Analysis of the Influence of the Use of Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) and
Lime against Unconfined Compressive Strength Value on Clay
Ika Puji Hastuty
, Roesyanto
and Rudian Syah Nst
Departement of Civil Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Dr. Mansur Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Unconfined Compressive Strength, Clay, Palm Oil Fuel Ash.
Abstract: Unconfined Compression Test is one of the parameters needed to determine the shear strength of the soil.
Unconfined Compressive Test in the laboratory is performed on original and remoulded soil samples. Soil is
one of the materials used in the construction. However, not all soils can be used as construction materials.
Therefore, it is necessary to improve the properties of the clay soil that meet the technical requirements and
parameters. One of the efforts made is by soil stabilization method. This study will discuss the stabilization
of clay soil with the addition of lime and Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) as stabilizer material which is expected
to improve the physical and mechanical properties which will be observed with Unconfined Compression
Test (UCT) to obtain a clay soil that meets the technical requirements of use on construction field. The
mixture combinations which will be used in this research are 2%-12% of POFA, 4% and 6% of lime. From
the test of index properties for the original soil has 34.43% of water content; 2.65 of specific weight;
47.33% of liquid limit; and 29.88% of plastic index, this soil is included in the group of CL (clay – low) and
this soil could be classified as type of soil A7-6. The CBR value for unsoaked original soil is 6.29%.
Meanwhile the optimum CBR value for all mixture variations of unsoaked soil is obtained in the mixture of
4% lime and 12% POFA which is equal to 9.48% and the optimum unconfined compressive strength also
obtained from the same mixture which is equal to 3,908 kg/cm
The soil consists of three components, they are
water, air, and solid materials. Air is considered to
have no technical effect, meanwhile water
significantly affects the engineering properties of
soil. The cavity between the grains can be partially
or completely filled by water or air. When the cavity
is completely filled with water, the soil will become
partially saturated. Water content is expressed in
percent, where the transition from solid to semi-solid
state is defined as the shrinkage limit. The water
content in which the transition from a semi-solid
state to a plastic state occurs is called the plastic
limit, and from the plastic state to the liquid state is
called the liquid limit. These limits are also known
as Atterberg limits.
Clay has some distinctive characteristics, which
are, in a dry condition it will be hard, in a wet
condition it will be plastic and cohesive, clay also
expands and shrinks rapidly so that it will get a great
volume change and it happens because of the
influence of water. The shear strength of the soil will
be decreased if the structure of the soil is disturbed.
The volume of soil which has a lot of clays will
change if the water content changes. The level of
expanding generally depends on several factors, they
are the type and amount of minerals present in the
soil, water content, soil structure, salt concentration
in pore water, cementation and the presence of
organic materials.
Due to the unstable clay properties, stabilization
is required in order to increase the soil bearing
capacity. Stabilization can be done with mixing the
soil with another materials like cement, lime stone
and others to increase engineering properties. The
soil stabilization process involves mixing the soil
with other soils to obtain the desired gradation, or
mixing the soil with the manufactured materials so
that the engineering properties will be better. Lime
can be used as stabilizer with condition that the
plasticity index of the soil has to less than or equal to
10%. The purposes of this research are to modify the
soil properties, to improve the wet soil in order to
make it can be used, to decrease the plasticity so that
the materials will get more stable, and to increase
Hastuty, I., Roesyanto, . and Nst, R.
Analysis of the Influence of the Use of Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) and Lime against Unconfined Compressive Strength Value on Clay.
DOI: 10.5220/0010072101630167
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the bearing capacity of clay. The palm oil industry
produces solid waste such as fibers, shells and empty
bunches. Palm bunches contain lime (CaO) and
silica that has the potential to be used as stabilizers.
The previous research (2017) on the stabilization
using lime obtained a result that lime mixture with a
mixture of 10% lime gave an optimum CBR value of
8.75%. Farras Nazwa (2017) conducted a study on
the stabilization using cement, lime and gypsum
with Unconfined Compression Test (UCT) and
obtained a result that lime mixture with a mixture of
10% lime gave a maximum compressive strength
) of 3.307 gr/cm
In this research, the materials that we used are clay,
lime, and POFA. Soil samples used in this study
were taken from PTPN II, Patumbak, Deli Serdang,
North Sumatra. The lime which is used is dry lime
bought from the store. Then the lime was filtered
using a sieve no. 200. The POFA used in this study
was taken from PT. London Sumatera, Tanjung
Morawa, North Sumatera.
2.1 Experimental Apparatus
The equipments used in this research are the tools
for Water Content Test, Specific Gravity Test,
Atterberg Limit Test, Compression Test, Unconfined
Compression Test, and other tools in Soil Mechanics
Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas
Sumatera Utara
2.2 Manufacture of Specimens
The sample was divided into two parts: the original
soil sample without lime and the POFA and samples
with the mixture of lime and POFA, as for the
percentage mixture of POFA are 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%,
6%, 7%, 8% , 9%, 10%, 11%, 12% and for lime are
4% and 6%, with curing time for 7 days.
2.3 Sample Testing
Tests for the original soil include: Water Content
Test, Specific Gravity Test, Atterberg Limits Test,
Sieve Analysis Test, Compaction Test, Unconfined
Compression Test
The tests for soils that have been mixed with
POFA and lime include: Atterberg Limits Test,
Compaction Test, Unconfined Compression Test.
2.4 Data Analysis
Analyzing the data is done after the whole sample
has been tested and analyzed. Test results can be
graphs and tables. The flowchart is show in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Research Flow Chart
The results will be discussed in three subsections,
they are physical properties, soil mechanics with
stabilizer, and engineering properties (Proctor
Standard and of Unconfined Compression Test).
3.1 Physical Properties of Soil
The results of testing the physical properties of soil
can be seen in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Result of Physical Properties
No. Data Soil POFA Lime
34.43 % - -
2. 6537 2.5744 2.59
47.33 %
Non -
Non -
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
17.45 %
Non -
Non -
29.88 %
Non -
Non -
51.38 % 75.91% 30.05%
From the data above obtained that the percentage
of soil passed the sieve no.200 is 51.38% with liquid
limit 47.33% and index plasticity 29.88%. Based on
the AASHTO soil classification, for the percentage
of passing the sieve no. 200 minimum 36%, has a
liquid limit of at least 41% and a plasticity index
value of at least 11% then the soil samples can be
classified in soil type A-7-6. Based on soil
classification according to USCS, which obtained
liquid limit value of 47.33% with plasticity index
value of 29.88%, soil samples are included in Clay
Table 2: Chemical Composition of POFA and Lime.
1 Silica (S
) 67.4 3.03%
Calcium oxide
1.542 51.8%
oxide (MgO)
3.024 0.81%
Iron(III) oxide
0.001 0.4%
oxide (Al
10.999 1.53%
3.2 Soil Mechanic with Stabilizer
Atterberg Limit test results for the original soil and
soil stabilizer are shown in Figure2, Figure 3, and
Figure 4.
Figure 2: Graph of liquid limit with percentage variations
of POFA.
The results show that the liquid limit of the
original soil is equal to 47.33% and the lowest liquid
limit value obtained from the addition of 6% lime +
12% POFA with 7 days of curing time is equal to
33.99%. It can be seen that the liquid limit has
decreased due to the addition of lime and POFA.
The greater the percentage of the addition of POFA
and lime, the smaller the liquid limit.
Figure 3: Graph of plastic limit with percentage variations
of POFA.
Figure 3 shows an increase in the plastic limit
value due to the addition of lime and POFA. The
plastic limit is 17.45% to soil and continues to
increase until the highest plastic limit value in the
6% Lime + 12% POFA of 22.86%. The greater the
percentage of the addition of POFA and lime, the
higher the plastic limit.
Figure 4: Graph of plasticity index with percentage
variations of POFA.
Figure 4 describes decrease in the plasticity
index value due to the addition of lime and POFA.
Swelling on the soil can be reduced if the plasticity
index value is low. The addition of POFA can
increase the attachment of soil particles so that the
granules formed are more stable and harder. If the
POFA and limestone are used together, the silica
contained in the POFA can cover the soil pores and
the soil will be more resistant to water, resulting in a
decrease in the plastic properties of the soil [1]. The
decrease in plasticity index is relatively large,
namely from 28.88% to 11.13% in the variation of
Analysis of the Influence of the Use of Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) and Lime against Unconfined Compressive Strength Value on Clay
6% limestone + 12% POFA mixture in curing time 7
3.3 Unconfined Compression Test
Figure 5: Graph of Relation of Soil Compressive Strength
) and Strain on Original and Remoulded Soil
Figure 5 tells the compressive strength value for the
original soil of 1.42 kg / cm² and for remoulded soil
0.718 kg / cm². The decrease will occur if the
maximum compressive strength value has been
reached. The decline occurred due to damage to the
structure of the soil received on remoulded soil. Soil
damage due to reduced soil strength is called
The soil sample used in this study has a
sensitivity ratio of 1.97. So, it is classified into low
sensitivity soil. That is, the structural damage
experienced by the soil does not have a big effect on
the change of compressive strength or the shear
strength of the soil. Clay with low sensitivity do not
lose much of their structural strength after they have
been disrupted in their original order or after
remoulded. The higher the sensitivity value of the
soil, the larger the change to the parameters of its
strength when it receives a disturbance.
Figure 6 below that the strength of original soil
) is 1.42 kg/cm
. Then, the unconfined
compressive strength keeps increasing along with
the addition of lime and POFA. The maximum
unconfined compressive strength is obtained from
the addition of 6% lime + 12% POFA that is equal to
3.908 kg/cm
Figure 6: Graph between Unconfined Compression
Strenght (qu) with mixed variation of Lime and POFA
Thus, the more the addition of lime and POFA
will result in greater compressive Strength of soil.
This is because the percentage of addition of lime
and POFA in this study is still classified in the
addition of an effective stabilizer.
1. The optimums CBR obtained on the
addition of 4% Lime + 12% POFA and 6%
Lime + 12% POFA which are 8.98% and
2. The maximum compressive strength are
obtained on the addition of 4% Lime + 12%
POFA and 6% Lime + 12% POFA with
compressive strength which are equal to
3.644 kg/cm
and 3.908 kg/cm².
3. Along with the addition of stabilizer
materials with different percentages, there
is a decrease in the value of PI on the soil
which means the soil becomes more stable.
4. Increasing the value of the maximum dry
weight (γd
) causes a decrease in the
optimum water content (w
5. CBR values obtained with the addition of
stabilizers in the form of lime and POFA
increase as the amount of mixture of the
stabilizer material increases.
6. The unconfined compressive strength (q
and Cu obtained from the unconfined
compression test are increasing as the
amount of mixture of the stabilizer material
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
research is supported by Laboratory of Soil
Mechanics, Department of Civil Engineering
Universitas Sumatera Utara.
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Analysis of the Influence of the Use of Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) and Lime against Unconfined Compressive Strength Value on Clay