is a story of people's prose that is considered never
happened and is not bound by time and place , but
the division of the three groups is only ideal. [8] The
fragmentation often overlaps the arena of many
stories that have more characteristics than a
category. Meanwhile, according to [9] term all with
Myth. Therefore, legends, myths and dogmas are
stories of people's prose is considered to have
occurred in the world in the past.
Myth (mythe) is a story or a kind that is sourced
just like history but more prominent in the fantasy.
The myth also always includes human life usually
take the super man as its character. Historiography
usually consists of two charts. The first part is the
first part is mythical, fairytale, and legendary. It
contained the state of the past, the origin of the kings
in the country and the beginning of the enactment of
customs and so on. The second part of the hostoris,
the first when the author tells the time of his own
life. Folklore in various structures is very complex
and contains not only stories, myths, legends and
legends, but also contains various things that
concern the life and life of the community owner
Traditional historiography there are elements of
mysticism or belief that has been trusted both the
author and the public, so the author does not care
about the facts. Mitis preaches subjectivity rather
than objectivity. Objectivity is incompatible with
myth, because objectivity is responsible for the truth
that manifests in document form. Traditional
historiography has a different writing style than
other historiography. To know how to write in
Traditional Historiography [11], there are also its (1)
regional-centric or regional characteristics, usually
influenced by the cultural features of its local
community, such as the occult stories in its circle;
(2) cederung ignore the element of fact because it is
influenced from the belief system owned msyarakat
or from the author's mind when writing a script. The
scriptwriter does not really distinguish the imaginary
and the reality; (3) the existence of beliefs about the
power of magic and magical elements that became
the base of various natural events, including human
life; (4) to believe in magic or magic by certain
figures, such as the supernatural powers of kings,
and the society assumes that the king is a messenger
of the gods so that what the king says and makes is
all right; (5) a religious centrist picture of the figures
featured in the script story. Everything is centered on
the king or the royal family (palace branch), then
often called the centric palace.
Folktale is born based on the dialectic of thinking
a mature utterance in looking at an event in the
neighborhood. Dialectikan Karo folklore with the
environment both community environment and
natural environment, the story is believed
kebenaranya that, among others: Merga Purba
Stories, considered as a figure that lowered the
grandchildren in the Karo Land, the belief in the
story that affects the behavior of Karo society. They
are obedient to the prohibitions and abstinence
associated with the story, for example Merga Purba
in the land of Karo is prohibited to admit that they
are from ancient Simalungun and Merga Purba
abstinence kill the snake because their ancestors
came from Snakes
Based on the description of the introduction, then the
formulation of this research problem is as follows:
How the fact of traditional historiography "Merga
Purba" Folklore Karo District of North Sumatra
3.1 Research Methods
Research method The type of data qualitative
research, the source of research data consists of
primary and secondary data. Source of primary data
of traditional historiography facts at research
location in Seribu Dolok, Pematang Purba, that is
research of ethnography aspect by doing
observation, that is data collection of fact
historiogafi by doing direct observation to research
object. This technique is used to identify and
determine some historical fact data related to
objective conditions in the research location.
Together with observations held recording and
shooting. the text of the image is analyzed in its
entirety, "reduced" so that it is arranged in a textual,
contextual domain in the form of narrative, then
distributed into subheadline form of exposure to
facts of traditional historiography in local literature
"Merga Purba" Folk Story in Karo District