Risk Mitigation of Cattle Livestock in Indonesia:
Problematic in Insurance Scheme
Ari Prasetyo
, Dian Purnama Anugerah
, Ria Setyawati
Economic and Business Faculty of Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Vocational Faculty of Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Law Faculty of Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Keywords: cattle, insurance, indonesia, risk, mitigation.
Abstract: The number of local cattle in Indonesia is not sufficient for national needs. As a result, the price of beef in the
market is increasing from year to year. The problem of import quota of beef is actually can be overcome if
Indonesia is able to realize food self-sufficiency in the livestock sector. Ministry of Agriculture issued a policy
emphasized on increasing the amount of credit disbursement for farmers and ranchers. In addition to lending,
the Government of Indonesia launched insurance products based on Crop Insurance and Livestock Insurance.
In this paper constrained by two issues, the first is whether the regulation on the risks borne by Cattle
Livestock Insurance has provided protection for cattle ranchers in Indonesia. The second problem is how the
Cattle Livestock Insurance Model Regulation based on the principle of benefit to achieve self-sufficiency in
food. Appropriate arrangements related to livestock insurance should focus on protecting farmers from losses
due to crop failure, and food sufficiency for the Indonesian community. Legal uncertainty related to the
acquisition of losses from farmers who have followed the livestock insurance program will actually bring
harm to farmers and for the entire people of Indonesia.
Beef consumption in Indonesia is still relatively low
compares to the neighboring countries such as
Singapore and Malaysia. According to the 2015 data,
the average need of beef is 2.2 kilograms per capita
per year (Dyah, 2015). That number is still
categorized as low considering the 255 million
population of Indonesia. Even though beef
consumption is low, but the needs are still high.
According to the 2015 data, the need for beef is
653,000 tons or equivalent with 3,657,000 cattle.
Meanwhile, the local cattlemen can only produce
406,000 tons of beef or equivalent to 1,318,000 cattle
(Dyah, 2015). Therefore, there is still 1.5 million of
cattle deficiency per year. As the result, the price of
beef is rising from year to year.
To anticipate the deficiency of beef stock and to
repress its price in market, the government imported
beef from various countries such as America,
Australia, India, and others. The government’s
decision to import cattle gave the excess to the
establishment of cattle import quota. Importers then
compete to seize the biggest quota with using illegal
actions. In 2011, the issue of cattle import rose to the
surface again. That cattle import scandal has dragged
some party officials, representative members, and
cattle importers (Tempo.co, 2013). The import quota
became an issue again when the Justice of
Constitutional Court, Patrialis Akbar, was presumed
to be bribed regarding the case verdict number
129/PUU-XIII/2015 on the judicial review of Law
No. 41 year 2014 about Animal Husbandry and
Health (Pratiwi, 2017).
The problem of import quota actually can be
resolve only if Indonesia is self-sufficient in livestock
sector especially regarding the cattle. Low
technological capability in the field of cattle is the
problem faced by Indonesian cattlemen. Therefore,
the productivity of cattle cannot be maximized. Due
to the low technological capability, cattle breeding
management cannot produce qualified cattle for
proper cutting. Other than that, diseases that attack
cattle cause a big loss for the cattlemen and the
venture capital becomes the problem to be able to rise
again (Sitanggang, 2015).
The Ministry of Agriculture through Directorate
General of Animal Husbandry and Health tried to
Prasetyo, A., Anugerah, D. and Setyawati, R.
Risk Mitigation of Cattle Livestock in Indonesia: Problematic in Insurance Scheme.
DOI: 10.5220/0010052203850390
In Proceedings of the International Law Conference (iN-LAC 2018) - Law, Technology and the Imperative of Change in the 21st Century, pages 385-390
ISBN: 978-989-758-482-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
increase the productivity by making cooperation with
Financial Service Authority (OJK). This cooperation
developed Program AKSI Pangan which in one of its
policies emphasized on increasing the amount of
credit for farmers and breeders also to launch the
insurance based on Crop Insurance and Livestock
Insurance known as Asuransi Usaha Tanam Padi
(AUTP) and Asuransi Usaha Ternak Sapi (AUTS)
(Sidik, 2017). These programs were launched in 2016
and still become the priority in 2017.
Asuransi Usaha Ternak Sapi or Cattle Business
Insurance (hereinafter AUTS) is accordance with the
mandate of Law No. 19 Year 2013 about Protection
and Empowerment of Farmers. This law, then, was
followed up by Regulation of Minister of Agriculture
No. 40/Permentan/SR.230/7/2015 about Farming
Insurance Facility. Initially, there was insurance
corporate consortium that offered the insurance to
Indonesian cattlemen. However, since 2017, there is
only P.T. Asuransi Jasindo which still offers the
insurance. This is because according to Article 28 of
Law No. 19 Year 2013, the state government and
regional government based on its authority assign the
state-owned company or regional-owned company in
the field of insurance to conduct agricultural
insurance (Hana, 2016).
According to the background above, the
formulation of issues to be studied are: First, has the
regulation about risks covered by Cattle Business
Insurance (AUTS) already give protection to the
Indonesian cattlemen? Second, regulation model
about Cattle Business Insurance (AUTS) which based
on the principle of benefits to achieve food self-
This research is normative (doctrinal) legal
research. It means that the research relating to library-
based academic activities. This study focuses its
analysis on primary and secondary legal materials
that can be accessed.
The approach to the problem used in this study is
the statute approach and the conceptual approach.
The statute approach was chosen because this study
will examine various laws and regulations relating to
the problems formulated in this study. The conceptual
approach will be used in this study intended to gain
an understanding of the concepts, notions, doctrines,
legal principles and views of scholars regarding
Livestock Insurance.
There were 16,599,247 cattle in Indonesia in 2017.
This number increased by 529,150 cattle from the
previous year. In East Java itself, the population of
cattle from 2017 reached 4.511.613 cattle by
producing 96.917 tons of beef production. From these
data, the government has a technical plan or
foreseeable data of the increasing number of cattle for
2018 until 2020. The Animal Husbandry Department
Office of East Java Province itself has a technical plan
for the number of beef cattle for 2018 amounting to
4,657,564, then 2019 as many as 4,808,236, up to
2020 it is expected that cattle can reach 4,963,783. It
is also expected to increase beef production to lead to
food self-sufficiency with production of 104,369 tons
in 2020 (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2017).
However, there are some problems in order to
improve the quality and quantity of cattle. In addition
to productivity issues, in practice, the business of beef
cattle is faced with various perils and risks. There are
several conditions faced by the people's beef
business, namely 1) price, 2) disease, 3) feeding, 4)
marketing, 5) theft, and 6) relationship with traders,
with different main risks depending on the central
region production. The death of cattle can be caused
by several things such as death due to illness, death
from childbirth, and death due to natural disasters.
Some of the largest cattle deaths are caused by the
Jembrana virus. Referring to the data from the
Department of Animal Husbandry and Food Security
of the Province of South Sumatra, the number of Bali
cattle that died due to Jembrana virus infection during
2017 was 200 cattle (Inge, 2018). In addition,
residents of Muaro Jambi regency were stunned by
the death of more than 500 cattle due to the same virus
(Santoso, 2018). From the data compiled by the East
Java Provincial Livestock Service, in 2015 to 2017
there were several cases of diseases that infected
cattle. Among them are three cases of anthrax and 43
cases of brucellosis in East Java. Moreover, the
Septicaemia Epizo Otica disease or snoring cow
disease (Bere, 2017) is also a factor of death in cattle.
The cause of the death of another cattle is death due
to childbirth. Due to the inadequate care and fatigue
of delivery, as many as 35 Brahman cross cattle in
North Penajam Paser District, East Kalimantan, died
during childbirth (Kokino, 2016). Natural disasters
such as floods and volcanic eruptions also become
one of the perils supporting the death of cattle.
Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) stated that the
total cattle that died from the eruption of Mount
Merapi has been identified to reach 1962 cattle
iN-LAC 2018 - International Law Conference 2018
(Sudarsono, 2010). In addition, cattle that are kept
shepherd have a high likelihood of contracting
parasitic diseases. The main disadvantages due to
parasitic diseases are emaciation, late growth,
decreased resistance to other diseases and metabolic
disorders (Sudardjat, 2017).
Another peril is a cattle theft. The cattlemen
associated in Cattle Association of Suka Tani in
North Sangatta, East Kutai district complained that
they often lose their pregnant cattle (Hazliansyah,
2012). Meanwhile, in Putat Village, Cirebon District,
approximately eight cattle were stolen from its
cowshed. Not only that, the death of cattle during the
transfer of distribution also be a peril of its own. By
mid-2015, approximately 12,000 cattle died when
shipped over the sea. The cattle distributed from East
Nusa Tenggara were dying because the temperature
of the cargo ship is too hot. The peril happened in
shipping caused a lot of risk to be borne
(Iskandarsjah, 2015).
2.1 Indonesia Regulation on Cattle
The basic matters regarding livestock and health are
regulated in Law No. 67 Year 1967 concerning Basic
Provisions on Animal Husbandry and Animal Health.
In essence, this Law regulates in several chapters
namely General Provisions, Animal Husbandry,
Animal Health, as well as the provisions of sanctions
and transitions. The next regulation is Law No. 18
Year 2009 and its amendment of Law No. 41 Year
2014 on Animal Husbandry and Animal Health.
While the regulations referring to the protection of
breeders are regulated in Law no. 19 Year 2013 on
the Protection and Empowerment of Farmers.
Furthermore, as mandated by the law, there is
Government Regulation No. 6 Year 2013 on
Empowerment of Livestock Breeders.
In accordance with Article 1 number 1 of Law No.
6 Year 2013, Farmers Empowerment is all efforts
made by the Government, provincial government,
district / city government, and stakeholders in the
field of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health to
enhance the independence, facilitate and improve
business, and improve the competitiveness and
welfare of livestock breeders. Therefore, the
government made efforts in the form of cattle
business insurance to increase productivity and
reduce risk by doing mitigation. AUTS is then
regulated in detail on the Decree of the Minister of
Agriculture No. 56 / Kpts / SR.230 / B / 06/2016
regarding the Guidance of Insurance Premium for
Cattle Livestock Business Insurance. The Decree of
the Minister of Agriculture regulates the basic rules
and regulations in carrying out the AUTS.
2.2 Cattle Lifestock Business Insurance
According to the Cattle Business Insurance Premium
Assistance Guidelines, AUTS is an agreement
between an insurance company as an insurer and a
farmer as an insured where by accepting insurance
premiums, the insurance company will compensate
farmers because cattle die due to illness, accidents
and breeding, and / or loss under the terms and
conditions of the Insurance Policy. Criteria that must
be met by farmers to insure their cattle are cattlemen
who conduct business of cattle nurseries and / or
breeding or small-scale cattle breeders in accordance
with the provisions of the legislation. The cattle that
can be insured are female cattle in healthy condition,
at least 1 (one) year old and still productive. In
addition, cattle must also have identity markings such
as microchips or ear-tags.
Until 2018, in East Java alone has been recorded
as many as 6.678 participants of Cattle Livestock
Business Insurance with the following details:
City Number of Cattle
Jombang 295
Probolinggo 164
Ngawi 349
Tulungagung 417
Lumajang 362
Lamongan 508
Kediri 122
Mojokerto 254
Pamekasan 60
Bondowoso 13
Nganjuk 174
Malang 1.205
Probolinggo 874
Ponorogo 254
Pacitan 322
Pasuruan 320
Bojonegoro 69
Madiun 165
Sidoarjo 132
Blitar 133
Magetan 235
Batu 251
Source:East Java Animal Husbandry Department
Risks covered in the AUTS include cattle deaths
due to illness, accident, and childbirth. The risk of
cattle lost due to theft is also the scope of perils
guaranteed by the AUTS. The coverage price for each
Risk Mitigation of Cattle Livestock in Indonesia: Problematic in Insurance Scheme
cattle is up to 10,000,000 (ten million) rupiah. As for
the amount of premiums that must be paid by farmers,
is 20 percent from 2 percent of the price of cattle
coverage, which is 40,000 rupiah per cattle per year.
The coverage price of cattle is the nominal price of
cattle acquisition without the addition of other costs
agreed upon by the Insured and the Insurer. The total
sum insured is the sum of the price of the entire cattle.
The sum Insured is the basis for calculating the
premium, and is the maximum amount of
compensation. However, as for the term of coverage
is 1 (one) year started since the payment of insurance
The AUTS implementation mechanism involves
several agencies. In general, the implementation
mechanism begins with the socialization of the
Department of Animal Husbandry of the Regency /
City so that it can invite the breeders / breeder groups
to register themselves. Subsequently, the District /
Municipal Animal Husbandry Office conducted data
collection and inventory of Participant Candidate
Location Candidate (CPCL) to the Provincial Animal
Husbandry Department and provided the participant's
temporary data to the insurance company to verify the
feasibility. Cattle breeders who have been declared
eligible to become AUTS insured can pay the
premiums to the insurance company and then the
company will issue the insurance policy certificate.
Proof of payment and insurance policy certificate are
then also reported to the District Animal Husbandry
Department by the insurance company so the
Provincial Animal Husbandry Department can issue
a definitive list of participants. The list of Definitive
Participants is recapitulated by the Directorate
General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health and
declared as AUTS List of Participants by the
Directorate General of Infrastructure and Livestock
Facilities of the Ministry of Animal Husbandry. With
this, the Directorate General of Infrastructure and
Livestock Facilities of the Ministry of Animal
Husbandry can pay the subsidized insurance premium
of 80 percent of the insurance coverage of 2 percent
of the insurance company.
Moreover, to file a claim, the insured breeder must
have paid the premium according to the provisions,
the potential death of the insured cattle, and the death
of the cattle and/or loss within the coverage period. If
there is a potential claim, the insured may be able to
immediately notify the claimant to immediately be
examined and take mitigation measures such as
ordering to cut cattle or sell them immediately. The
results of the acquisition / rescue will be calculated as
a deduction from the number of claims that will be
obtained by the insured. If the cattle are lost due to
theft, then the replacement of the claim will be
reduced by its own risk to a maximum of 30 percent
of the insurance price. In the case of payment of
claims that have been approved and verified, the
implementing insurance company must pay claims up
to 14 working days from the date of claim approval.
AUTS implementation is not without risk. The
risk that may occur is not achieving the realization
target of distribution of premium assistance because
lack of understanding of farmers and objections to
paying the premium that has been determined.
Another risk that may be faced is less precise target
of subsidized insurance premium. Therefore, in order
to prevent the occurrence of these things, the
preparation of detailed guidelines is needed. In
addition, socialization and assistance are also needed
by the cattle breeders as AUTS targets.
2.2.1 The Idea for Regulatory Model for
Livestock Business Insurance
The implementation of AUTS in Indonesia is
conducted by PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (PT
Asuransi Jasindo). In accordance with the guidelines
previously discussed, PT Asuransi Jasindo acts as the
underwriter of the insured which is the cattlemen who
enroll and pay the premium. The risks covered by PT
Asuransi Jasindo in its AUTS products are only for
cattle deaths due to illness, accident, and childbirth
and cattle losses due to theft. The coverage of the
above risks is quite narrow compared to some
countries that offer similar insurance to
In terms of the amount of coverage provided by
AUTS, the sum insured of 10 million is sufficient for
one cattle with a premium cost of 40,000 per year.
Prices of cattle on the market are varied depending on
the type, age, and weight of the cattle. With the sum
insured, cattlemen/breeder can get a calf depending
on the types. For limousine-type calf sold at a price
range of 8 million to 12 million for male calf and 3
million for female calf. While for PO calf that are
most commonly found, are sold at prices ranging
from 7 million to 11 million rupiah for males and 3
million for female calf. As for Brahman cross cattle,
the calf is sold at a price range of 6 million to 9
million rupiah. For the price of semi-adult cattle
closest to the coverage given is a Brahman cross type
cattle that is sold at a price of 14 million rupiah
(Agrobisnisinfo.com, 2018).
We compare cattle insurance in several countries
such as United States, India and New Zealand
regarding the coverage of protection against perils.
These three countries were chosen because they were
iN-LAC 2018 - International Law Conference 2018
the largest meat exporters to the Indonesian market.
According to Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), in 2017,
the values of imported beef from India reaches 45
thousand tons with a value of US $ 166 million. The
third largest was The United States with 14.4
thousand tons worth US $ 55.98 million. Meanwhile
New Zealand was ranked fourth with the total 13.6
thousands ton. (BPS, 2018)
In New Zealand, one of the insurance companies
providing livestock insurance is FMG Advice and
Insurance. The scope of risks borne by the company
is wide and detailed. For the protection of livestock in
open air, the risk of death is borne by several causes
of death, such as death from fire, electric shock,
lightning, sudden, external, and visible impact of
violence, stress, explosion, shortness of breath due to
smoke of fire, lightning, or explosions, hail,
earthquakes, floods, objects falling from aircraft. As
for the cattle that are indoors, the scope of the risk
includes sudden death or theft. In addition, FMG
Advice and Insurance also provides protection when
livestock dies while transported and accidents occur.
The death of cattle due to poisoning can also be
covered by the insurance offered by FMG. The
insurance company also offers the disposal of dead
animal carcasses either because of illness or because
of other reasons. Preventive measures such as
servicing by a veterinarian to prevent cattle death also
become the scope of the offered insurance facility. All
risks will be borne according to market price up to the
amount stated on the farmer's livestock certificate.
Similar to New Zealand, Trusted Choice
insurance company in America also provide livestock
insurance with a wide range of risk scopes. According
to the company, the coverage of livestock insurance
risks is divided into comprehensive coverage and
limited coverage. Comprehensive coverage is a wide
range including accidents, illnesses, and theft. While
limited coverage is a scope that specifically mentions
the cause of the risk to livestock including accidents
due to drowning, being shot, loading and unloading,
falling objects, fires, smoke, electric shock, and
explosions; flood, lightning, wind, and hail; natural
disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and
sinkholes; theft and vandalism; damage to water and
heating systems; animal attacks; as well as collisions
or other causes of death while transporting the cattle.
Meanwhile, in India, HDFC ERGO with its Cattle
Insurance Policy product offers to bear the risk of
livestock death covering the insured cattle within the
geographic area specified in the policy, in case of life
loss due to accident, illness, or surgery. The policy
also covers livestock deaths that are insurance issues
that occur outside of the geographical area during
droughts, epidemics and other natural disasters.
From the example of livestock insurance
companies from several countries above, there are
some differences in the coverage of risks that can be
borne by the insurance company. Insurance
companies in New Zealand and the United States,
according to the example above, provide a wide range
of risks for the insured when the livestock is dying or
other things that jeopardize the cattlemen. On the
other hand, AUTS in Indonesia provided by PT
Asuransi Jasindo only provides protection on the
limited perils. PT Asuransi Jasindo only bears the risk
of cattle death due to certain causes of accidents,
illness and childbirth. Cattle lost due to theft will also
be borne by PT Asuransi Jasindo with its own risk
Risk coverage is considered not enough
considering the location of the majority of cattlemen
in Indonesia with geographical conditions that allow
natural disasters such as volcanoes erupt or
landslides. Therefore, in order to meet the needs and
attract more cattlemen, the coverage of risk protected
by the company can be expanded by adding some
events that pose a risk of loss to cattlemen such as
erupting volcanoes or landslides. Not only that, the
security of the distribution of cattle between islands
must also be protected by providing a range of risks
for cattle deaths due to peril of transfer or distribution.
Regulations regarding the risks in Cattle Livestock
Insurance have not provided sufficient protection for
cattle farmers in Indonesia. Decree of the Minister of
Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 56 /
Kpts / SR.230 / B / 06/2016 is made to provide basic
settings and formats for running AUTS. The risks in
AUTS include deaths due to illness, accidents, and
childbirth. Therefore, in order to prevent the
occurrence of these matters, the preparation of
detailed guidelines is needed. In addition,
socialization and assistance are also needed by
farmers as the target of AUTS.
The risk coverage is considered in adequate given
the location of the majority of cattle farmers in
Indonesia with geographical conditions that allow
natural disasters such as erupting mountains or
landslides. Therefore, in order to meet the needs and
capture more cattle breeders in the regions, the risk
coverage protected by AUTS can be expanded by
adding a number of events that pose a risk of loss to
cattle farmers. Not only that, the safety of inter-island
Risk Mitigation of Cattle Livestock in Indonesia: Problematic in Insurance Scheme
distribution of cattle must also be protected by
providing coverage of the risk of death due to
displacement or distribution.
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iN-LAC 2018 - International Law Conference 2018