exchanged either in time
or in perpetuity.
Female as citizens as male, have equal rights in the
community in all kind of community, but there are
some things that cause female to find the same right,
because of
Sprenger, Alison Symington, Zed Books, London, 2008, p.
Lanny Ramli , Thalca, Peran Tokoh Masyarakat dan
Mekanisme Reproduksi Sosial Praktek Sunat Anak
1. The attitude of male's arrogance so as they
look on female level, female are considered
stupid, so there is no need to be given an
explanation about the reproductive health
matter and even if female ask, it will be
answered casually.
2. The attitude of male's arrogance so as they
look on female level, female are considered
cheap so deserve to be seduced and if
necessary and if considered attractive, invited
to 'victim to sexual harrasment'.
3. The habit of placing the portion or position of
female as the second citizen, konco wingking
(the man behind next door), swarga katut,
neraka nunut (go to heaven or to hell depend
on her husband), so female have no existence
of self, afraid to ask everything related to the
4. The view of female which is the inheritance of
our ancestors of female as konco wingking ,
swarga katut neraka nunut so that female do
not need education, female are not educated
enough, so dare not ask all things related to the
5. The view of female which is the inheritance of
our ancestors: female as konco wingking ,
swarga katut neraka nunut so that female do
not put together uneducated education, female
are not educated enough, so dare not question
about things that happened to him.
6. There are patriarchal culture that requires
female as subject to 'power' of male
The matter that make more worse and worse the
differentiation of female and male is the presumption
of public for male, private for female. Julia Cleves
Mosse states: One of the most powerful ideologies
that stressing gender differences is the division of the
world into public and private area. Public areas
consisting of public institutions, state, government,
education, media, business world, corporate
activities, banking, religion and culture are
predominantly male.
From this research we know that in some
community, female have not power to determine their
right, although their human right. Get information
about female circumcision by literation, by medical
information, have right to refuse or receive the
tradition to circumcise, get healthy by not conduct
circumcise couldn’t happen if the religious leader and
the community leaders not allowed.
Perempuan di Provinsi Jawa Timur, Penelitian Unggulan
Perguruan Tinggi (PUPT), Universitas Airlangga,
Surabaya, Agustus 2017.