partnership scheme is derived from the Indonesian
Civil Code, the provisions related with employment
do not apply to the partnership scheme. Outsourcing
scheme that has two types of cooperation, there are
Job Supply agreement and Labor Supply agreement
and partnership scheme has one type of cooperation,
there is partnership agreement. Partnership agreement
has type of work that is consultant/expert, logistics
driver, driver from mobility service provider (Gojek,
Grab, Uber), etc.
We should consider the cost considerations when
using partnership scheme, among others operational
cost, management fee, commission for driver/trip,
considered the cost, partnership scheme cost less than
outsourcing scheme. Then we should aware of
potential risk considerations when using a partnership
scheme, among others driver can deny job
assignment, if driver deny several job assignment,
driver will be dismissed, based on that potential risk,
is smaller than outsourcing scheme.
Based on comparison of outsourcing scheme and
partnership scheme above, we can see the difference.
By knowing the difference between the two we can
calculate merit demerit over both schemes. The merit
of outsourcing scheme among others driver can’t
deny job assignment, there is a punishment if driver
deny the order / resign and demerit of outsourcing
scheme among others overtime cost (uncontrolled)
like stuck in traffic jam, queuing production,
operational is not flexible, the provisions of Labour
Law shall apply to Outsourcing Scheme (Pension /
Severance Pay, annual leave), claims to be permanent
employee. The merit of partnership scheme among
others no overtime cost, driver always available
(ready to use) & operational flexible, the provisions
of Labour Law shall not apply to Partnership Scheme
(No Pension / Severance Pay, annual leave), without
engaging any employment relationship and/or
responsibilities and demerit of partnership scheme is
if driver deny several job assignment, driver will be
1. To support company's non-core business, the
company should comply with outsourcing
regulations; and
2. Partnership scheme is a new favourable choice of
cooperation scheme under Indonesian contract
law for logistic activities.
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