Interpretation of Verbal Expression Sentence of Indonesian
‘S-P-O-K’ on Affairs of Broca Patients with Neurophyscocognitive
Disorders in Medan City
and Dwi Widayati
Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Universitas No. 19, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Aphasia, Expression disorders, Indonesian Language, Neurocognitive.
Abstract: The objectives of this study were (1) to analyze Indonesian Language basic sentence patterns of Broca
Aphasia patients with expression disorder, (2) to classify Neurocognitive disorders on Broca Aphasia patients.
This research used Neuropsycholinguistics theory by identifying the intervention and capability of memories,
productions, thoughts, meanings, and emotions which are very influential in one's speech when speaking
because of Broca's broken area in the inferior frontal gyrus. It involved 5 (five) patients from University of
Sumatera Utara (USU) Hospital called as AFB 1-5. The method of data collection included recording,
interviewing and referring life story of the patients. In addition, classification of sentence disorder and
neurocognitive of the patient were done as data analysis method in order to see the degradation of the patients’
articulatory and sort out the basic sentences of expression of Indonesian language and neuropsychocognitive
disorders uttered by Broca aphasia. The research found that: (1) the basic sentence patterns of Indonesian
language are invalid, and (2) the neurocognitive of AFB 1-5 as memory, mind and emotion are very unique
as AFB sufferers in this study are not able to put the basic sentence pattern of Indonesian Language in the
correct context and speech.
This research is motivated by the existence of verbal
expression disorder in the form of basic sentence of
Indonesian Language and Neurophyschocognitive
Disorder of Broca Aphasia patient with Stroke case at
University of Sumatera Utara (USU) hospital. The
tendency of verbal expression disorder in forming of
basic phrases patterned Subject-Verb-Object-
Complement (S-P-O-K) and Neurophyschocognitive
Disorder caused by brain dysfunction, impaired
thinking, disorders in expressing speech or called
Broca Aphasia. The phenomenon of language in this
study is the symbolization of the idea or the only way
to express the mind verbally through speech.
Actually, speaking the thoughts orally or in the
writings of a person is led to 5 (five) things or
parameters to be followed in order to understand the
elements stored, such as: (1) Speaking, (2) Hearing,
(3) Repeating, (4) Reading, (5) Writing
(Gustianingsih, 2016).
The speech function is closely related to the
cerebral hemisphere, especially the dominant
hemisphere. Nine out of ten people are right handed
up to 90% of people and have dominant hemispheres
on the left. The remaining of 10% is the right
hemisphere. Three of the tenths is dominant in the
dominant hemisphere of the right. It means that only
3% of all people is dominant hemisphere on the right
and the remaining 97% and is domiciled on the left
side of the brain. (Gustianingsih, 2017). Talking is a
pronunciation that shows a person's uttering skills by
making a sound in a word and can also be called a
receptive language. Receptive language is the ability
to understand what is seen and what is heard. Besides
the receptive language, there are also expressive
languages. The expressive language is the ability to
communicate symbolically either visual (writing,
marking) or audio. If there is a receptive or expressive
language differ from the normal person's language, it
can also be called aphasia. (Gustianingsih, 2018).
Aphasia is a disorder that occurs due to a damage
from the part of the brain that takes care of the
language, i.e. losing the ability to form words or
losing the ability to grasp the meaning of words so
that the conversation cannot take place properly.
Gustianingsih, . and Widayati, D.
Interpretation of Verbal Expression Sentence of Indonesian ‘S-P-O-K’ on Affairs of Broca Patients with Neurophyscocognitive Disorders in Medan City.
DOI: 10.5220/0010070612241229
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Afasia creates problems in spoken language (speech
and understanding) and written language (reading and
writing). Usually reading and writing are more
disturbed than speech and understanding. Afasia can
be mild or severe. The severity of the disorder
depends on the magnitude and location of the damage
in the brain.
Here is the illustration of the expressive disorder of
Broca's Broccoli sufferer below:
Researcher: What do you do today?
AFB 1: [ma ... an .. ku .. ni ..] (ate I today) stammered
This example shows that that the formation of
basic sentence is successfully produced by Broca's
aphasia, but not perfect. Basic sentence that should be
produced is [I ate today]. This basic sentence pattern
is a DSS. Patient has uttered with [ma ... an .. ku .. ni
..] (ate I today) with PSDet pattern. The sufferer
removes the pattern of information today. Patient just
expressed this, and the subject pattern I expressed
The disorder of this patient is very different from
the normal person's speech. The question 'What did
you do today?' should be answered with ‘I ate today’
or ‘I sat today’ or’ I looked down the street’. The
work that focuses the question. Focus answers should
keep the work done by the patient. The patient keeps
saying the work done today is just "eating" nothing
else. Broka Afasia sufferers, AFB-1 has deviated
from the basic sentence structure agreed from Jakarta
Language Center. AFB-1's answer is relevant only
there are some elements that are omitted and
exchanged. Cognitively AFB-1 understands the focus
of the question, but he is unable to express the correct
Aphasia can be divided into three major parts,
namely Motor Affasia (Broca), Sensory Aphasia
(Wernicke), and Global Aphasia. Motor neutrality
has characteristics, such as: (1) Occurring due to
Broca's broken area in the inferior frontal gyrus; (2)
Understanding the content of the conversation, but
not being able to answer or express opinions; (3) Also
Being called as Affasia Expressif or Broca's Aphasia;
(4) Being able to issue 1 - 2 words (non-fluent),
(Arifuddin, 2006)
Sensory aphasia possesses characteristics, such
as: (1) Occurring due to damage to Wernicke's area in
the superior temporal gyrus; (2) Not being understand
the content of the conversation, but can issue words
(fluent); (3) Also Being called as Receptive Aphasia
or Afasia Wernicke. In addition, Global Aphasia has
characteristics, such as: (1) Regarding Broca and
Wernicke areas, (2) Not being able to understand and
get words out.
USU Hospital in Medan City is a public hospital
deals with Broca's aphasia from the point of
psychology and neurology, but from a linguistic
point, it is related to neuropsycholinguistics in which
from the syntactic angle of language has never been
done. This research seeks to make a valuable
contribution to the management of language and
psychocognitive behavior through the research of
verbal expression disorder of Indonesian basic
sentence on Broca's aphasia. This research also hopes
to make the management of language, psychology
and neurocognitive of Broca case stroke patient. This
study requires special handling of linguists for
linguistic, psychiatric or psychiatric management for
neuropsychological therapy. The Medan city
government needs to know about Broca aphasia
treatment thoroughly.
2.1 Speech Disorder (Language
Neuropsycholinguistics utilizes clinical data to
uncover the mechanisms of physiology and
neurophysiology that underlie language disorders and
this mechanism has provided a method for assessing
the internal structure of the language and speech and
the underlying cerebrum mechanism. (Banret, 2007).
Disorders of spoken language and written language
caused by the cracking of the cerebral cortex have
caused problems to be overcome by neurolinguistics
and neuropsycholinguistics. The intensive
collaboration between these two disciplines has
successfully examined certain aphasia problems by
relating them to related linguistic frameworks. In
addition, this collaboration has tried to link the direct
evidence of physiology to determine the localization
of experimentally obtained language functions of the
normally functioning brain. This
neuropsycholinguistic discovery has contributed to
the knowledge of the nature of aphasic phenomena
and implicit language knowledge as described by
linguists (Norman, 2009). This knowledge has
indicated something about the psychological realities
of linguistic assumptions that can embody the
grammar of a particular language.
De Saussure, a linguistic figure from Sweden
reveals language is social, while speaking is
individual. Both these traits are interconnected.
Language resides in the brain and is social in terms of
ontogenesis (developmental history) and from the
point of acquisition. The relationships between the
Interpretation of Verbal Expression Sentence of Indonesian ‘S-P-O-K’ on Affairs of Broca Patients with Neurophyscocognitive Disorders in
Medan City
shadows of hearing and the concept are acquired by
the individual as the role of the objects and the people
around the individual. Everyone who learns language
gets it this way. Language learning is social in terms
of synchronic, whereas speech is idiosyncratic
because it is determined individually. Language is
natural, because it is abstract and hiding in the brain,
while speaking is not natural, because it depends on
the willingness and the intelectuality of the speaker.
2.2 Broca's Aphasia
This form of aphasia is named after the inventor of
the part of the brain responsible for producing speech.
Broca's aphasia is often called "motor afasia" to
emphasize the production of disturbed language (such
as speaking) while other aspects of language do not
have problems. In stroke, damage to the Broca is the
result of disruption of blood flowing through the
blood vessels that supply this part with oxygen and
nutrients. Generally, broca aphasia prevents a person
from forming a clear word or phrase, but he/she still
understand what others are talking about. Often,
aphasic sufferers feel frustrated because they cannot
get their thoughts into words. Some aphasic sufferers
may say a few words, which they use to communicate
in the type of speech characteristics known as
telegraphic speech. Because some blood vessels that
affect Broca's aphasia also carry blood to the part that
controls the movement of one side of the body
(usually the right side), Broca's aphasia is generally
accompanied by other disorders such as hemiparesis,
or hemiplegia on the right side of the body, alexia and
2.3 Basic Indonesian Sentence Pattern
Sentence is a writing that has a minimal structure of
the subject and the predicate and the final intonation
shows the writing that has been equipped with
meaning. Sentence element is a syntactic function
consisting of subject, predicate, object, complement
and description. Sentences are said to be perfect if
they have at least a Subject and Predicate element.
The basic sentence consists of several sentence
structures formed with five sentence elements namely
Subject (S), Predicate (P), Object (O), Complement
(Comp), and Adverb (Adv). Based on the function
and the grammatical role, there are six types of
sentences that are used as the basic sentence patterns
of Indonesian language, they are: 1. S-P, 2. S-P-O, 3.
S-P-Comp, 4. S-PAdv 5. S-P-O- Comp.
(Djajasudarma, 2014).
3.1 Expression Disorders of Basic
Indonesian Sentences on Broca's
Broccoli Affected Patients
The deviation in this paper is the expression of the
spoken language of a person who is not the same as a
normal human being universally. This unequal form
can be the existence of the elements of linguistics,
elemental enhancement, the exchange of elements or
elements of language that are reversed. It can be a
subject element, a predicate, an object, or a
description. The fact that cannot be denied that found
the phenomenon of language that is far from the
actual conditions. This phenomenon is present in a
condition called Broca's aphasia. Broca's aphasia
condition is a functional form caused by the main
factor that is the process of language disorder caused
by a disturbance in the human brain. Their brain is
disturbed caused by many things. Disorders of the
brain that resulted in a language disorder, the speech
of the patient deviates from normal person talks, such
as distortions expressed Broca's aphasia sufferers
with mild stroke cases (AFB) below:
(2) Researchers: What did you do today?
AFB-2: nut ... nut .... ti ban ... ban ... nu ... aya ...
ni ...
(was..was...hing my ...clo...thes
The patient actually means "washed my clothes
today" which may have P-O-K pattern or P-O-
(washed clothes I today) or P-O-S-K. AFB-2
stammered expressly, not smoothly and many words
are not perfect. Nut ... nut ... ti is understood as a
wash, then said tires ... ban ... nu .. understood as a
shirt. The sound [j] is expressed as [n]. My word is
expressed with aya, missing the sound [s]. The word
today is only expressed with this. If it is related to the
Indonesian grammar it is in harmony with this as a
determinant, whereas the word today functions as a
description of time. When the expression of uttered
by AFB-2 is viewed, it is very different as it has been
studied. Khon (2009) said that almost all the writings
on Broca's Aphasic suggest a non-fluent or faltering
language form, but the language is not reversed. In
this case, the language is reversed, as illustrated in the
sentence (3)
(3) Researcher: Kemanakah Bapak pagi ini?
(Where did you go this morning? )
AFB-3: Rok ..rok ....kok... bel ... bel ... lik.. tad ...
tad..di..ku .. (rokok belik tadi aku) to declare "aku
membeli rokok tadi pagi" (I bought cigarettes this
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
morning) . AFB-3 is only able to express the sentence
with rokok belik tadi aku previously patterned O P K
S. This sentence patter is never expressed by normal
people. This morning should have appeared in AFB-
3, but AFB-3 was only able to express earlier, said
morning lost or did not appear. In contrast to AFB-2
and 3 in expressing basic Indonesian sentences. AFB-
4 is able to express its sentences without having to
backtrack, but still stumbles and eliminates important
elements in the sentence, such as [di].
(4) Researcher: di rumah sakit ini, Ibu dijaga siapa?
AF B-4: [ib..ib..bu ... jag ... jag ... ...
an..nak.] (Ibu jaga anak).
AFB-4 is also stammered in expressing the basic
sentence. [Ibu jaga anak]. I take care of the
children” with (S-P-O) pattern.
Judging from the above conversation, that the
formation of basic sentences is successfully
expressed by AFB-4 patients, but it is not perfect. The
basic sentence that should be expressed [Ibu dijaga
anak di rumah sakit ini], but AFB-4 expresses with
[Ibu jaga anak] (Ibu dijaga anak). This basic sentence
pattern is SP O. Patient has expressed with SP O.
AFB pattern -4 has omitted the element [di], thus
changing the meaning contained in the sentence The
patient intends to express Ibu dijaga oleh anak, but it
means turning into Ibu yang menjaga anaknya. Ibu as
/S/ (Subject)” Doer”. In this case it seems as if the
child is sick and guarded by the mother. AFB-4
understands what is being asked, but she is unable to
express the perfect and correct language according to
the universal rules and understandings of the
Indonesian language.
Exactly what the experts say about Motoric
Aphasic: (1) Occurs due to Broca's brokenness in the
inferior frontal gyrus (2) Understand the content of
the conversation, but can not answer or express
opinions (3) Also called Aphasic Expressif or Broca's
Aphasia (4) Can issue 1-2 words (nonfluent). [9]
(5)Researcher: Apakah Bapak masih ingat, Apakah
pendidikan terakhir Bapak?
AFB-4: (shaked his head .... ... sed ... sed .... sede
... ku ni..on (head shake ...... aku SD. Aku ini tahun)
means that his last education is only elementary
school. Structurally, the expression of AFB-5 is also
not the same as the actual Indonesian language
structure. Patients express basic sentences with their
own patterns, based on their thoughts with pattern
PSK. When viewed from the Indonesian language
structure that applies universally "Shaking my head,
Aku sekolah SD tahun ini". This sufferer also
expresses disjointed, incomplete and reversed basic
sentences, and uses nonverbal expressions as well to
shake his head meaning "do not remember".
Expressive of the basic cues proposed in this study is
very different from previous studies, the language is
discontinuous and many elements are wiped out and
flipped through the language.
3.2 Neurocognitive and
Psychocognitive Disorders Broca's
Aphasic Affected to Cognitive
Neurology and cognitive psychology called
neurocognitive and psychocognitive are two branches
in neurology and psychology that attempt to examine
the cognitive processes of human behavior
scientifically. Neurocognitive is used to assess
neurological relationships with human language
processes. Psychocognitive is used to examine the
psychological relationships of 'science that examine
universal human’s behaviour and linguistics as part of
a scientific sciences that examines language
behaviors that can ultimately be called cognitive
psycholinguistics, psychology studies linguistics and
human cognitive processes in the study of language
behavior. What is meant by cognitive processes, is the
mental processes, thoughts, motivations, and
emotional human in regulating human experience and
behavior and language behavior. The things that are
mainly studied in cognitive psychology are how
people cultivate, interpret, organize, store, exclude
and use their knowledge, including the development
and use of language knowledge.
Neuropsycholinguistics applies linguistic,
psychological, and neurological knowledge and
language problems, such as language teaching,
language learning, pre-reading and advanced reading,
bilingualism, grammar, speech-related, such as
aphasia, stuttering, autism, brain stroke and
communication problems, language and thought
relationships, dialect problems, pidginization and
creolization and other social issues involving
language, such as language and education, language
and nation-building. Neuropsycholinguistics is an
interdisciplinary science born as a result of one
consciousness, that language study is so difficult and
complicated that a single discipline alone is unlikely
to be able to study and explain the essence of
language. So, basically Neuropsycholinguistics is a
combination or cooperation between neurolinguistik
and neuropsychology. What if there is a
neurocognitive and psychocognitive disorder in
expressing basic Indonesian sentences (Nagai, 2007).
Interpretation of Verbal Expression Sentence of Indonesian ‘S-P-O-K’ on Affairs of Broca Patients with Neurophyscocognitive Disorders in
Medan City
3.2.1 Motivational Disorder
Motivation AFB 1-5 also deviates, because it is Broca
aphasia suffered by these sufferers eliminate the
motivation to speak to anyone, if not talked to them
at all silent. After being talked to also have no
motivation to create new words, always repeat the
vocabulary delivered by others but also circling and
back and forth. AFB1-5 cannot remember the
sequence of words logically to be communicated to
others. In addition to sputtering and unclear
articulation, AFB does not have expression in speech
and usually ordinary people do not understand this
patient's speech, as shown in the data (1-5).
3.2.2 Memory Disorders
American psychologists, arguing about memory as
the most extraordinary phenomenon of the brain,
sensory experiences, perceptions of action to change
feel and remember, understand and decide (Khon,
When viewed from the results of interviews with
researchers with the patient, views, perceptions,
curiosity will something, remember something, and
decide something has been heavy disturbed. AFB1-5
never shows a high curiosity about the information,
surrounding circumstances, and views about itself
and others. This never happens when they have not
had a stroke. The most basic evidence there is no
difference AFB-1 answers to different questions. As
researchers, long-term memory and short-term AFB-
1 can be said to be disturbed. AFB- understands
what's specifically asked "about eating", not food, so
answers are the same for different questions. "Eating"
and "food" must be different or different. Here's an
illustration of his speech.
Researchers: Do you still remember your favorite
AFB-1: nat .... nat ... ti .... la ... maaa .... an.
(Nasilah makan)
Short-term memory is the retention and
acquisition of new information in seconds, minutes,
hours, and days. Also called working memory,
primary memory, and direct memory that includes
remembering and holding new information, as well as
information previously understood by the patient in a
formal or informal manner.
Long-term memory, also known as memory of
something such as counting, vocabulary or sentence
in large and permanent quantities in the human brain.
George Miller, a print researcher of cognitive and
memory psychology, any human being who can store
words in large quantities, more number of letters
stored and recalled, pieces of information that are
accommodated by short-term memory and sent easily
into the run long. humans will have no problem
recalling a 14-word sentence like "the wicked old
witch led the two trusting children into the deep dark
forest." Through word memories with very fast speed,
10 words per second. [Nagai, 2007].
Based on the definition of short-term and long-term
memory, AFB1-5 is already disturbed as well.
Patients cannot remember perfectly both long-term
memory and short-term memory, have no motivation
and creativity in speaking. Patients will not greet
people first, but they wait to be addressed.
Basic sentences of Indonesian language can be
expressed by Broca sufferers with stammer, yet it is
not smooth. Many expressions are expressed in
reverse, but there is also a missing language element
that gives rise to a new meaning. The pattern that goes
down is not the same as the normal person's sentence
pattern in general.
Neurocognitive and psychocognitive also deviate
from normal references. Stroke patients in this study
were unable to recall information ever before they
were exposed to a stroke, when speaking
expressionlessly, his face flat. FB1-5 never started the
conversation, never greeted first, but waited to be
The Authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
researcher is supported by Ministry of Research and
Technology and Higher Education Republic of
Indonesia. The support is under the research
TALENTA USU of Year 2018 Contract
No.2590/UN5.1. R/PPM/2018, 16 March 2018.
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March 23, 2018.
Interpretation of Verbal Expression Sentence of Indonesian ‘S-P-O-K’ on Affairs of Broca Patients with Neurophyscocognitive Disorders in
Medan City