the lake by using a herb to wash the head (erpangir).
In Gurukinayan, they also often hold a worship ritual
against Mount Sinabung if they got a danger signs.
There are three most important ritual locations related
to the mountains in Tanah Karo, the hot springs of
Lau Debukdebuk, Sibiangsa (geothermal) in Mount
Pertekteken, and Sibayak Crater. All three are
gathered in the myth of Master Bidder.
In general, the Karo people see mountains
interconnected with each other representing the social
relations between regions. A myth, for example, tells
the story of competition between Mount Sinabung
and Mount Sibayak in fighting over a beautiful girl,
GunungBarus. The battle ensued until, finally,
Sinabung Mountain sacked the neck of Mount
Sibayak until his head was caught into DelengKutu
(near Gurusinga Village). Many people suspect this
story is related to the last eruption of Mount Sibayak.
Until the 1970s many young Karo youths who wove
love climbed Mount Sinabung on the belief that, if
they manage to climb the peak, then their relationship
will reach the marriage level.
Si Beru Dayang
Karo community rituals associated with rice planting
are inspired through the myth of the story of Si Beru
Dayang.There was an orphan girl named
BeruDayang. BeruDayang is considered a figure that
lowers the human food of rice, so that rice is highly
respected, the people of Karo are obedient to the
prohibitions and orders related to the contents of the
story. Residents continue to adore Si
BeruDayangwith a party called mere page. At the
time the page was held, the public was forbidden to
work two days in the fields, for two special days to
happily adore "Si BeruDayang" for the harvest.
The Myth of Supernatural Beings
The supernatural or supernatural myth ("supra"
means "above", and "nature" meaning nature, first
used in 1520 - 1530 AD) is a term for events that
cannot be explained by natural law, or are above and
beyond nature. Actually every human being has ever
or will experience things that fall into the
categorySupranatural but sometimes less understood
or indeed negated because it does not make sense, so
there are also some people who think the supernatural
is not there and just a bedtime tale. In Karo folklore,
also found the myth of supernatural beings, creatures
believed to be helpful or destructive.
Si Ilang-Ilang
The Ilang-Ilang mentioned has a long body like a
giant. Her mother was ill. In order for her mother to
recover soon, The Ilang-Ilang looking for leaves of
pumpkin shoots for cooking. Then, the leaves of the
pumpkin shoot as much as it is placed on the mother's
body. Instantly his mother died on the leaves of
pumpkin shoots. The Ilang-Ilang is believed to
emerge if there is a resident who obtains property
through unfavorable means.
Beru Renggang Kuning
BeruRenggangKuning is a story about a girl named
RenggangKuning who likes to do weird things.
However, her behavior changed because of his
father’s advice that asked her to study. One day,
robber came to RenggangKuning’s house. Because of
the event, RenggangKuning promised to give priority
to her family. Quietly remembered Nande’sadvice,
that said “anything can prevail in this world and the
earth never distinguishes goodness and wickedness.
Wherever you stand, do your best”. While close the
window, Renggang praying to Sinabung.
Myth of Heroism
The mythical myth is a myth that tells about the
figures who fight for the truth. Usually, this character
has special powers. In the Karo community, heroic
tales are still found in the stories of his people.
Pawang Ternalem
The story of PawangTernalem is about a child who is
not recognized by society because he was born on a
bad day. According to society confidence, if any baby
is born on a bad day then it must be killed because it
can bring bad luck. Every ways people do to kill
PawangTernalem, but always fail. Finally,
PawangTernalem was treated by an old man named
RubiaGande and taught
PawangTernalemaKanuragan. With his new ability
PawangTernalem able help people.
Beru Ginting Sopo Mbelin
BeruGintingSopoMbelin tells the story of a girl who
was left dead by her father and her mother because of
her uncle and her aunt. Her uncle was about to take
over their wealth. BeruGinting was sold to a
merchant. BeruGintingSopoMbelin was abandoned