with a total of 436 villages (nasional.kontan.co.id).
On the east coast of North Sumatra, there are only six
small islands. The eastern coast of North Sumatra is
facing the Malacca Straits, so the potential for
pollution of the marine environment becomes more
significant than the west coast of North Sumatera.
The regulation and policy of the Provincial
Government of North Sumatra in respect of the
pollution of the marine environment originating from
the tanker on the Malacca Strait in line with the
national arrangements of the State of Indonesia.
Indonesia ratified the Convention on Marine Law in
1982 with Law no. 17, 1985. Furthermore,
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil
PollutionDamage, 1969 (CLC 1969) through
Presidential Decree Republic Indonesia 18 of 1978
and International Convention on the Establishment of
International Fund for Compensation of Oil Pollution
Damage, 1971 (Fund Convention 1971) with
Presidential Decree No. RI. 19 of 1978. However,
Presidential Decree no. 19, 1978 has been revoked
through Presidential Decree No. 41 of 1998 because
the membership of the Government of Indonesia in
the Fund Convention1971 has been burdened with a
heavy contribution to the State budget. So that
membership in CLC 1969 through Presidential
Decree (Keppres) RI No. 18 of 1978 has been deemed
sufficient to be able to provide a guarantee of
compensation funds for pollution of the marine
environment originating from oil spills from ships
including the tanker. (disperindag.sumutprov.go.id).
Another exciting development in marine environment
protection in Indonesia is the issuance of Law NO.32
of 2014 on Regional Government. The law indicates
the existence of provincial authority to manage
natural resources at sea in its territory at most 12
nautical miles measured from shoreline towards the
open sea or towards archipelagic waters (Article 27
of Law No. 32, 2014). Indonesia as a unitary state,
facing the development of circumstances, both at
home and abroad, as well as the challenges of global
competition, deem it necessary to carry out regional
autonomy by granting broad, real, and responsible
local authority to the region proportionately by
arrangement, and utilization of national resources,
including authority on marine areas. To realize the
goal of the welfare state of the people, including
fishers, On April 14, 2016, Indonesia issued Law no.
7, 2016 on the Protection and Empowerment of
Fishermen, Power Fishers, and salt farmers. This law
is said to protect fishers because they are very
dependent on fish resources and environmental
conditions. The intended fishermen include small
fishers, traditional fishermen, fishers and fishers
owners who own fishing vessels, both in one unit and
in cumulative numbers over ten GT up to 60 GT used
in fish catching business. The existence of provisions
on protection against pollution of the marine
environment will provide many benefits. However, it
depends on how Indonesia, both the Central
Government and the Regional Government, can
implement international provisions relating to the
protection of the marine environment within national
provisions and how to implement interagency
coordination. Likewise with law enforcement
problems in maritime law regimes, in the event of
pollution of the marine environment also becomes
important to observe. Indonesia is only sovereignty in
its territorial sea. In ZEE and the Continental Shelf, it
has sovereign rights. A country does not have any
sovereignty on the high seas.The Ministry of Marine
Affairs and Fisheries is targeting by 2018 all
provinces have Local Regulations governing Zoning
Plan for Coastal Zones and Small Islands. It is time
for the Regional Government to regulate the marine
zone under its management so that the marine and
fishery sector can be done sustainably. Management
arrangement of marine area, among others, so as not
to have marine pollution. In the arrangement, if done
by law it will be valid for 20 years and can be
reviewed within five years. It includes various
aspects, such as the allocation of space in the area of
overall utilization, conservation areas, specific
national strategy areas and sea lanes, thereby
determining the priority of the marine regions for
socio-cultural, economic, marine transportation,
strategic and defense and security conservation.
Unfortunately, these arrangements are not well
socialized, either to the North Sumatera Provincial
Government, the old Village Government, the Bagan
Deli Belawan Municipal Government of Medan, the
Belawan Fisherman Bagan Fisherman Society and
the Fishermen Society of Kuala Lama Serdang
Bedagai and the Group of Fishermen Association
Indonesia Province of North Sumatra. It is also one of
the obstacles and challenges of the Provincial
Government of North Sumatra, especially Medan
City and Serdang Bedagai Regency regarding
providing legal protection for the east coast fishermen
related to compensation for pollution of the marine
environment originating from oil spills from tankers
in the Malacca Strait. Other obstacles and challenges
include: the absence of accurate, up-to-date and
measurable data concerning oil spill events due to the
tanker's defenses in the Strait of Malacca; lack of
competent Human Resources in the field of
environmental pollution damages sourced from oil
spills from Tanker ship in Malacca Strait; difficulty