Thematic Realization in University Students’ Narrative Text:
Systemic Functional Perspective
T. Thyrhaya Zein
, T. Silvana Sinar
, Nurlela
and Muhammad Yusuf
English Literature Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Thematic Realization, Textual Function, Narrative, Systemic Functional.
Abstract: This study deals aims at investigating thematic realization in university students’ narrative texts based on
systemic functional perspective and its pedagogical implementation in teaching writing. The research design
employed in this study was qualitative content analysis. The research instrument used in this study was writing
sheet. The data were taken from narrative text written by 20 second-year students of English Literature study
program of Universitas Sumatera Utara. Then, the data were in the form of clause and analyzed by using
textual function realized by Theme and Rheme. The finding shows that there are 20 different titles of narrative
text comprising of 1086 Theme occurrences. The occurrences of Theme types successively are topical (725
or 66.76%), textual (336 or 30.94%), and interpersonal Theme (25 or 2.30%). It leads to the conclusion that
those three types of Theme appear in the data, and topical Theme is the dominant Theme characterizing
university studentsnarrative texts. The pedagogical implementation is some university students failed to
present the interaction among characters in their narrative text so that the lecturers should give more materials
on the use of interpersonal Theme markers in writing course.
Writing is considered as productive skill along with
speaking. Harmer (2004) clearly states that this skill
should be acquired by the students due to its existence
in the syllabus. At university level, some academic
genres should be mastered by students which one of
them is narrative. To produce a good text is not easy
since there are many aspects to be considered such as
cohesion and coherence.
Each type of text is unique based on its
characteristics namely lexicogrammatical features,
schematic structure and social function. Anderson
and Anderson (2004) state that narrative genre
possesses schematic structure namely orientation ^
complication ^ evaluation ^ resolution ^ coda. The
function of this genre is used to entertain the readers
(Gerot & Wignell 1994). The fulfilment of those
characteristics is a compulsory in order to produce a
good narrative text (Zein, Sinar & Nurlela 2017). The
investigation of the lexico-grammatical stratum of
language reveals the kinds of internal patterns of
clause structures which are highly favoured for
interpreting experience (Halliday 1994). If students
can consistently use all of the language features and
schematic structure in their writing, they will produce
a good organization of a text.
Systemic functional linguistics (SFL) is beneficial
to evaluate students’ writing (Tshotsho 2014). The
analysis in SFL is more stressing on a clause analysis
rather than a sentence analysis (Hanafiah, Yusuf &
Aswani 2018). In SFL, language has three kinds of
meaning simultaneously regarded as metafunctions
covering ideational, interpersonal, and textual
function. This is inherent in every language use in
social contexts and relevant at any linguistic level
(Sinar 2007).
Textual function (clause as message) is realized
through the use of Theme and rheme in a clause. The
departure point of the message is defined as ‘the
Theme’. This is differentiated into textual,
interpersonal, and topical Theme (Halliday &
Matthiessen 2014). When the Theme is identified, the
Rheme is just a piece of cake to be identified since it
is the rest part of the clause (Martin & Rose 2008).
The example of the use of Theme in a clause is
presented as the following:
Zein, T., Sinar, T., Nurlela, . and Yusuf, M.
Thematic Realization in University Students’ Narrative Text: Systemic Functional Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0010071212611266
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Theme realization in a clause.
broke his
The example in advance presents that there are
two types of Theme in that clause, there are topical
and interpersonal Themes. The existence of Theme in
a text is very prominent since it is used to signal the
connection of the messages (textual theme). Then, the
speakers’ position and their interaction can be
observed through interpersonal Theme. Meanwhile,
topical Theme is utilized to show who is experiencing
or what is being experienced (Butt et al. 2006). In
narrative text, the use of Theme is very important
such as textual Theme to connect the chronological
actions. Narrative text has complication part
containing the conflict and interaction and it can be
signaled by the use of interpersonal Theme. It makes
sense that the study of thematic realization in
narrative text is urgent to be conducted.
There are a number of previous studies focusing
on the analysis of thematic realization. Wang (2007)
conducted a study which is focused on the Theme-
Rheme relation in order to enhance cohesion. Then, it
presents that Theme and Rheme patterning is
applicable in teaching writing in classrooms to
diagnose students’ weaknesses in thematic
progression, selection, or even both. The other
experts, Correa and Domínguez (2014) in their
research attempt to explore narrative text by using
SFL specifically the realization of metafunction in
text. The previous studies are obviously different
from this research in some aspects such as the objects
of analysis, the theories used, and the genres.
Students are required to be capable of
comprehending and producing a well-written
narrative text in order to pass the course. Belmonte
and McCabe (cited in Ebrahimi & Ebrahimi 2012)
state that the production of well-organized and
cohesive text is possible to be attained through
thematic patterning. Therefore, this study is aimed to
investigate thematic realization in university
students’ narrative texts based on systemic functional
perspective and see its pedagogical implementation.
The findings of this study are hoped to be beneficial
as a reference for educators (lecturers and teachers) in
teaching writing, and students to improve the quality
of narrative text product.
2.1 Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL)
Language is used constantly in our daily activities.
Systemic functional linguistics (SFL) is one of the
frameworks to analyze and interpret language. This
theory is always related to the context and utilized for
construing human experiences and looking into the
working of language within social context (Naz, Alvi
& Baseer 2012). Then, the structure of language or
the text is chosen by the function or purpose set by its
speakers in using the language (Saragih 2016).
Meaning is structured at three different levels covered
in metafunctions namely ideational, interpersonal,
and textual function.
2.2 Textual Function
Halliday (1985) asserts that the textual function
(realized through the use of Theme-Rheme) is that of
constructing a message. In text organization, the
Theme is regarded as a prominent part since it is the
departure of the message (McCabe & Heilman 2007).
Moreover, in a clause, there is also the structure of
Theme-Rheme, or given-new information. The
Theme often presents given information while the
Rheme often presents new information (De Oliveira
2015). Theme comprises of three categories i.e.
topical, interpersonal, and textual.
Eggins (2004) provides the explanation of
categories of Theme as the followings:
Topical Theme: in a clause, it is normally an
element which is able to be assigned as
transitivity label placed in the first position.
A prominent thing is each clause must have
only one topical Theme. Topical Theme also
comprises of marked Theme (MT) and
unmarked Theme (UMT)
Interpersonal Theme: It happens when at the
beginning of a clause, a constituent called as
a Mood label appears (not a transitivity
label). The constituents consist of unfused
finite, Mood adjunct, vocative, polarity
adjunct, and comment adjunct.
Textual Theme: it deals with building the
cohesion in text, and this kind of Theme is
also defined as any elements which do not
belong to any experiential and interpersonal
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
2.3 Writing
Writing is a complicated process with a number of
activities happening simultaneously and comprises of
some steps namely planning, drafting, editing, and
final version (Harmer, cited in Yusuf & Saragih
2014). Then, Richards and Renandya (cited in Eliya
2015) add that writing is applicable in generating and
scrutinizing the ideas as well as language. The
effective way to learn how to write is to go at it as a
process. As the conclusion, writing is the way to
convey the idea, message, and thought in written form
involving complicated process.
2.4 Genre
Genre has close relationship to text and context.
Pardiyono (2007) states that genre is elucidated as
text type which has a function as frame of reference
so that one text can be written effectively and
precisely. In conclusion, genre is a frame of reference
which covers a staged, and goal-oriented in a
particular society of culture.
2.5 Narrative Text
Zaimar and Harahap (2009) argue that narrative text
is signed by the chronological use of time. Anderson
and Anderson (cited in Agusta 2015) assert that this
text is a kind of text used to tell a story. Zein (2009)
also adds that narrative text provides relation between
characters especially between human being and
nature, between human being, and between human
being and non human. Moreover, values and moral
aspects can be found in narrative text. Specifically, it
also has communicative purpose to amuse the readers
or listeners. Furthermore, Joyce and Feez (2000) also
hold that this genre possesses lexicogrammatical
features as listed below:
Specific participant such as human or animal
with human’s characteristic.
The dominant use of action to describe what
actually occurs. This can be explored
through transitivity analysis.
Simple past tense is generally used
The existence of dialogue realized by saying
verb or verbal process.
The use of descriptive language in order to
improve and expand the story.
The use of first or third person is possible.
Rustipa (2011) argues that generic structures of
narrative text are as the following:
This research utilized qualitative content analysis as
the research design. This method is explained as a
step to summarizing and report written data. The
research was conducted at English literature
department of Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan,
Indonesia. The number of participants involved as
sample was 20 second-year students. The reason of
the selection is they have acquired the materials about
narrative text and the method used in teaching writing
is genre-based approach. The source of the data was
collected from narrative text which the length of the
text is 250-400 words. The main instrument used was
the writing sheets.
The content analysis carried out data collection
and data analysis steps. Some steps proposed by Ezzy
(2002) to analyze the data are presented as the
Recognizing the segments of the texts
Identifying and separating the sentences into
Identifying and grouping the types of Theme
Inference making.
4.1 Results
The analysis presents that 20 different titles are
discovered in students’ narrative texts. There are
1086 occurrences of Theme comprising of topical,
interpersonal, and textual Themes. The dominant type
of Theme is topical Theme (725 or 66.76%). Overall,
text 3 has the highest number of Theme occurrences
totalling to 81 while the lowest one is text 8 totalling
33 occurrences. Text 3 has 81 occurrences of Theme
which is the highest number among all the texts. In
terms of topical Theme, text 16 has the highest
number of occurrences (54) and the lowest one is text
8 (22). Interpersonal Theme does not appear in some
texts namely text 3, 5, 9, 11, and 15.Then, text 7 and
text 12 have 3 occurrences of interpersonal as the
highest occurrences. Then, for textual Theme, text 3
has 35 occurrences as the highest frequency
occurrences while text 8 is the lowest with 9
Thematic Realization in University Students’ Narrative Text: Systemic Functional Perspective
occurrences. The description of thematic occurrences
and its distribution are illustrated as the following.
Table 2: Thematic occurrences in students’ narrative texts.
The example of the realization of topical,
interpersonal, and topical Theme is illustrated as the
Table 3: Topical theme (taken from text 17).
stayed at Berastagi for 3 days
The clause in table 3 consists of one Theme
namely topical Theme specifically unmarked Theme.
Since the clause is in the form of declarative and
started with a subject, this is grouped into topical
Table 4: Interpersonal theme (taken from text 18).
our class
won the
second prize
The example in table 4 presents that the clause has
two Themes namely interpersonal and topical theme.
Interpersonal Theme is realized by the use of
comment adjunct (fortunately).
Table 5: Textual theme (taken from text 6).
Lived only with her step
mother and step sisters
In table 5, the data present that there are 2 clauses
comprising of multiple Theme (topical and textual).
Textual Theme is realized through the use of
conjunctive adjuncts which have the function to link
clauses together.
4.2 Discussion
Thematic realization in a text has important role. The
use of textual Theme is used to signal the connection
of the messages, interpersonal Theme is used to signal
interaction among speakers or the positions which
they are taking, and topical Theme is used to signal
who is experiencing or what is being experienced.
The dominant type of Theme found in this research is
topical Theme. It is also relevant that topical Theme
is used to signal who and what is experiencing and
every clause must have topical Theme even though it
is possible that a clause does not have interpersonal
and textual Theme.
The use of textual Theme is very important since
it is to signal the connection between messages to the
previous ones and link it. Narrative text is a text
which contains of chronological use of time and this
absolutely can be described by the use of conjunction
which is considered as conjunctive adjunct in textual
function analysis. All students understand in writing
chronological story through the existence and the
distribution of conjunctive adjuncts in their narrative
Based on the data analysis, interpersonal Theme
is not found in some texts (3, 5, 9, 11, and 15).
Narrative text has complication part as the main
section of a narrative in which the writer normally
presents the conflicts or the problem among the
characters. The conflicts or problem is the result of
the interaction among the characters and it can be
signalled by the use of interpersonal Theme. In this
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
case, some students failed to illustrate the interaction
and conflict among the characters. This finding is also
in line with the research from Correa and Donguez
(2014) clarifying that problem of the use of the
Theme is also experienced by their student. In
addition, there are only two interpersonal Themes
discovered in the text namely sometimes and
The pedagogical implementation related to the
findings is the lecturers should give materials about
vocative use and adjunct to the university students in
writing class. The vocative use such as my darling,
my father, Toba, Cinderella, and also comment
adjuncts such as surprisingly, and fortunately, are
possible to be placed in the text to have a better set
for the events or conflicts to be told.
After the data have been analyzed, the conclusion can
be drawn that all three types of Theme (topical,
interpersonal, and textual) appear in the data and
topical Theme is the dominant Theme (725 or
66.76%) characterizing university students’ narrative
texts. The pedagogical implementation is some
students are not successful in presenting the
interaction among characters so that the lecturers
should give more materials on the use of interpersonal
theme markers such as vocative and comment
adjuncts in teaching narrative text.
It is also suggested that the lecturers give extra
material and practice to students in writing this genre
specifically in thematic realization. Then, students
should pay attention more on the use of Theme in
their writing since it affects their quality of writing.
The writers would like to express their gratitude to
Research Institute of Universitas Sumatera Utara for
2018 TALENTA research grant no:
2590/UN5.1.R/PPM/2017 on 16th March 2018.
Then, the thankfulness is also addressed to English
literature department, faculty of cultural sciences,
Universitas Sumatera Utara which provided so much
help and kindness during the accomplishment of this
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