10 years. Age that is perfect enough to read a word.
In Indonesia in general, children begin to enter
primary school (SD) at the age of 6/7 years, so the age
of 10 years actually the child is in the 5th grade
elementary school. In grade 5 elementary school is
basically children have read fluently long sentences.
For the case of two words (group of words) PDS-
1 apparently equates the sound of [l] in the first word
position [horse] to [luda] with the second word
[lumping]. This language event can be phonologically
traced into a progressive assimilation form. The front
[1] sound affects the [k] sound at the back to sound
In particular, which occurs in PDS-2, different
cases of reading the child. Words that children read
backwards, the composition of words is not
systematically arranged, the way of reading there is at
the lowest level and not in accordance with the age of
children, children also disturbed hearing, so disturbed
the process of language and language understanding,
understand the instructions that very simple even
disturbed let alone follow the instructions more than
one at the same time, sight and hearing is also
disturbed, so can not distinguish and find the
similarity between the word one with the other word
can not spell and can not learn a foreign language.
PDS-2 has difficulty distinguishing "bamboo" with
"lamp"; or they misunderstand words that sound
almost identical, such as "seventy" with "seventeen".
This difficulty is not due to hearing problems, but is
related to the processing of inputs in the brain. Here's
an illustration below:
(2) Researchers: Read "bamboo"
PDS-2: [lamu]
Penelti: read the "lights"
PDS-2: [lamu]
Researchers: which is "bamboo" and which is
PDS-2: "light" he pointed 'bamboo', when asked
again 'bamboo' he pointed "lamp"
Researchers: read "seventy" (70) and "seventeen"
PDS-2: [tujubas] and [tujuoh]
When asked which "seventeen" with "seventy",
reversed he pointed to it, and at all the PDS-2 did not
understand the instruction. Besides the PDS-2 was
unable to read two words / groups, PDS-2 also
suffered from interference understanding. When
associated with neurolinguistics, PDS-2 is impaired
in both brain hemispheres. In the Wernicke field is the
part of the brain located on the left hemisphere of the
brain specially regulating the understanding of
language, and the right hemisphere, the khujsus
governs the language of reading and writing skills
(Ali and Gustianingsih, 2015).
3.2 Difficulties of Understanding Long
Words of Instruction in One Short
In this case the PDS is incapable of understanding the
instruc- tion of long and many words at the same time.
The PDS very much regulates the words that have
been delivered to him completely and perfectly.
Here's an illustration when researchers see the mother
PDS-3 memeberi message to his son.
(3) Mother: "Keep the bag in your room upstairs,
change clothes, wash your feet and
hands, then go down again for lunch with
mom, but do not forget to take it too
your math homework book, yes ".
PDS-3: Mak .. this is Prku "basa nesa" (bahasa
Indonesia). School bag still on, shirt schools
have not been replaced, hands and feet have
not been washed.
Mother: PR Bahasa Indonesia, taken mother. Mom
told PDS-3 to come back with instructions
the first "Save the bag in your room upstairs,
change clothes, wash your feet and
hands down, then down again for lunch with
PDS-3: Climb again to the top of the stairs, up on it
down again by saying "yok Maam "(meaning
to take her mother to lunch), but the bag
remains slung over the child's shoulders,
hands and feet have not been washed.
Mother: Ouch nang (dear call a mother to the only
child). Yes, eat us yes, but keep your bag in
your room, banging your bag who was
carried his son, Son silently looked at his
PDS-3: Son rises again to the 2nd floor and takes off
his bag, then he drops back down.
Mother: Nice my son, your bag is stored in your study
cabinet? Your hands and feet are washed?
PDS-3: Shut up, bewildered. Climb again up and
followed by his mother. Above the 2nd floor,
Mom gave an example of putting a child's
school bag into a study cabinet and bring the
child to the bathroom to wash hands and feet.
From the above illustration on data (3), it is clear
that this dyslexic child is incapable of understanding
long and complex sentence instructions in the same
situation, short time. The PDS-3 is only able to
remember the last words of "eating with mom", after
which the mother shakes the child's bag, the PDS-3 is