adsorb certain gases and chemical compounds or
selective adsorption properties (choosing),
depending on the size or volume of the pores and
surface area. The absorption capacity of activated
charcoal is very large, ie 25-100% to the weight of
activated charcoal. The usefulness of activated
charcoal is as a remover of cloudy, bad smell, and
resin in the water of households (Kumalasari, 2013).
Several previous studies have found the
effectiveness of a combination of filter media such
as zeolite, silica sand and active carbon can remove
Fe by 96% and Mn by 84.3% (Yudi, 2017).
Meanwhile, the results of the study (Syahputra,
2015) showed that the use of activated carbon could
remove Fe by 75%, Zn by 14.29% and Cu by
10.78%. The combination of zeolite, silica, active
carbon and gravel was effective to reduce Fe by 74%
and Mn by 33% (Rizki, 2013).
Community service in Kampung Nelayan Seberang
was conducted to overcome the problem of water
availability and water quality. The solution to
overcome water availability was done by providing
assistance to drill deep wells with a depth of ≥ 50 m.
Drilling wells were carried out for ± 3 days with
well drilling stages, pipes and accessories and water
testing. The water source in the form of a deep well
drill can serve for ± 10 households.
In the case of overcoming the muddy and bad
tasting water quality was done by using a simple
water purifier in the form of a slow sand filter. The
medium used is zeolite, silica, activated carbon and
gravel. The use of this medium can reduce Fe and
Mn levels in well water ranging from 33% - 96%.
The deep drill well is an alternative to fulfill the
water needs of fishermen living in the coastal area.
Another alternative that can be done next is to
process brackish water into a source of clean water
with membrane technology and desalination.
Intensive and unstructured deep groundwater intake
will have negative impacts such as decreasing
ground water levels, damaging the hydrological
cycle, and often the depletion of water reserves that
are useful for balancing ground surface pressure and
resulting in landslides and ground-level ambles. The
use of membrane technology and desalination can be
recommended to meet water quality and certainly
require high investment costs.
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
research was supported by Community Service
Institute of the University of Sumatera Utara. The
support is under the Mono Year (Junior Lecturer)
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