by mentioning copyrights and the number
which will be taken over and stamped;
- Proof of payment of rights conveyance
application, convenient with current
goverment regulations;
- Photocopy of Trademarks right certificate;
- Documents of rights conveyance which uses
foreign language must be translated first into
Bahasa Indonesia.
After request of rights conveyance, there is still
another procedure which should be passed namely
removal procedure of fiduciary security application
from the list of fiduciary agreement by fiduciary
recipient, attorney, or his representative. It must be
noticed to ministry within 14 days starting from the
date of fiduciary security removal. The removal can
be conducted by notary public electronically and
printed statement telling that fiduciary security is out
of date. If fiduciary recipient, attorney and his
representative do not announce the removal of
fiduciary security, it cannot be registered again which
means it cannot be used as fiduciary security objects.
It is different from simple execution, which is
after the execution of copyrights, the sales result is
used for loan repayment from debitor so the next step
is request for copyrights conveyance to Directorate
General HKI with submitted statement request of
Trademarks right conveyance typed in two duplicates
by applicant or attyorney registered as HKI consultant
in Directorat general in Bahasa Indonesia adressed to
Director of Trademarks right, HKI Dirjen, ministry of
justice, HAM RI. In pledge, it is unnecessary to
remove pledge public register as in fiduciary security
since there is no regulation of registration so the
pledge agreement will be automatically deleted
according to the nature of accesoire agreement.
In conclusion, using Trademark Right as pledge is
more beneficial than fiduciary security due to its
simple and efficient mechanism. There are several
advantages of pledge that is related to the
manifestation of material rights, which are no cost for
making security deeds and imposition of security. On
the other hand, fiduciary security requires cost to
make fiduciary deeds and electronic registration,
which is the responsibility of the debtors.
Furthermore, after the execution of fiduciary security,
it has an obligation to remove fiduciary from the
fiduciary register. Thus, using Trademark Right as
pledge is more cost efficient and less complicated
than fiduciary security.
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