sesungguhnya demi kehidupan makhluk
ciptaanNya?/, whereas in UPA said /Genggam bara
api, biar sampai jadi arang/. The text of CPTK and
UPA mean that the attitude toward the river need
awareness and patience to gain safety in life and life
after death. Beside that, the harmony among people
and their environment and taqwa to Allah; ii). Every
one should has good niat. In UPA it is said /Ular
menyusur akar, tidak akan hilang bisanya/. It shows
to behave with good deeds to the river. Take
advantages from the river without asking for
prosperity. Because of that, if one doe good-deed
and ikhlas, nothing will turn bad. One should be
ikhlas and with self-awareness; iii). Beneficial
behavior, that is brings benefit to oneself, society,
nation and country. It refers to the meaning of
/Beruk di hutan disusukan, anak digendong mati
kelaparan/ It shows nothing is useless if it is for the
sake of the river, it will bring more benefit to the
people and in believing God and lack in keeping the
river in good condition will bring disaster to life; iv).
Knowledge behavior refers to UPA /Kaduk naik
junjung; harapkan pagar,
tapi pagar makan padi/ which means if one does
not understand or have any knowledge about life in
the river side, high and low stream, he will suffer.
His life will far from beauty and prosperity also
tawakkal. Those expressions are based on
knowledge; v). Proper and suitable behavior refers
from UPA /Cacing menyolok mata, kulit
menunjukkan isi/. It means work should be properly
done and able to be done by everyone, also work
should be natural and humanity.; vi). To carry, to be
carried out and loyal behavior refers from UPA
/Benih yang baik jatuh ke bumi menjadi bencana/
which means in doing something concerning with
river and its cosmic is a capability and doing
something should be loyal, both to the work and to
the society because it will affect the life; vii).
Dedicate Behavior, /Buat atas karena sirambang
mata/ that is commit to the dedication, petuah and
advice; viii). Polite Behavior, /Berani karena benar,
takut karena salah/ which means act noble and
gentle, do not do rough thing and say bad thing in
the river side. River is the eternal life to human.; ix).
Punctual Behavior and smart /Sehari selembar
benang, lama-lama menjadi kain/ This UPA means
to appreciate time accurately and use time properly
to prevent flood.
Through this reception mechanism as stated on
the expression text or Petuah Adat, shows that
Malay people who live in Asahan riverside know the
meaning of their lives. Knows who and what are in
their environment. Because of that, Malay people
who lives at the upper reaches and lower reaches of
the Asahan river, Asahan regency able to show their
thinking and understanding pattern to alert their
generation as guidance in understanding complicated
problem due to living in the Asahan riverside area.
Basically, PTK and UPA ‘s meaning is
metaphor towards the Malay society lives. Realizing
the inferior value towards the area which they lived
in, that is Asahan riverside area. This Malay society
personal area with the comprehending and believing
which translated into the culture in their lives. It is
stated that it is the Malay embryo in Asahan river
to make the existence of role and function of oral
literature in their lives by making the norms and the
values as the life arrangement at the river cosmic
and their Allah ..itulah benih Melayu di Sungai
Asahan yang berpelampung meredah lautan
kehidupannya di Sungai Asahan melimbang dirinya
dipelimbang demi penataan DAS Asahan untuk
diperlihatkan nilai emas kepada masyarakat
terhadap buana sungai dan Tuhannya [5].
4.1 Conclusion
Based on the discussions above as the existence of
Malay oral literature texts that is expressions and
Petuah Adat as local wisdom of the society who
lives in Asahan riverside area, can be concluded
that those expression have aroused the society
awareness towards their relationship (both
physically and mentally) with their environment.
This understanding could maintain and planning that
awareness and able them to prevent flood.
Observing the situation where the expressions is
uttered and given, can be realized that each
expression has dynamic strength toward the society
behavior. And because each value is natural and
sacred, it is something strategic to build society
identity and to maintain their behavior toward the
river. Moreover, the emotional bonding between the
values of PTK and PTA values and the society is
very strong. That bonding can rise their confidence
and their dignity.
4.2 Suggestion
For empowering the values and norms which
revealed in Malay oral literature in Asahan riverside
toward its society, media is needed for that purpose.