Local Wisdom of Badoncek as Oral Tradition in Pariaman
Ethnic-group Wedding Ceremony
, Masdiana Lubis
Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Local wisdom, oral tradition, deliberation and consensus, customary leaders, badoncek.
Abstract: Badoncek is a type of tradition that is orally inherited in Pariaman community, West Sumatera. The term
badoncek is a fundraising activity conducted by relatives and local residents at a wedding ceremony. This
activity is usually performed at night after the invited guests come home. In this study, 20 informants of
Pariaman were interviewed in two different locations, that is Pasar Sukaramai in Medan and Naras Hilir
village in Pariaman. These interviews generated a total of 6 forms of local wisdom in badoncek and 5 forms
of its weaknesses which were then recorded, transcribed, and documented. This research uses in-depth
interview and focus group discussion. The focus of discussion was finding the forms of local wisdom and
the weakness in oral tradition badoncek. These forms and weakness were analyzed based on interpretation
and comparison methods. A number of attempts have been made to preserve badoncek tradition by
approaching the local government, customary leaders of Pariaman, and Pariaman community associations.
Badoncek tradition could also be applied to raise funds, in order to support local government program.
This study aims to find the forms of local wisdom in
badoncek and its existence in Pariaman community
today. The term badoncek refers to a tradition which
held at Pariaman tribe wedding ceremony, West
Sumatra. Another terms of badoncek are baretong,
barantam, and badantam. The term baretong is used
in the northern Pariaman sub-district Marlina,
(2009), badantam in the East Pariaman sub-district
Wita, (2018 ), barantam in the southern Pariaman
sub-district Fiftina, (1995).
These researchers discussed the badoncek
tradition in three different sub-districts in the
Pariaman city, namely northern Pariaman, East
Pariaman, and southern Pariaman. In general, there
is no difference in the performance of badoncek
tradition in the three sub-districts, each sub-district
uses its own term in the implementation of the
badoncek tradition. In this study, more focused on
the forms of local wisdom found in the badoncek
tradition and efforts to preserve it.
Research that leads to oral tradition and forms of
local wisdom in the Pariaman community have been
widely done. Malik, Ameron (2013) discovered the
role of Sosoh music at the tabuik ceremony in
Pariaman. Local wisdom found in the Sosoh music
performance is the survival attitude when there is a
battle between two tabuik groups. Faizzati (2015)
found the factors that influenced the existence of the
bajapuik tradition and uang hilang in the marriage of
the Padang Pariaman community, related to Islamic
marriage law. The local wisdom found are
sociological, economic and spiritual values. Yesa,
(2014) explored symbolic meanings in the Pariaman
tabuik ceremony, such as meaning before making
tabuik, meaning in the process of making tabuik, and
meaning in the top event tabuik. Local wisdoms
found in symbolic meanings were struggle, hope and
respect values.
Utama, (2002) found various functions of uang
hilang in Pariaman marriage customs. Local wisdom
found in his study were the endorsement of social
status, the means of social mobility, the principle of
reciprocity, and the role and position of women in
Pariaman community.
In principle, badoncek tradition is a fundraising
activity from relatives, non-relatives, and local
communities to lighten the burden of bride's family.
Badoncek tradition is only found in Pariaman
community, so it becomes the pride and the
characteristic of its community. In Pariaman city,
badoncek tradition is still being maintained.
Badoncek is a part that cannot be separated from a
series of marriage ceremonies in Pariaman
Deliana, . and Lubis, M.
Local Wisdom of Badoncek as Oral Tradition in Pariaman Ethnic-group Wedding Ceremony.
DOI: 10.5220/0010072212961300
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
community. This situation is in contrast to the
Pariaman community who live in Medan. Badoncek
tradition is hardly found in Medan. It can be
ascertained that one day in its origin place, it will
also be forgotten by its own community Wempi
Yohanes, (2015).
In badoncek tradition, actually there are some
noble values of local wisdom that has been inherited
by the ancestors. Badoncek tradition has a deep
meaning of life philosophy, that is barek samo
dipikua, jikok ringan samo dijinjiang, which means
life must be mutual help, suffering and happiness
will be shared together. Further, badoncek can be
applied to support government programme (
Mediaterobos.com 2018), (Sulaiman, TK, Rahmat
https://www.kompasiana.com/ 2015),
https://sumbar.antaranews.com/.../2014 Fundraising
from local community aims to repair mosques or
surau, natural disaster, orphans help, repairing
village road, and so forth. Badoncek tradition even
though it is open and tends to compete with each
other, badoncek are not riya acts or show prestige.
2.1 Local Wisdom
Local wisdom is a wisdom that has been agreed
upon by a community and passed down from
generation to generation. Local wisdom can also be
defined as local cultural values that can be used to
regulate people's lives wisely. Local wisdom studies
on local traditions have already been done in various
perspectives Roikhwanphut (2012) discussed about
knowledge and local wisdom of thai people in facing
problems caused by development. She found Thai
traditional communities still have enough knowledge
to rely more on their own knowledge, on their own
ways, and on nature. They live peacefully, help each
other and share with others. These noble values will
continue to be preserved, if possible, combine them
with knowledge that comes from outside. Tambas, et
(2017) found fishing tradition, inherited from
ancestors. Using old equipments, and traditional
ways, the fishing process can be done successfully.
This tradition contains forms of local wisdom such
as sense of solidarity, mutual help, and survival.
2.2 Oral Tradition
Oral tradition, according to Vansina, (1965) are all
oral testimonies concerning the past which are
transmitted from one person to another. Bauer and
Berhneim (in Vansina,1965) has defined oral
tradition is a kind of direct and indirect testimonies.
Direct testimony refers to all verbal testimonies that
are reported statements concerning the past, based
on eyewitness process. It communicates orally.
Indirect testimony refers to nonverbal testimony,
based on transmission process from one generation
to another, it is reported one.
For Pudentia (ed) 2015), it is spoken discourses,
including literary or non-literary discourse system.
Sibarani (2015) said there are three important types
in studying oral tradition, namely (1) forms of oral
tradition concerning the text, context, and co-text,
(2) content of tradition verbal with regard to
meaning and functions, values and norms, and local
wisdom, and (3) revitalization and preservation of
traditions verbal regarding activation or protection,
management and development, and inheritance and
benefit. D.A. Swanson (2008) found a connection
between oral tradition and geological studies. Data
obtained from the oral record about 400 years of
eruptive activity at Kīlauea is almost the same as the
data obtained from modern research. Blackhawk,T
(1990) has defined a kind of teaching using an oral
tradition approach, such as storytelling, is more
effective than writing style. Through this approach,
it is also considered to sharpen students' thinking
and their sense of audience's perspective.
This study is a field research. The data was gathered
from Pariaman informants who lived in Pariaman
and Medan city. In collecting data, are used in-
depth interview and focus group discussion methods
(Sugiyono, 2013). Using in-depth interview method,
the researcher interviewed the informants one by one
to get detailed and in-depth information. For focus
group discussion methods, the researcher collected
all the informants, both in Medan and in Pariaman
city separately to discuss about research subject.
Discussion activities were then recorded,
transcripted, and documented. A number of 20 key
informants have been selected, those who really
understand the customs in Pariaman. The findings
obtained from them are based on their own
experience, so empirically considered valid. Their
Local Wisdom of Badoncek as Oral Tradition in Pariaman Ethnic-group Wedding Ceremony
identity is also kept secret and only labeled as
informant 1, informant 2 and so on.
Badoncek activities are usually held at night after
shalat Isya as a closing part of the wedding. At that
time, all the relatives, ninik mamak, and customary
leaders sit together.waiting for the performance of
badoncek. The word badoncek comes from the word
doncek which means jump or throw. It means the
money is given by throwing it on the table.
Donations are carried out openly and witnessed by
badoncek participants. The amount of funds
collected depends on the role of a canang (protocol).
The term canang refers to someone who is very
adept at playing the word to attract the audience. A
canang becomes the center of attention in the
activities of badoncek. He must be able to attract the
attention, feelings and emotions of the audience in
order to increase the contribution so that the funds
needed can be met. Because badoncek was held at
night, usually the only guests who were still
remained were families, relatives and local
communities. At that time persuasion and seduction
by a canang was aimed at those remaining guests.
The amount of donation depends on the social status
of the bride’s family. The higher the status in a
community the more money will be collected.
Through badoncek tradition could be seen the
prestige of the family in its community.
The principle of togetherness and kinship in
badoncek was done voluntarily and openly by the
community in the village or from outside the village.
Donations were given in the form of money or
material according to needs. If the contributor were
not present, just entrusted the envelope to someone,
then it was called masuk angin, which means he
did not enjoy the party meal at that time.
Here is an example of implementing badoncek. The
opening words by a canang. “dek ninik mamak alah
duduak kami minta kapado urang pangka, kamudian
jo urang sumando yang dak kami sabuikkan gala
satu persatu kami harapkan dapek duduak kalapiak.
Nah kalolai kami sampaikan kapado sidang
bapangka, dek karano niniak mamak alah duduak di
lapiak kami mintak dapek yang mewakili atau jo
urang sumando yang dak kami sabuikkan gala satu
persatu yo kami harapkan dapek duduak kalapiak”.
Because ninik mamak already sat we asked the host,
then to the in-laws that we do not call the title one
by one, we expect to sit on the mat. Well then we
submit to the sidang berpangkal, because ninik
mamak already sitting on the mat, we ask the
representation or with in-laws that we do not call the
title one by one, yes we expect to be sitting on the
At this stage, canang urges ninik mamak, host
and sumanda to join them on stage. Furthermore,
there is a dialogue or what is called petatah-petitih
between the host (sipangka) and canang, witnessed
by other relatives. At the next stage, canang began
to receive money from participants, mentioning the
name, title, residence and the amount of money
The canang :
kemudian dari si upiak di pasia,
saratuih ribu rupiah
dari Sutan Malim, urang Sumando limo
puluah ribu rupiah
dari uncu Malim Jakarta saratuih ribu
aa.. iko ateh namo ipa bisan yang
berasal dari Nareh, kamudian yo
tamasuak urang sumando baiak
sumando padusi maupun sumando laki-
laki sabanyak tujuah ratuih ribu rupiah,
ateh namo ipa bisan ko ah, nan berasal
dari nareh, tujuah ratuih ribu rupiah
kemudian ditambah eh dek Sariani,
anak minantu ko ah, yo tu datuak
leman, dari ni Sariani anak minantu
tigo ratuih ribu rupiah, jadi jumlah satu
juta rupiah.
then from si upiak di pasia (place
name), one hundred thousand rupiah
from Sutan Malim, orang sumanda (in-
laws’ side) fifty thousand rupiah
from makcik Malim Jakarta one
hundred thousand rupiah
this is on behalf of the parents in law
who came from Nareh, then including
the sumando people both sumando
from the women and sumando men for
seven hundred thousand rupiah, on
behalf of brother-in-law and parents-in-
law who came from Nareh, seven
hundred thousand rupiah
then added by Sariani, this son in law,
that is datuk leman, from uni Sariani
daughter in law three hundred thousand
rupiah, so the amount of one million
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
At this stage, the canang starts playing his role,
encouraging people to contribute more. If the
amount of money collected is less than the party
budget that has been spent, then the party is called
merugi (get loss). If the amount of money collected
is more than the party budget, it's called baruntuang
(get lucky). If the party loses, canang will continue
to raise funds through badoncek. At that time, ninik
mamak and close relatives were provoked and
persuaded to give more money so that the lack of
party funds could be covered.
The results of discussions with a number of
informants in the Pariaman and Medan city, there
were five forms of local wisdom, as follows:
1. Mutual Help
Badoncek tradition is a representation of mutual help
attitude of Pariaman community. This is in
accordance with their life philosophy, ie “Barek
samo dipikua, jikok ringan samo dijinjiang”, which
means life must be mutual help, suffering and
happiness will be shared together. This activity was
found when giving money with full sincerity.
2. Openness
At the time of badoncek activity, canang urged the
audience to donate and then he mentioned one by
one the name and the amount of money that was
donated. While others record and calculate the total
amount of money collected. This situation indicates
a transparency in fundraising. By mentioning the
name and the amount of donations given, the whole
family and the audience immediately know the
amount of the donation.
3. Harmony
Badoncek activity is usually held at night after the
invited guests come home. At that time the whole
family gathered, chatting, cheering, and be happy.
This situation shows the intimacy of the family. This
situation is seen when badoncek supporters chat with
relatives who come from inside and outside the area
4. Mutual Cooperation
Before badoncek activity starts, the whole family
helps to prepare places, equipment, and snacks to
support badoncek activities. This situation shows the
sincerity of providing power assistance.
5. Deliberation and Consensus
Before badoncek begun, ninik mamak and close
relatives did deliberations regarding to the budget
problem that would be informed to the badoncek
committee. After having deliberation, there was a
word of consensus that should be conveyed to the
6. Entertainment
Badoncek tradition gives a very special attraction to
Pariaman community. This is because the
atmosphere is full of fun especially the canang style
when in action. The badoncek performance is the
peak session of the party that is really awaited by
Pariaman community.
After discussing with the informants, there were a
number of weaknesses in the badoncek
tradition.These weaknesses are the obstacles that
arise both in Medan and Pariaman city Pariaman, as
1. The lack of badoncek socialization
The term badoncek is hardly known by its own
community especially those who live in big cities.
In this case, the role of traditional leaders and local
government is needed to socialize it. Socialization of
badoncek is one way to maintain the oral tradition in
2. Badoncek is considered an old tradition
Most of the Pariaman wedding ceremonies
especially in big cities almost no longer hold
badoncek tradition now. Pariaman community are
more interested in music performance than badoncek
activities. They said that badoncek tradition was
only suitable in the village.
3. Lack of parent role in motivating young
generation. At the time of badoncek activities, most
of the audience were old age. Parents did not ask
their children to go with them. Parents assume that
the badoncek tradition is only for the old age or
married person not to the young.
4. Lack of knowledge about oral tradition culture
The role of the community, government and parents
is very important to give local culture insight
knowledge to the children so that they usually love
their own culture compared with foreign culture,
thus the local culture can be sustained forever and
remain intact.
5. Lack of empathy to contribute
Awareness to preserve local culture seems to be
decreasing nowadays. People prefer foreign culture
that is considered more trendy or practical. Feelings
of empathy to help others are getting worse now
especially in urban community. This situation can be
seen in badoncek tradition which almost lost and
Local Wisdom of Badoncek as Oral Tradition in Pariaman Ethnic-group Wedding Ceremony
The philosophy of the Minangkabau community
barek samo dipikua jikok ringan samo dijinjiang
which means suffering and happiness must be shared
together, can be found in the badoncek tradition.
Badoncek tradition is basically to ease the financial
burden of the bride when holding a wedding party.
The role of a canang is very important in conducting
badoncek. Badoncek traditions in urban areas are
difficult to find, but in the city of Pariaman itself,
this tradition is still being carried out and
maintained. Badocek tradition must be preserved
especially in urban areas, if not sooner or later, this
tradition will be abandoned by its own community.
There were six forms of local wisdom found in
badoncek and five forms of weakness. Badoncek
tradition can be applied to support government
programs, such as raising funds to build mosques,
prayer rooms and other public facilities.
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches