Prevalence of Root Resorption in Patients of RSGM Universitas
Sumatera Utara with Non-extraction Orthodontic Treatment
Siti Bahirrah
, Mimi Marina
, Durgha Gunasegaran
Department Dentistry Faculty, Universitas Sumatera Utara at Jl. Alumni No.2 Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155
Keywords: Resorption, orthodontic, teeth.
Abstract: Root resorption is a side effect which cannot be prevented in orthodontic treatment. External apical root
resorption (EARR) causes root shortening. The purpose of this study is to assess the prevalence of the degree
of EARR in the incisors between maxillary and mandible before and after orthodontic treatment in patients
with non-extraction cases. This research is an analysis of a cross-sectional study conducted on samples namely
panoramic radiographs of patients before and after orthodontic by using the modification of Lavender and
Malmgren index and Linge and Linge method. Wilcoxson test and Chi-square test was used for statistical
analysis. Samples amounted to a total of 400 incisor teeth which have received orthodontic treatment. Results
shows that of the 400 incisor teeth studied, the results found were 5 incisors (1.25%) with mild EARR (score
1), 368 incisors (92%) had moderate EARR (score 2) and as many as 27 incisors (6.75%) had severe EARR
(score 3). The incisors with extreme EARR (score 4) is 0%. Conclusion, the EARR experienced by incisors
is on score 2 as much as 92% and there are no incisors (0%) experienced extreme EARR (score 4).
Orthodontic treatment has a positive effect but can
have undesirable secondary effects. At the roots,
undesirable side effects include severe root resorption
(Preoteasa, 2012). Root resorption is the process of
losing cementum and dentine from the roots (Bishara,
Apical resorption is an unavoidable complication
and microscopic studies show a prevalence of 100%.
This process can cause the shortening of root
(Preoteasa, 2012]. Based on the research by Kapoor et
al. (2014) when orthodontic force is given then
receptor activator of the nuclear factor kappa
ligand (RANKL) will increase in the gingival
crevicular fluid. This increase stimulates the PGE2
pathway and initiates osteoclast activity leading to
root resorption (Kapoor et al, 2014).
The degree of EARR is determined based on
using the modification of Lavender and Malmgren
index and Linge and Linge method. Linge and Linge
introduced the crown length registration method by
calculating the correction factor. This method can
connect the radiography before and after. The
Lavender and Malmgren index is a subjective method
and EARR can’t be evaluated by this index alone
because distortions in panoramic radiography before
and after treatment may occur which might make it
difficult for researchers to evaluate EAAR.
Therefore, these two methods are used to assess
RAAE incisors before and after treatment (Jacobs et
al, 2014).
Mohandesan et al. (2007) have found root
resorption occurs in maxillary central incisive tooth as
much as 74% and maxillary lateral incisors as much
as 82% (Mohandesan et al, 2007). Agrawal et al.
(2016) has observed root resorption in molar teeth
and the results show extreme EARR especially in
maxillary first molar (53.3-63.3%). This resorption is
caused by the force applied on molars are larger
compared to the premolars. In addition, the incidence
of EARR in the case of extraction occurred 3.72 times
greater than in non-extraction cases (Agarwal et al,
According to a study by Sunku et al (2011),
the average EARR that occurred in maxillary
central incisors were as much as 27.2% and the
maxillary lateral incisors were 25.2% and the least
root resorption occurred in the mandible lateral
incisors right and left were as much as 19.1% and
17.4% (Sunku et al, 2011). Different results can also
be found in several studies. According to the study of
Bahirrah, S., Marinah, M. and Gunasegaran, D.
Prevalence of Root Resorption in Patients of RSGM Universitas Sumatera Utara with Non-extraction Orthodontic Treatment.
DOI: 10.5220/0010068004100414
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Savoldi et al. (2015), mandible central incisors and
lateral mandible incisors experienced slight
resorption and he concluded that patients with mild-
crowding teeth and orthodontic treatment with low
force might cause mild apical root resorption
especially in the mandible incisors (Savoldi et al,
Jiang et al. (2010) gained a positive relationship
between root resorption and the duration of treatment
through the Bivariate Correlation analysis and
concluded that the longer the duration of treatment
the more severe the resorption of the roots (Jiang et
al, 2010). A study conducted by Nanekrungsan et al.
(2012) based on 564 periapical radiographs of the
maxillary incisors have obtained results that EARR
occurred as much as 59.6% mild, moderate EARR as
much as 31.9% and severe EARR as much as 8.5%
(Nanekrungsan et al, 2012).
This research is an analytical research with a cross
sectional approach. Samples were taken based on
inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria
of this study were patients who had completed
orthodontic treatment, patients with non-extraction
cases, medical records before and after treatment
should be complete, patients with 17-40 years of age,
patients with no systematic disease, radiography in
good quality and from the same laboratory and
patients with good oral hygiene. The exclusion criteria
for this study were poor quality radiographs, patients
who had received endodontic treatment in incisors,
had a history of mechanical trauma in incisors and
bad habits (tongue-thrusting, thumb sucking,
2.1 Procedure
The agreement of ethical clearance was obtained
from the Medical Ethics Commission of USU. The
collection of panoramic radiography of patients before
and after treatment. Then, tracing of the anatomic
shape of the maxilla and mandibular incisors.
Evaluation is done based on the modification of
Lavender and Malmgren index and Linge and Linge
method. Operator Test was conducted and the result
of the measurement is then processed by
computerized and the data is analyzed.
2.2 Data Analysis
The data will be computerized and using the
Wilcoxon test because data was not distributed
normally and data analysis followed by Chi-Square
test used to know the difference in EARR between
maxilla and mandibular incisors.
Root resorption is evaluated in maxillary and
mandible central incisors and lateral incisors. The
number of teeth evaluated was 400 incisors which are
200 maxillary incisors and 200 mandible incisors.
Table 1: EARR distributions occurred in 400 incisors in
non-extraction orthodontic patients.
Score Total
1 2 3 4
n % n % n % n % n %
Table 1 shows that of the 400 incisor teeth studied,
the results found that there were 5 incisors (1.25%)
with mild EARR (score 1), 368 incisors (92%) had
moderate EARR (score 2) and as many as 27 incisors
(6.75%) had severe EARR (score 3). The incisors
with extreme EARR (score 4) is 0%.
Table 2: EARR distribution that occurred in 200 maxillary
1 2 3 4 Total
N% N % N %n
- - 50 25 - - - - 50 25
- - 50 25 - - - - 50 25
Prevalence of Root Resorption in Patients of RSGM Universitas Sumatera Utara with Non-extraction Orthodontic Treatment
left central
1 0.5 49 24.5 - - - - 50 25
left lateral
2 1.0 47 23.5 1 0.5 - - 50 25
Table 2 shows the EARR distribution that
occurred in maxillary incisors in non-extraction
orthodontic patients. A total of 196 maxillary incisors
experienced moderate root resorption (score 2) of
98.0%. 0.5% (1 tooth) of maxillary left lateral incisor
experienced severe root resorption (score 3) was and
as much as 3 maxillary incisors which are maxillary
left central incisor and maxillary left lateral incisors
experienced mild root resorption of 0.5% and 1.0%
each. The results show that samples with extreme
EARR (score 4) are zero.
Table 3: EARR distribution that occurred in 200 mandible
1 2 3 4 Total
N % N % N % n
1 0.5 40 20 9 4.5 - - 50 25
- - 43 21.5 7 3.5 - - 50 25
left central
1 0.5 43 21.5 6 3 - - 50 25
left lateral
- - 46 23 4 2 - - 50 25
Total 2 1.0 172 86.0 26 13.0 - - 200 100
Table 3 shows the EARR distribution that
occurred in the mandible incisors in non-extraction
orthodontic patients. A total of 172 maxillary incisors
experienced moderate root resorption (score 2) of
86%. A total of 26 mandible incisor teeth experienced
severe root resorption (score 3). Mandible right
lateral incisors had the highest number of EARR
samples (score 3) of 4.5%. A total of 2 mandible
incisors which are mandible right lateral incisor and
mandible left central incisors were subjected to mild
root resorption of 0.5%. The results show that
samples with extreme EARR (score 4) are zero.
Table 4: Chi-square test results
2.12 1.71
Chi-Square test results (table 4) showed that the
average EARR occurred in the maxillary incisors
were 2.12mm ± 1.71 while in the mandible were
2.77mm ± 2.35. The statistical analysis showed that
there were significant EARR differences between
maxillary and mandible incisors (p = 0.018). EARR
occurred in the mandible incisors are higher than the
maxillary incisors.
EARR is one of the most common iatrogenic
problems with orthodontic treatment. This study has
been conducted to observe the prevalence of root
resorption before and after orthodontic treatment in
patients who received non-extraction therapy. The
number of teeth evaluated was 400 incisors which are
200 maxillary incisors and 200 mandible incisors.
The degree of EARR was measured using the
Linge and Linge method modified with Lavender
and Malmgren index. Linge and Linge introduced the
crown length registration method by calculating the
correction factor. This method could connect the
radiography before and after.
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
The Lavender- Malmgren index is a subjective
method. Assessment of the degree of root resorption
does not depend on radiographic standardization
before treatment. Distortion of panoramic
radiography before and after treatment may occur and
it may be difficult for researchers to evaluate EARR
with the Lavender-Malmgrem index alone.
Therefore, researchers used two methods to assess
EARR of the incisors before and after treatment.
The results (Table 1) shows that of the 400 incisor
teeth studied, the results found shows that 5 incisors
(1.25%) with mild EARR (score 1), 368 incisors
(92%) had moderate EARR (score 2) and as many as
27 incisors (6.75%) had severe EARR (score 3). The
incisors with extreme EARR (score 4) is 0%.
The results of this study are similar to Chavez et al.
(2015) study. He found that the teeth which
experienced severe EARR the most are mandible
central incisor teeth of 1.12mm (Chavez et al, 2015).
Researcher Batool et al. (2010) got the result of
mandible incisors (2.60%) having the greatest EARR
and maxillary central incisors (1.52%) experienced
the least EARR (Batool et al , 2010). Most studies
show different results. Researcher Maues et al.
(2015) found that maxillary central incisor had the
highest percentage of EARR followed by maxilla
lateral incisors and mandible lateral incisors. A total
of 28 teeth (2.9%) out of 959 examined teeth
experienced severe EARR (Maues et al, 2015). The
Sunku et al. (2011) study showed the highest rate of
root resorption occurred in 27.2% maxillary central
incisors and maxillary lateral incisors as much as
25.2% and followed by right and left canines of
23.5% and 21.0% and the least EARR occurred in the
right and left maxillary lateral incisors of 19.1% and
17.4% (Sunku et al, 2011).
Overall, the average EARR score which occurred
in incisors were score 2. This is similar with Sunku et
al. (2011) study that most patients receiving
orthodontic treatment would have root resorption
even if treatment was performed without extraction
(Sunku et al, 2011). Agarwal et al. (2007) study
showed that resorption in patients treated with
extraction (55.9%) experienced higher EARR than
treated patients without extraction (37.9%) (Agarwal
et al, 2016). Researcher Mohandesan et al. (2007)
found that in dental extraction patients, root
resorption occurred in maxillary central incisors and
maxillary lateral incisors are 11.1% and 12.7%. The
root resorption occurred in patients with non-
extraction treatment in maxillary central and lateral
incisors was 8.4% and 9.2 %. This is because,
extraction patients require more teeth movement and
apical displacement than those treated without
extraction to correct the malocclusion. This causes
high EARR in patients treated with extraction
(Mohandesan et al, 2007). There is a research that
yielded the opposite result. Researcher Zahedani et al.
(2013) found that there is no significant difference
between the group of patients treated with dental
extraction and the group treated without dental
extraction (Zahed et al, 2013).
The intraoperator test showed that there were no
significant differences between the first and second
calculations. Chi-Square test results (table 4) showed
that the average EARR that occurred in the maxillary
incisors were 2.12mm ± 1.71 while the mandible
incisors were 2.77mm ± 2.35. Chi-Square test shows
that there is significant EARR difference between
maxillary and mandible incisors (p <0.05).
Based on the data analysis of table 4, the results
showed that the number of mandible incisors that
experienced severe EARR was higher than maxillary
incisors. This is attributed to tooth morphology of
mandible incisors. The morphology of apical
mandible tooth is long, narrow and susceptible to
deviation. Deformed root morphology is susceptible
to increased root resorption as compared to normal
root morphology in the application of orthodontic
force (Pandey et al, 2015, Oyama et al, 2007).
Researcher Pandey et al. (2015) obtained results that
deviated apex teeth received more load than normal
dental apex. This is due to the orthodontic force which
is concentrated on the apex and apical structures such
as the cellular cementum which is less mineralized
and is easily traumatized (Pandey et al, 2015). In
addition, researcher Batool et al. (2010) stated that
mandible incisors experience greater EARR than
maxillary incisors because they may be associated
with denser alveolar bones in the mandible and the
thinner root structures in the mandible incisors
(Batool et al, 2010). The researcher in this study used
panoramic or bidimensional radiographic image (2D)
radiography and there is a disadvantage in the
angulation of incisors and panoramic radiographic as
it has an enlargement of 20% more magnification than
periapical radiographic (Castro et al, 2010).
Panoramic radiography is difficult to be measured
and in determining the diagnosis because the degree
of magnification in a particular area is unknown.
The prevalence of EARR occurred in incisors was
92% in score 2 (moderate RAAE). The average
EARR that occurred in the maxillary incisors are
2.12mm ± 1.71 whereas the in the mandible incisors
Prevalence of Root Resorption in Patients of RSGM Universitas Sumatera Utara with Non-extraction Orthodontic Treatment
are 2.77mm ± 2.35. Mandible incisors have a higher
risk of EARR than maxillary incisors. Based on Chi-
Square test results showed significant differences in
EARR between the maxilla and mandibular incisors.
The authors gratefully acknowledged the Research
Department of Universitas Sumatera Utara based on
Talenta Universitas Sumatera Utara Research year
2018 contract with the number of contract of 273
/UN5.2.3.1/PPM/KP-TALENTA USU/2018
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches