3.1 Research Methods
The method of research is documentation of
traditional folk game record photography, followed
by scenario process of drama of traditional game
recording at research location which is played by
students of Pondok Pesantren and community in
Simpang Mangga Village Bandar Huluan Subdistrict
of Simalungun Regency with other supporting
element such as researcher and implementing unit
technical recording documentation.
3.2 Recording of Research Data
Form of documentation to be recorded as a source of
traditional game data is, (1) Cash ball; (2) Jute Run;
(3) Engrang; (4) Congklak; (5) catfish statue; (6)
Engklek.Selanjutnya recording products every game
of the people are classified to be sorted out, and
grouped including the character formation of the
nation's children what the game is.
4.1 The Traditional Game of Kasti
Figure 4.1 Kasti Traditional Games.
The name kasti is not a popular name in Indonesia,
this game may have the same way of playing but the
name of the game is different according to the
understanding people see it. The name game of kasti
is a traditional game mostly played by boys. This
game has no clarity about its history, certainly this
one game is a declining traditional game that is
inherited by the ancestors. Name is also a game that
requires precise throwing and speed dodge.
4.1.1 How to Play
(a) This game is played by at least six people. (b)
Requires ball and lime to create boxes according to
the number of people and each city has one person's
name written. (c) Players play in turns to throw or roll
a ball of cash, if the ball stop in one box then, the
name written on the box becomes a cat. (d) The cat is
in charge of throwing a ball about another player, if
the ball of caution about another player or the cat
polluting nothing about the players will earn points.
(e) If the points have reached the specified limit then
the player will get a penalty, which has been agreed
at the beginning of the game.
2) Character formers
The characters formed in the traditional game of
kasti are (4) discipline, (5) hard work and train focus,
because because to be able to hit the ball of kasti, it
takes regular and serious training, (7) Mandiri
behavior that is not easy depending on others in
complete the tasks in the activity games, (10) The
spirit of nationality of the way of thinking, acting, and
insight that put the interests of the group in the game
above self-interest. (11) The Love of the Homeland
appreciates the way of playing, acting, and doing that
shows loyalty, awareness, and high appreciation of
the physical, social, and cultural environments, (12)
Achievement of attitudes and actions that drive itself
to produce as useful for community and recognize
and honor the accomplishments of others' success.
(13) Friendship / Communicative attention to the
pleasure of speaking, socializing and teamwork, (14)
Loving the words of peace, and the actions that cause
others on the team to feel happy and secure for his
presence in the game 17) Care for Social attitudes and
actions that always want to provide assistance to the
team in need. (18) Tangung Answer a person's
behavior to carry out his duties and obligations, which
he should do, to himself, his group.
4.2 Traditional Games Lari Goni
Figure 4.2 Traditional Games Lari Goni.