(Jane, 2003). Speech in Sibolga community
(especially the speakers of Malay) will become
more important if studied in the context of the
latest social life, namely life in the global era
which identified with the era of cultural
transformation. Cultural transparency can have
an impact on the language, norms and values that
ethnic practices speak of, as stated (Jane, 2003)
that "the major elements of culture are language,
norms, beliefs, and values." Language as a
system symbols that cannot be separated from
norms and culture values because it is created
and used by people who have the norms and
culture values. Pragmatics examines the factors
that drive the choice of language in social
interaction and the influence of that choice to the
partners (Antony, 2005). In this theory we can
say something as we please, but in practice we
have to follow a number of social rules (largely
unconscious) that we must follow
Therefore, a study is needed that can analyze
linguistic aspects based on the latest
development of Malay society and culture,
called Malay language behavior study. In this
research, Malay speech study framework is used
to explore linguistic aspects and sociocultural
behavior of refusal. The choice of refusal is also
because the study is still very little compared to
other (Hadari, 2005) even from a sociolinguistic
standpoint (Leslie et al., 1990), much less in the
context of Malay culture. Research focusing on
refusals, by Beebe and Takahashi (Triana, 2008),
(Santoso et al., 2008), (Hiroko, 2014).
The theory of cultural scripts 'cultural
discourse' deals with the communication of
humans or groups of people from a cultural
perspective. In different societies, people or
groups of people not only have different
languages, but they use those languages in
different ways. In some societies, for example,
communication or conversation often occurs
because of disagreements, tension or tone of
voice increases, emotions are so loose.
Meanwhile, in other societies, people or groups
avoiding conflict and tension, they speak in
coolness, and even in a soft tone of voice
(Goddard, 2003). This cultural script can be
applied to examine cross-cultural emotions, to
see how emotional differences in feelings in
communication (Wierzbicka, 1999). The
selection of coastal language speakers in Sibolga
is more due to the suitability of the nature of the
study framework to the social reality that appears
in the present social phenomenon or in the
historical record. Compatibility can be observed
through the philosophy of life the nature of
social, customs, and ethnic Malay role in the life
of nation and state.
This study uses a qualitative descriptive
approach. A descriptive approach can be
interpreted as a problem-solving procedure that
is investigated by describing or describing the
state of the research subject (person, institution,
community and others), which is now based on
facts that appear and as it is (Nawawi, 2005). The
study of speech acts of the coastal language
speaker Malay community is intended as a study
that sees speech behavior as a form of social
behavior which is realized through verbal
language. The paradigm used in the study is a
Socio-pragmatic paradigm that developed
through the ethnographic approach The data are
collected by the ethnographic rules of speech
that proposed by the Seville-Troike, which
includes observation techniques, interviews. The
data is taken there informal situations that focus
on the conversation.
This research was conducted in March 2018 with
duration of about 3-4 hours in a day. Referring
to the consideration and process of determining
the corpus (Samarin, 1967), the corpus of data
studied are 121 speech- events involving 102
participants from random areas in Sibolga. The
tools used are handy-cam and voice-recorder.
Data analysis is done qualitatively. The analysis
is using Beebe et.al theory with taxonomy. The
analysis of speech behavior refers to (Leech,
1983) rhetorical analysis that is more
fundamental to the principle of speech rather
than to the sentence. Analysis of social culture
refers to theories of cultural change (Saville-
Troike, 1987).