morning) . AFB-3 is only able to express the sentence
with rokok belik tadi aku previously patterned O P K
S. This sentence patter is never expressed by normal
people. This morning should have appeared in AFB-
3, but AFB-3 was only able to express earlier, said
morning lost or did not appear. In contrast to AFB-2
and 3 in expressing basic Indonesian sentences. AFB-
4 is able to express its sentences without having to
backtrack, but still stumbles and eliminates important
elements in the sentence, such as [di].
(4) Researcher: di rumah sakit ini, Ibu dijaga siapa?
AF B-4: [ib..ib..bu ... jag ... jag ... ...
an..nak.] (Ibu jaga anak).
AFB-4 is also stammered in expressing the basic
sentence. [Ibu jaga anak]. ” I take care of the
children” with (S-P-O) pattern.
Judging from the above conversation, that the
formation of basic sentences is successfully
expressed by AFB-4 patients, but it is not perfect. The
basic sentence that should be expressed [Ibu dijaga
anak di rumah sakit ini], but AFB-4 expresses with
[Ibu jaga anak] (Ibu dijaga anak). This basic sentence
pattern is SP O. Patient has expressed with SP O.
AFB pattern -4 has omitted the element [di], thus
changing the meaning contained in the sentence The
patient intends to express Ibu dijaga oleh anak, but it
means turning into Ibu yang menjaga anaknya. Ibu as
/S/ (Subject)” Doer”. In this case it seems as if the
child is sick and guarded by the mother. AFB-4
understands what is being asked, but she is unable to
express the perfect and correct language according to
the universal rules and understandings of the
Indonesian language.
Exactly what the experts say about Motoric
Aphasic: (1) Occurs due to Broca's brokenness in the
inferior frontal gyrus (2) Understand the content of
the conversation, but can not answer or express
opinions (3) Also called Aphasic Expressif or Broca's
Aphasia (4) Can issue 1-2 words (nonfluent). [9]
(5)Researcher: Apakah Bapak masih ingat, Apakah
pendidikan terakhir Bapak?
AFB-4: (shaked his head .... ... sed ... sed .... sede
... ku ni..on (head shake ...... aku SD. Aku ini tahun)
means that his last education is only elementary
school. Structurally, the expression of AFB-5 is also
not the same as the actual Indonesian language
structure. Patients express basic sentences with their
own patterns, based on their thoughts with pattern
PSK. When viewed from the Indonesian language
structure that applies universally "Shaking my head,
Aku sekolah SD tahun ini". This sufferer also
expresses disjointed, incomplete and reversed basic
sentences, and uses nonverbal expressions as well to
shake his head meaning "do not remember".
Expressive of the basic cues proposed in this study is
very different from previous studies, the language is
discontinuous and many elements are wiped out and
flipped through the language.
3.2 Neurocognitive and
Psychocognitive Disorders Broca's
Aphasic Affected to Cognitive
Neurology and cognitive psychology called
neurocognitive and psychocognitive are two branches
in neurology and psychology that attempt to examine
the cognitive processes of human behavior
scientifically. Neurocognitive is used to assess
neurological relationships with human language
processes. Psychocognitive is used to examine the
psychological relationships of 'science that examine
universal human’s behaviour and linguistics as part of
a scientific sciences that examines language
behaviors that can ultimately be called cognitive
psycholinguistics, psychology studies linguistics and
human cognitive processes in the study of language
behavior. What is meant by cognitive processes, is the
mental processes, thoughts, motivations, and
emotional human in regulating human experience and
behavior and language behavior. The things that are
mainly studied in cognitive psychology are how
people cultivate, interpret, organize, store, exclude
and use their knowledge, including the development
and use of language knowledge.
Neuropsycholinguistics applies linguistic,
psychological, and neurological knowledge and
language problems, such as language teaching,
language learning, pre-reading and advanced reading,
bilingualism, grammar, speech-related, such as
aphasia, stuttering, autism, brain stroke and
communication problems, language and thought
relationships, dialect problems, pidginization and
creolization and other social issues involving
language, such as language and education, language
and nation-building. Neuropsycholinguistics is an
interdisciplinary science born as a result of one
consciousness, that language study is so difficult and
complicated that a single discipline alone is unlikely
to be able to study and explain the essence of
language. So, basically Neuropsycholinguistics is a
combination or cooperation between neurolinguistik
and neuropsychology. What if there is a
neurocognitive and psychocognitive disorder in
expressing basic Indonesian sentences (Nagai, 2007).